Played at The Pheasant as part of Worcester Music Festival last night...
We were told to bring minimum stuff as it's a long narrow venue, so I brought the ACG and Helix to go into the supplied Ashdown 600 and 2 Laney cabs.
And I couldn't get any sort of clean sound! Whatever I did it was distorted, and not in a familiar Ashdown growl sort of way; with my usual BBE/Crown set up, or my Marshall Jubilee, I get an almost creamy but meaty slap sound until I hit the Helix drive button when it's growl-time. So after quite a while of fiddling with eq I discovered it sounded less-bad with Helix growl also engaged.
And it sort of worked for a bit - 1st couple of songs, OK, then an old mate who'd come up from London especially to see us signalled I should be louder. I turned up a bit and it was too loud, and not only that but there was a horrible crackling every time I moved and was too loud - had to play extra-light-touch so as not to drown everyone out. So unplugged both ends while our singer did some bants, and all was absolutely fine. All sounded great - our drummer said afterwards how good the bass sound was.
However, there was a decent crowd (100ish, which was pretty full - twas difficult getting our our bass player's cab out!), and I don't think any of them noticed my bass-centric woes as they stood there stroking their chins. Though my London mate jigged wildly, and there were some young folks (they exist!) also having a wiggle, which was nice. Not only that, but we were all collared individually on the way out and told never to come to Worcester again or there'd be trouble. And that they were looking forward to seeing us on 2nd November...
No pix yet, but as most of the band are doing holiday stuff till then we do have our gardening leave photo.