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Everything posted by rogo

  1. sorry I’m a noob, what exactly is tail lift? Absolute beauty btw!
  2. cocaine- Eric Clapton
  3. absolute beauty mate, watching with interest
  4. I've been using one of these for a few months now. its an absolute monster, easily the best sounding bass amp i've ever heard imo. The weight is less than ideal but luckily its manageable for me. Its a real looker too
  5. I’m absolutely buzzing for this bass, I’m a big fan of Gene’s playing and singing, not always his talking lol. Never expected him to release a thunderbird though
  6. another top notch gig, quite a small crowd but really good vibes got a few more coming up soon
  7. quite simple but it works for me, trace Elliot which I got for free off my drummers neighbour and a fender distortion pedal
  8. I’ve always been amazed at bassists who can sing and play at the same time, and there’s quite a few bass players with amazing voices, look at Randy Meisner for instance. So, who’s your favourite singing bass player?
  9. I’ve been eyeing up a lovely stack with a kustom de300 head and a kustom cab as I’m not totally happy with my ashdown studio 10 (it’s started beeping like a fire alarm?), just curious to see if anyone has one or has had one, I’ve heard some good things but I’m not sure if it’s better than my combo atm. Any info on it would be much appreciated. Cheers
  10. me and the two guitarists from my band turned up to an open mic night a few months ago, where we had pretty bad luck to say the least. During the first song the PA caught fire, which was promptly put out and I was simply told to plug back into, then the rhythm guitarists strap snapped in half which lead to us stopping our best song half way through, then the lead guitarist snapped 2 strings at once and ran off before the third song and left me awkwardly telling jokes to a not very impressed audience lol. Good night overall though
  11. Hi, as the title suggests there’s a slightly ragged looking (but alright sounding) Line 6 amp in my local guitar shop. It’s a whopping 150 watt combo for a real steal at 100 quid, and it’s certainly quite the upgrade over my vox pathfinder 10 watt I have at the moment. Is it worth it? Does anyone have any experience with these amps? cheers
  12. admittedly this was a few nights ago, but for my first paid gig it was absolutely amazing! Got a nice little bit of cash, loads of mates turned out to see me and my band play, and to top it all off we’ve been offered a headliner at the venue in January! I can see why people like playing live now lol
  13. had my first go at an open mic night with my band (minus the drummer), got a lot of compliments and had a great time so not too bad overall
  14. watching with interest…
  15. I’m looking for a new amp, what’s the wattage please?
  16. got to be my 2008 Fender jazz, my absolute pride and joy
  17. absolute beauty mate, glws
  18. been thinking about this for ages! Ahem…black 70’s Fender Jazz, tortoise shell scratch plate, matching headstock, block inlays, white binding, chrome pots, pickup covers, and a thumb rest. I’d be a very happy man
  19. learned one of my all time favourites, I Can’t Tell You Why, lovely easy bass line, moving onto Go Your Own Way
  20. rogo


    my modest contribution a 2007 Fender jazz (fairly bog standard, doesn’t even have Pearl inlays), and a 2004 Squier with the original strings!! I did slightly cheat by putting block inlay stickers on the Squier but I think it looks rather fetching…
  21. I always see these ludicrously expensive (albeit lovely) custom shop basses, be it fender or someone else, and I assume that someone must’ve ordered them at one point, but just out of interest, has anyone here ordered a custom shop bass? What was it like? What’s the process? Can you have whatever you want or are there set options? cheers
  22. both look lovely mate, the bass is a steal too, but I don’t think I could justify having 3 jazz basses lol, glws
  23. the lead singer of my band atm keeps trying to take my bass and ‘suggest’ bass lines for me, which I’m ok with, but he has absolutely zero musical talent. In the middle of practice once, he actually came and tried to take my bass out of my hands whilst I was playing! Luckily he hasn’t been to practice in a while as he’s fallen out with just about every member of the band…
  24. quite a modest collection, from left to right- 2007 Fender jazz 2004 squier jazz 2001 20th anniversary squier p bass cheers
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