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Everything posted by bassbluestew

  1. Jay, does this come with a case ??? Is the price negotiable ?? Thangyouverymuch S
  2. Am about to take the plunge, picked one up in a music shop a few weeks back for a quick noodle and was amazed by how much easier it was than when I remember trying it in the past. And that was a 5 string too. Has anyone tried the Epiphone Zenith f'less of the Spector semihollow f'less ? S
  3. I have only just got a new model Peterson Strobostomp Classic and it tunes my low B no bother at all. Infact I have it set to tune a semi ( oooooher ) tone flat and its just dandy. I have the volume up full ( I think ) and its absolutely steady and not jumpy as I feared it might be. It's certainly the best tuner I've used, and I have used one or two over the past 35 years, it is also by far and away the most expensive at £140. In fact as I was saying earlier to my wife, I have experienced a bit of an anti climax, as I often do when buying quality gear. It just works, no bother at all, no hassle. Bugger. S
  4. Just bought the new Peterson Strobostomp Classic. Just took delivery a few hours ago so have only played at home but initial impressions are this is the real deal, a quality piece of kit - and so it should be at £140. Built like a brick, it's pretty weighty. Has a built in DI, is True bypass, has sweetened tunings and lots of tuning options including creating your own custom tunings and saving them as presets via usb and supplied software Also considered the Turbo Tuner, and had a pitch black on loan. I have an Artec Big Dot, it's ok but I want to do set ups and it's just not accurate enough.
  5. Aw man this sucks. Really feel for you, having just come through a very personally painful band split, due to management issues - or to be more precise MISmanagement. Am in a similar situation bandwise too as it happens. Sounds like musically BAND2 - for that is what they shall now be called - seem to fit your musical criteria better. Remember also that you have been playing with BAND1 for a much longer time so they should be musically more up to the mark. Who is to say that thne newly named BAND2 won't be even better with some more experience. They certainly sound like a more fun bunch to be around.With a bit more time and effort, the world is your lobster !! And I totally get the "snobbery" bit. Don't worry, just be yourself, you don't strike me ( having met ) as a judgemental sort of dude. Good luck matey, S
  6. If I'd had more notice he could have had mine You sold all that delivery already Phil ?? S
  7. That's the kinda thing. watching it now. Thanks Billy, S
  8. It's getting towards that time of year and my middle daughter has been making enquiries about getting a bass from Santa. She's 10 going on 18 ( ain't they all these days ) and really fancies a Daisy Rock bass but that's NOT going to happen unless I can get a nice one second hand and cheapish!! Anyone got any suggestions ?? I don't know where to start looking ! She already plays violin ( grade 3 ) piano and recorder ( my wife is a music teacher !! ) so she has a bit of music in her. She is a girly girl which is why she fancied a Daisy Rock, so something pink would be good. I think she is too small for a full size bass. I will put a wanted ad in just in case someone has been in a similar position and now looking to off load that much wanted/ now neglected pressie but I wanted to ask for advice first. Thanks amigos / amigettes, S
  9. 2nd nicest Smith I've seen lol. Have a bump, chap !! S
  10. You just know it's gonna sound great !! Love it ! S
  11. As a recent convert to lighter gear, I hears ya !!!!!! Decided not to go for super light cabs ( can still carry both simoultaneously a short distance, and didn't want to wait a few weeks to A/B the SL's against my chosen DB's given my previous bad neo experiences ) but the amp is just daft light and sounds immense. Loving it!! S
  12. Scalpy, I have the same cabs as you and my covers completely enclose the cab, unlike Aguilars which leave the bottom open( where the feet are, but NOT where you tend to rest it in use ). They are quite simply the poodles plums !! It has an ingenious velcro flap affair which overlaps and fastens on three sides and is stitched on one. He's just last week done mine, get him quick and I'm sure he'll do you a great price - they do have a 10% recession buster sale on. My old Ampeg cover did more than 150 gigs, and still looked like new, no rips/tears etc and this was in a Roqsolid cover. Ask Sean who bought it....he was quietly impressed by the condidition I think, well I know, cause he bought it, and is hopefully looking after it as well as I did ( I'm sure you are Sean, and still loving it I hope!!! ) Let me know if you want any details scalpy, but I wouldn't hesitate in recommending them. S
  13. I've had a chance to use mine on a couple of different style gigs now. Have to say it's just fab. I'm using it with 2x DB112 cabs and it's is small in size but huge in sound. Very loud, very articulate, extremely versatile. We play a huge range of music from swing to chart via everything from van the man to lady gaga. With very little tweaking the amp handled all this very nicely. It's great being able to hear more, whilst my Ampeg rig perhaps "moved more air", this is a much more detailed sound whilst still having loads of oomph. The DRIVE knob is fun. I cranked it up at one point and was a full on rock god ( aye right !! ) for a while. In true Harmony Central speak - if it was stolen I'd buy another. S
  14. Have also used one of the when gigging in Germany. Fantastic bit of kit. Top quality. Don't be afraid if you don't know the name. They are huge in Continental Eurpoe. Lots of pro users. Good luck S
  15. Foirst off mods please move this if it's in the wrong place. Righty Ho. As some of you may know I have a dinky new Aguilar rig. As some of you also know I look after my gear and keep it in good/great condition. To that end I wanted some new covers for my new DB112 cabs. I contacted Bryn at Roqsolid on Monday about 1pm. I spoke to him on t'phone, customised the covers slightly, arranged express delivery,got a (very good) price and WITHIN 24 HOURS my covers arrived. They are in Leeds, I'm in rural Glasgow. Remember these are custom made - not stock - and were customised. Actual time from talking to Bryn until I unpacked them was approx 21 hours. I think that is remarkable by anyone's standards!!! A huge well done and thank you to Bryn and the team at Roqsolid. Oh and it goes without saying the covers fit perfectly. Happy boy here!!!! Stewart.
  16. I could heartily recommend the Aguilar Tonehammer 500. S
  17. Ok, time to eat humble pie. Used it live in real anger on Sat and it was amazing. The mute click was completely un-noticeable in the live environment - and I was really trying to hear it. I can also confirm it doesn't come out of the DI. So how does it sound ?? Bloody fantastic actually. The two little DB112's really push it out, the variable sounds from this head are amazing, it really will do Motown warmth or hi fi clinical and pretty much everything in between. The guys in the band who well remember my Mesa Boogie 400+ and its sprung flight case just simply could not believe the sound being produced by this dinky little head. I'm sold, completely. I'm off to email the Daves now to grovel a bit. S
  18. You're not near Glasgow by any chance ?? You could come hear them.
  19. I've got 2 db112s and they sound great together. Some guys tur. The tweeter right off on one cab, haven't tried that yet. I'd say wait if you can. I'm almost wishing I had gone for the SL112s purely for the weight as they are daft light but there were none available even to try out so rather than wait I went for the DBs which were in stock. Two together sound fantastic - just huge. S
  20. Cheers waveydavey that's good to know. Could you do me a favour and use the amp the next ti E you are doing some quiet home practises in ( I assume )a quiet environment and tell me if you get a click. There definitely seems to be a number of owners who say it is completely silent and a number of others who say it's not. ! I'd like to nail it one way or t'other. If everyone's is noisy then I guess I'll have to learn to live with it ( a small compromise for THAT sound I suppose ) BUT if only some are clicky then that's a whole new can of worms. Dave B was adamant that the noise would only come via the speaker and not the DI. If that's the case, why, and how did they get it not coming through the DI, some form of mod ? . Couldn't they do the same to the main speaker out then ?? I know it seems a little thing but I just shelled out £1400 and I was expecting to be over the moon, not making compromises.
  21. Quick update for anyone interested. Havent heard back from Aguilar despite asking a few questions in my last email a few days back. I'd like to think they are busy little bees sourcing answers and not as my cynical self thinks just hoping I'll go away. Having used the amp in anger now it sounds fantastic. Played in a large bar last night with FOUR, count 'em, FOUR guitarists all thrashing away in unison. Two acoustics and two electrics. Quite a challenge to cut through THAT din without just blowing them away, which would have been very,very easy. With some judicious knob twiddling I was very quickly able to get a nice clean warm sound that cutthrough but at a reasonable volume. A result. Looking forward to using it in a full 9 piece soul band next week. S
  22. I have to say Aguilar have been really fast at replying to this, and looking at Talkbass it seems I'm not alone. I have my first proper band gig very soon and looking forward to cranking both cabs up and letting rip. If the sound Im getting at the mo are any indication, its going to be fan - blooming - tastic. Cant wait !! S
  23. Here's a reply I got fron Aguilar, oh and I used the amp for the first time in anger last night. Played at a local session with FOUR guitarists thrashing away for all they were worth -2 acoustic, 2 electric. The amp was fantastic. Just used one cab (db112) and managed to get a great sound that cut through this rabble and still stayed nice and warm. The mute switch became less of an issue in the real world environment as it was barely if at all noticeable, and I bet only ever by me in any case. I'm dead chuffed with the sound, it really is a huge sound and a one trip load in. Amp was in pocket on my gigbag, cables,strap, tuner etc in another pocket. So with gig bag on my back, cab in one hand, bass stand in the other, I was sorted. The cabs ain't mega light but they are an easy one hand lift even for a decrepit, arthritic old fogey like me. You could manage one in each hand, but I wouldn't want to walk too far - car to venue would be ok - like that. Oh nearly forgot, hers Daves reply, Hi Stewart, Thanks for contacting me. The click that you hear is the connection to the power section being switched off. It won't get any louder when you turn up your amp. Also, it doesn't go through the D.I. output, you don't have to worry about it going through the P.A. system. I understand that this click bothers you, but it shouldn't present any practical problem or create any damage. Please let me know if this is helpful, and how I can assist you further. Best Regards, Dave Boonshoft Now for those of a more electrical bent than me, does that figure out ok??? Or am I being fed a line, cynic that I am??? Thanks troops S
  24. Still no word from Aguilar, tried the one in the shop again today and lo and behold it does indeed have a little click, gomma ask out American cousins what they think too. Any Tonehammer users had this experience ? S
  25. [quote name='JTUK' post='1357138' date='Aug 31 2011, 08:04 AM']Silent on my amp...as is the mute on my Tuner when routed through the amp. Got to say, a click would rather defeat the object for me...[/quote] Thanks for that JTUK, my point exactly. Who is going to want a noisy mute switch, you just wouldnt use it. Have to say a big plus is the quick response from Marco. S
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