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Everything posted by SammyDamacy

  1. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='476211' date='Apr 30 2009, 05:28 PM']Now that's an interesting intro! A belated welcome to you.[/quote] +1. Hi there
  2. Oh my dog. That streamline [i]really[/i] must be something rich. Oh and I see what you mean about the S2s............ [size=7] They are amazing!!!![/size] Anyway..........I know Rich takes care of his Statii, so if want to buy a virtually brand new one for ALOT cheaper then buy one of Riches! ........I need a sit down.......
  3. Not in my set, but.........Money, by Pink Floyd. Pretty easy (if you can count to 7!) and just is a great sounding song, gets you going
  4. Sold to the King of Spector himself! Now to go get that Status
  5. [quote name='maxrossell' post='470658' date='Apr 23 2009, 01:08 PM']Is that a maple burl top?[/quote] Pretty sure it's Poplar Burl.......but I'd wait for Cetera to set us straight
  6. [quote name='Shockwave' post='469874' date='Apr 22 2009, 07:00 PM']Its a bueat Damn if that was a 5 i would have traded in a heartbeat.[/quote] Haha cheers, if she were a 5 I don't think she'd go anywhere
  7. I'm in a loud tech metal band, (tunes down to A), I have a Mark Bass rig that seriously knocks the sh*t out my guitarists In my local practice rooms I use a Mark Bass 1 x 15 combo, only little but once again handles everything beautifully. Well recommended.
  8. Hi kids Basically I really want that Status that Shockwave is selling, but I need some funds. So this lovely girl is up for grabs. [attachment=24231:Photo0302.jpg] [attachment=24232:Photo0306.jpg] [attachment=24233:Photo0309.jpg] [attachment=24234:Photo0310.jpg] [attachment=24235:Photo0313.jpg] Spector Euro (not sure if it's an LX??), you all know what this bass does, it's fantastic. Plus the top on it is IMO the prettiest I've seen on a Spector. I'm looking for £700, the bass is immaculate, always loved it. Collection only, unless your close by [b]If that Status goes [/b](which it probably will) then I probably won't sell her, but would be open to offers on 5 string trades, try me Cheers!
  9. Phwoarrrrr, she's pretty Sorry to hear bout the uni problems man, mine owes me £1200......... How much you looking for her? I need to know.....so I won't buy her
  10. I play in a tech metal band, and for most songs they are in standard tuning, but a few are tuned A - A - D - G Obviously I realise this might seem like a waste (as two strings are tuned the same), but the contrast between the low A and the rest of the strings sounds beautiful IMO of course
  11. Alright kids, if we're playing this game........... My Kingbass Artist, she is a pretty girl [attachment=24159:Bass.jpg] [attachment=24160:Kingbass.jpg] [attachment=24161:Kingbass__3_.jpg] [attachment=24162:Kingbass__7_.jpg] [attachment=24163:my_bass2.jpg] [attachment=24164:my_bass.jpg] Sadly I CANNOT take credit for these lovely piccies, they were taken by her original owner Craig (or BassWesty) Think he did a damn good job, don't you
  12. I've found that what sometimes people (I mean none bass players) mean when they ask for that "classic precision sound", what they're really asking is a sound that just sits in the mix, which most producers associate a precision bass with. When I had the Lakland DJ, that sound was really appreciated, especially on the neck pickup. Must say since I've started using the Status I haven't had a complaint, even from the guy who only believes that a 'real bass' is a 70's fender jazz or a p bass (even if he REALLY hates the look of it, love of god I don't dare flash the LEDs.......) But back to the OP, I think it is a classic sound, won't argue with that. One I've never liked, but respect all the same. It seems to be a reliable tone. Never got on with precisions. I personally only like the tone if it's played with a pick through a big dirty ampeg stack
  13. Wow, cheers guys for all the advice! And as for the question am I using an active bass, yes A Status Kingbass and a Spector, the two loudest most powerful basses I have EVER come across. Hence why I'd like a pretty good compressor, and these two just seem to attack any compressor I've found! And I would prefer rack I think.....no real fiddling about and it's out the way! Cheers kids!
  14. [quote name='it1775' post='465618' date='Apr 17 2009, 10:48 PM']No worries non taken I have looked at this, and it did make me think. Like you said i've seen some go cheap like yours, but seen quite a few others go for about £500, and this was before the price increase and they weren't as new condition. i'd love to sell it cheaper, but have already lost a hundred pound selling it for £550, and its practically new, so I thought it was a fair deal to be honest. I'd be losing almost 40% of what I payed at christmas if I sold it at £400 If it doesn't sell i'll just keep it, 'tis a lovely bass ![/quote] No arguments there, they are lovely! Best of luck with sale mate
  15. [quote name='stratty' post='465621' date='Apr 17 2009, 10:55 PM']Hi guys im after either a 19mm string spaced Kingbass black beauty or a GB Rumour or similar with red front and side leds! my bb has red f+side leds and bendwell and has 16,5 string spacing can anybody help? thanks Andy[/quote] I get it, I stamp on your turf so your over on mine Haha good luck with this mate, it shall be an interesting race (although the BB is so much sex I fear for my poor bass) Best of luck mate! Sam EDIT - You obviously joined way before me, so quoting MB1, I'll just get my coat.......
  16. SammyDamacy

    Hello !

    Haha, perhaps the sea will block you from buying things here aye! Clever bank advisor sea it is.
  17. Mine looked like that No offence intended, but your price might be a bit hopeful. Usually jags go between £350 - £400, sold mine for £375. Just some friendly advice, but you are the seller Cheers!
  18. SammyDamacy

    Hello !

    Hi there! Good to see some more 20 year old players on here, bit too many old f............... Joking kids Stay off the for sale thread. Your life will disappear to a laptop screen and counting the change in your pockets and socks. Enjoy
  19. [quote name='wesfinn' post='465320' date='Apr 17 2009, 06:02 PM']withdrawn due to realising i should keep this i'll just sell the fridge or something else that isn't important instead...[/quote] You can have my fridge fro my room to replace it
  20. As discussed, here she is (Sorry about the sh*te pictures, need to buy an actual camera) [attachment=23970:Photo0296.jpg] [attachment=23971:Photo0297.jpg] [attachment=23972:Photo0298.jpg] [attachment=23973:Photo0299.jpg] [attachment=23974:Photo0300.jpg]
  21. I can confirm if mr wes decides to sell this is at a beauty, really looks quite unique too! Bump for a good guy, let's hope our bass woes are sorted!
  22. Hi all! After a good compressor, currently using the boss me50b, not too sure if it's really up to standards on sound........ Basically I do ALOT of tapping, band n solo stuff. Any recommendations? Cheers!
  23. [quote name='basswesty' post='463622' date='Apr 16 2009, 08:13 AM']EDIT - Pics added, hope Craig doesn't mind me re-using his pics, he did a sterling job! Sam, I can't believe you're letting this go. No probs using the pics and good luck getting what you want. I can confirm that this is a beast of a bass and very very nice to play. [/quote] Hey Craig! Tbh I doubt it's going anywhere, as I said this is my fav bass ever, the string spacing is just getting to me. I would only trade it for another kingbass, so if no one wants to trade I'll be keeping her, which is no great shame. Hope all is good mate.
  24. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='463519' date='Apr 15 2009, 11:22 PM']How did you go on with the guy over on statii?[/quote] Hi Rich! I must personally thank you for my joining of that site......all the times you mention it I thought I should try! He seems pretty keen, although his has side leds that he would like the bass he traded for to have......(unless it's a particularly nice kingbass) Just sent him the pics, see what he thinks, then he will do the same. He needs to send the bass back to Rob for some repair, apparently the led on the 21st fret had died lol. Also he is ireland, which is hassle but if it would make both our bass playing lives happier I'm willing to comply!!! As I said I love this bass, but more and more I'm realising I'm clashing other strings, where as my playing on my spector euro is much tidier. I'll keep you posted
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