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Posts posted by tarcher

  1. Hello and welcome David.
    I was down in Hanwell today at a rather good guitar shop tucked away in the back streets.
    I'm just up the road in South Harrow where we have a couple of locals doing open mic nights.
    I can put you on to an excellent teacher up in Carpenders Park if your interested.
    Pm for a phone number if you want more info.
    Enjoy the site

  2. My wife says I can look but not touch.
    Seriously its a lovely looking bass and if I wasn't overspent I would love to have it.
    Its probably waiting for its Mr Right to come along.
    I would add that if it were mine I wouldn't let it go at that price unless I were desperate.
    If I were you I'd take it off the market for a few weeks then have another go at selling when possibly theres a bit more money floating around.
    Theres been nothing that good looking on ebay for that price.
    Good luck with whatever you do.

  3. There are plenty of leather workers in this country will make you a strap to your design and size.
    If you cant find any one pm me and I can put you on to some one local to me who can do you a nice custom job for not a shed load of dosh.
    You can even have it engraved with lots of pretty designs as well.
    Come to that you could make one for yourself if you wanted quite a plain design.
    If you wanted to decorate it,its not to hard to do either.

  4. [quote name='funkygreega' post='746995' date='Feb 16 2010, 10:55 AM']I hope he doesnt do what 'jimmypreston' ended up doing. Life is far too short and too precious to be messed about with.
    He very clearly needs help. No point in retribution, I think he is in far greater trouble now.[/quote]

    I actually feel sorry for the geezer.
    What he did wasn't right but his head had to be in a mess for him to do what he has apparently done.
    Still there's nowt as queer as folk.

  5. [quote name='walbassist' post='745496' date='Feb 15 2010, 07:25 AM']Hello everyone

    Well, I've decided to withdraw this bass. I just can't bring myself to sell it, even though I rarely play it.

    Apologies to all those who have expressed an interest.

    Best wishes


    Well done.
    If you had sold it I'm sure you would have regretted it.Is allyou need to do now is fall back in love.Have you considered Relate :)

  6. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='631574' date='Oct 20 2009, 04:47 PM']I bought the same bass this week & love it. Loads of tone & feels like a tricked out jazz[/quote]

    What are you like Tim?
    With all that gear you've got,where do you keep the wife? :)

  7. I've come into bass playing late in life and I'm enjoying the whole aspect of it,from learning to do new excersises on the instrument thus consolidating the building blocks that will enable me to reach a degree of competence on the instrument to the looking and sometimes indulging in new(old)equipment.
    I love old stuff but cant afford the old P's and J's that were around when I was a youngster but I've got a couple of nice sounding guitars that I really enjoy playing.
    My latest equipment fetish is to make a retro looking valve combo after the style of the fender TV series.
    So its a bit of both for me.

  8. Oh you lucky lucky sod.
    I yearn for the day I'll have learnt enough to step up on the stage at my local,I know it will come and as long as I can make a half decent stab at it I'll be happy.
    You'll be among mates,you know what your going to play, just enjoy it.
    If you do make a mistake don't worry just keep going.
    Every one will be on your side.
    Have fun.

  9. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='726050' date='Jan 27 2010, 09:11 AM']I would expect in a Lightwave wood would make about the same difference it does on a bass with magnetic pickups as both get their tonal info solely from the vibrating string and don't produce useable sound acoustically.[/quote]

    Must do really,the mechanics of it remain the same only the method of conversion differs.
    Put my last comment down to the musings of a middle aged fart.

  10. I'm learning the notes on the fret board by running through the cycle of fourths and by saying the note as I play it.
    I'm doing this one string at a time and varying which note I start on.
    Also doing it with a metronome.
    Its a bit tedious but if you do it for half an hour a day after a week or so you should have it nailed.
    Good luck

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