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Everything posted by bassbluestew

  1. Pm'd :-)
  2. Can't see the two vol pots for solder but the tone is a 500k, topsoil get the iron out later to see what I can see. Cracking bass though.
  3. Meant to ask will changing the value of the pots noticeably change the sound ?? Which pots have which characteristics I wonder??
  4. Thanks Neips, thought it would be similar to a jazz, will look tonight and legacy know. Cheers matey
  5. Just bought a white third classic pro and I love it. Plays incredibly well for the price, and the pickups ( USA I believe ) sound great. What I'd really like to do is rewire from vol/vol/tone to master vol/pup blend / tone. Is this doable ? Am handy with a soldering iron and have successfully rewired basses in the past so would give it a go. Not a big gripe, would just prefer one vol control is all. Thanks in advance good peeps.
  6. Meant to add is it a bolt on neck ?
  7. Sorry to be a pain, would you know if this gas the same USA pickups and the new Epi Tbird Classic Pro? What was it made this one a custom shop limited edition ? Am looking between this and the new Epi Tbird Classic pro, just want to make sure I get the right one !! I'm only ever gonna buy one white Tbird after all !
  8. Does it have any type of case / cover ??
  9. God loves a trier..!! So no love for a gorgeous vintage wee trace amp and cab ??
  10. Nice P, like many folks, have no dosh but lots of gear. Interested in any trades at all ? Amps, basses,fx, tuners? Small children - your way obviously lol
  11. You REALLY NEED A sexy lined fretless black J man !!
  12. No, must have a P, or a lined fretless 5 of unknown origin, looks and sounds and plays just like a J,all black inc black hardware,.......
  13. Forgive me Gillento, was about to ask the same. C/w Aguilar gig bag.
  14. Thanks for the quick reply. Will keep an eye out, but like everyone else have no cash but lots of basses. Had a gorgeous fotoflame precision to trade too.......... :-)
  15. A guitarist in one of my bands has just bought a white Firebird. This got me thinking. Never had a T bird, would be looking trade. Please let me know if it's still available and if you'd be interested in a trade. Thanks Stewart
  16. Did this ever sell ?? Might have a trade to interest you, Stewart
  17. This is the 6 string twin of my 5, fantastic basses. Fair price too. Good luck :-)
  18. Hi David, May be interested in these. Assuming that work ok ? Where are you ? We had a massive PA failure during a charity gig at Christmas ( outdoor gig - dodgy power supplies ), typical. Do something for free and it ends up costing you:-) Thanks matey Stewart
  19. Having tried lots of different wiring diagrams and this one worked for me. [url="http://home.provide.net/~cfh/57pbass.gif"]http://home.provide.net/~cfh/57pbass.gif[/url] Got my new bitsa p bass going now, hope this makes someone else just as happy ! Stewart
  20. Bought a kinda P bass from Gary. :-). Exactly as described, fast despatch and great packing !! Thanks dude, have needed a P for the longest time ! Stewart
  21. Relax, for it is being held for me ( I hope ) and I am hoping to receive a wee pm detailing the probs with the electrics. As long as it's not terminal I'll be having it !! Looks like a lotta bass for this dosh, normally I say if it's too good to be true then watch out, but it costs me this much to fill the missus car with diesel ffs. I've started playing in a pub band, and I get a wee bit windy about taking the Smith into some of these places. Optimistically yours, and checking my messages, Stewart
  22. Our sound man recently had this request - and I am quoting as verbatim as memory allows - " Can you get them to put on Sex on Fire ". Fortunately it was approaching rapidly on the setlist so we looked like heroes, but the whole " Can you get them to put on " thing does make you stop and think. Strong drink had been taken ( by the punters too I think lol ) but even so.....
  23. Thanks Jay, not a deal breaker for me. Am selling some amps so will be in touch soon, would you take an Ibanez electro acoustic (vgc plus cover) plus a good wedge of cash. Will pm details, just running it up the flagpole in the meantime. Cheers S
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