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Leonard Smalls

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Everything posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. P Funk by Parliament... Chorus bit is easy and proper groovy!
  2. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1330526226' post='1558850'] 82 posts and no one has answered "nothing" yet? [/quote] Small pants and a very tight ladies top, plus my old Kawai Sleekline!
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1330436964' post='1557420'] Did anyone attempt to bash the bishop at that gig? [/quote] Not with the Holy Father Himself on drums! May The Funk Be With You...
  4. I prefer Labella Slappers (who wouldn't!) or Hard Rockin' Steel in a standard gauge. Saying that I've just bought some Newtones as I'd never heard of them...
  5. I never wanted to look like anyone in the audience at a gig... More recently, with a different band
  6. I'm enjoying my Sandberg too - I play it as much as my Wal!
  7. Lawks! £9995... I think I'll get 3 Alembics instead!
  8. No! I've met him though - I booked Wilko Johnson for our village hall once... Off to ebay now for a look!
  9. Only gigged once in France - took 2.5 weeks over it, ferried to Spain, gig near Montpelier then bimbling around France with no room in the car boot for anything but bass gear! Bass heroes, btw, are Bootsy, Norman Watt-Roy and Larry Graham... And no, I'm not really a slap bass player.
  10. Not sure if I've introduced myself before, but here goes: I've been playing since about 1983, in various bands from punk to funk to rock to jazz. As far as I'm concerned - if it grooves heavily I'm in! I'm in shropshire, and currently in a funkrock band whose members are spread as far afield as France, Leeds and Shropshire so we don't rehearse very much at all. And the other band is a free jazz improv thingy, where we improvise in a free jazz sort of way Basses are a Wall Custom 2, Sandberg Basic and emergency fallback Kawai Sleekline, playing through Rocktron Utopia and Qtron, via Yamaha FX770 FX into Marshall Jubilee amp and PD cab. And I'm an electrician when not playing bass or riding bikes (mountain and '74 Guzzi!)
  11. May the Funk be with you! An under-strength Badass Weeds suplemented by Bang Bang Romeo...
  12. I've owned 3 in the 26 years I've been playing: Kawai Sleekline with EMGs (currently hanging on the wall) And a Sandberg basic, and Wal Custom 2 as below:
  13. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='419641' date='Feb 25 2009, 09:29 PM'] You're the first person I've ever heard mention Andy Warren on a bass forum and it's great to hear him get a mention!! I used to know him many years ago from the early Ants days and he had such a great stage persona, it almost didn't matter what he played. Certainly got a clanking great sound out of his Rickenbacker.. The first Monochrome Set (Strange Boutique) album was/is fantastic...[/quote] Aye - loved early Adam and the Ants (Xerox, Whip in my Valise, Dirk Wears White Sox etc), and love Monochrome Set even more... Here's their myspace page - check Eine Symphonie and He's Frank for those who don't know them! [url="http://www.myspace.com/themonochromeset"]http://www.myspace.com/themonochromeset[/url]
  14. Andy Warren -of Adam and the Ants, and more impressively The Monochrome Set.. Interesting and musical player and I'll hear no wrong said of him, poor fella..
  15. Norman Watt-Roy.. And Bootsy.
  16. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='408372' date='Feb 13 2009, 11:07 AM']It's important to bass players and a handful of other musicians. Not to normal people though.[/quote] "Normal" people tend to like lowest common denominator pop music which has had all the dynamics compressed out of it in order to make it sound good'n'loud on a cheap radio.. (He said generalising wildly!) But otherwise, dynamics is what makes music - frinstance Nirvana's "Teen Spirit" wouldn't be the same if all of them had played at the same volume all the time.. Dynamics are what bring expression to music, the quiet bits emphasise the loud bits and vice versa - it's not just for jazz or classical but for all genres.. I use compression on my bass in order to control attack and max. level, but that doesn't stop some notes being deliberately louder or quieter depending on the mood of what I'm playing!
  17. Andy Warren, ex of Adam and the Ants and the Monochrome Set (also hugely under-rated..)
  18. For me it's: Norman Watt-Roy (for getting me into bass, and the Funk when I were a lad) Bootsy Collins (for being The Funk) Jamaaladeen Tacuma (for making harmolodic and free jazz proper funky - check out his "Dreamscape" or "Mirakle" with Derek Bailey if you don't believe me!!!)
  19. [quote name='Josh' post='384046' date='Jan 18 2009, 03:15 PM']What ET is getting at is that you can't debate or just generally question Religion like we can on here, yet you can prasie God and his mob all you want in the Cristian Praise & Worship threads. Basically TB is very Pro-God, your not allowed to question yet you can whittle on about how some oversized Fairy has bestowed them with a gift from the Heavens.[/quote] No debate as such, but there is a flourishing Atheist Bass Player thread!
  20. [quote name='photographymatt' post='379915' date='Jan 14 2009, 02:09 AM']telford the music scene isnt great thou, theres um....the haygate, and um um um[/quote] You should try it in South Shropshire. Unless you want to give it "hey nonny no" you're stuffed!
  21. [quote name='MB1' post='379183' date='Jan 13 2009, 03:34 PM']MB1. Greetings!....Son Of Derrick?[/quote] I'm Derek Smalls on Talkbass... But Leonard Smalls is a different ball-game - watch "Raising Arizona" to find out! As for the Kawai, it's mainly relegated to ornamental duties now despite the EMG pick-ups.. Photo [url="http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/38/l_20a8537a54e648e1a628c8b3f6e3c70a.jpg"]HERE[/url]
  22. Hello! Thought I'd join some UK bassists... I've been playing bass for about 28 years and use a Kawai Sleekline, Wal Custom 2 and Sandberg Basic (all 4 string) into Marshall Jubilee head/PD 15" cab via Qtron and Yamaha FX770... Not playing in any bands at the moment as here in the Shropshire Borders you appear to have 2 choices; folk (usually of the "I saw a pretty maid" type ) or covers (which isn't necessarily a problem, apart from everyone wants to do poor quality copies rather than interpretations..) Anyway, used to play in a punk-funk band in That London, as well as a 15 piece freejazzfunk improv group.. So funk, jazz and rock are what I like playing, preferably all at the same time!
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