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Leonard Smalls

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Posts posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1427111227' post='2725794']
    I'm going to be doing exactly the same pretty shortly, using the same Hercules wall brackets which I will be putting up using these - [url="http://www.screwfix.com/p/spit-driva-tp12-panhead-fixings-metal-35mm-pack-of-100/11923"]http://www.screwfix.com/p/spit-driva-tp12-panhead-fixings-metal-35mm-pack-of-100/11923[/url]


    After many years attaching stuff to plasterboard walls, that's the method I'd use as well; it's very simple and nowhere near as easy to cock up as the expansion fittings.
    However, I'd only use these if the board is definitely attached to 50x25mm rather than dabbed on using board adhesive. The screw fittings are as strong as the plaster board and will easily hold 15-20kgs each.
    If the board is dabbed on you'll need to drill into the brick. Frame fixings would work for the weights involved...

  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1426236207' post='2715860']
    What strings are you guys using on your Wals? I've always used prosteels but I changed to Warwick black labels on the Wal as I needed a tapered B.

    I want to get as much growl as possible, any recomendations?

    I'm getting an excellently growly tone from Labella Slappers...

  3. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1426536924' post='2719108']

    I proper enjoyed that , I would bring the vocal higher in the mix , it is worth it just so you can pick the lyric out Armani ,salami marney Oh yes ....Jimmy choo shoe , canoo sweet B)

    Cheers! You might be right about the vox - but I'm kind of new to this "singing" lark so kept it down a bit. However, it was higher until Soundclooud compression!
    Still, it's good enough for sport, as we used to say at Auntie Beeb's.

  4. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1426412310' post='2717666']
    You could try option 4 - Rap :)

    Be afraid... Be very afraid...
    For that is what I've gone for.
    It's not as bad as that terrible time Peter Jones did a bit of "Rapper's Delight" on Dragon's Den, and I'm hoping lots of compression and filtering makes it not too appallingly ill-thought-out!
    I'm sure The Kidz will love it.

  5. Like it - reminds me of my youth :D
    Anyway,I'd say it just needs a bit of thickening up at the bottom end.
    In other words make the bass, snare, and bass drum deeper and wider. Perhaps double up the bass tracks, pan them out a bit and put different compression on each, one with more bass boost...

  6. Or use something like "Mike the Drummer", which has thousands of drum clips, fills etc for every occasion. It just means a bit of editing...
    Though I'm tending to tap out drums now using my keyboard's pads.
    As for the Wal, I used my ancient one with an XLR cable straight into my Focusrite so it's just Wal electronics plus VST compression. Serious heavy bass tone!

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