I bought an NXT a few months back and I'm in the fortunate position to have it set up all the time in the conservatory, figured this would give me plenty of practice time, and it's working, I pick it up and play a lot!
But, I'm struggling with the stretch in my hands between the notes at the top of the neck, so moving from a B flat to C on the A string. I really do have smallish hands (hence the reason for me playing a Fender Jazz) my mrs even refers to them as being webbed lol!
So, do I stick with the NXT and get some lessons to help out with my technique or move it along, put the extra cash in and get the NS omni bass, which is the same scale as a bass guitar?
Advice would be much appreciated as I'm really enjoying playing upright and would like to quickly get a few jam nights in with a mate who plays acoustic, I could easily do that now with the songs we do, but I'm thinking more long term and progressing on UB