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Everything posted by DawnPatroller

  1. I am inclined to agree with this. Ozzy said as much himself in the infamous interview from Decline of Western Civilisation, that Sharon's intervention as band manager spoke for itself. The band were so caught up in drugs and fame, they were an easy target for unscrupulous industry players to rip off. A familiar story from many bands of the time with young members barely out of school suddenly making millions in an environment that would make anyone's head spin. She made unpopular decisions with her head not her heart that ultimately protected the band's interests - and she stood by those decisions no matter what. The mark of any successful business (wo)man. You might also be interested to know that a few years ago, I was employed in a business that took us in and out of the Osborne's home in Buckinghamshire. Ozzy and Sharon's bedroom has two ensuite bathrooms - one for her and a seperate one for him. I expect that insisting on not sharing a bathroom with Ozzy is part of the glue that holds the Osbournes together!
  2. Sharon will still be booking Ozzy when he's in a box.
  3. Would love to say I was killing some Kreator when this was taken but knowing me it was probably something saft like Def Leppard πŸ˜†
  4. Some spot-on opinions in here about Newsted and Trujillo's bass abilities and contributionsπŸ‘
  5. Are you this much fun everywhere you go?
  6. You can't spell crap without rap πŸ‘
  7. Couldnt have said it better myself πŸ˜‚
  8. πŸ˜‚ No mate, do you? (I don't use picks anymore anyway)
  9. I've got one of those. Somewhere.
  10. I took this first photo the next morning. The rest used to be up on the Eddies website.
  11. Colin was a top bloke yeah. It wasn't an insurance job as such because there's no way he'd have jeopardised everything he'd worked so so hard to build. But everybody knew it was the last undeveloped building on that plot where city centre apartment living was being built for big money nonstop at the time. Whoever set that firework off that started the fire, you have got to ask yourself if they'd done it with that agenda in mind. If it was just a coincidence, we will never know. I spoke to Colin on the phone the next day and he told me he'd stayed in the building as long as he could until the smoke was so overwhelming he risked his own safety. He said he was terrified someone had passed out drunk in a dark corner somewhere and had not been evacuated.
  12. A rock institution, Edwards sadly burnt down after a fire started one Saturday night when it was packed full of people. I was there (no, it wasnt me).
  13. Wow, Barberellas! That's a place I haven't heard mentioned for a long time. P. S. Alroight, bab?
  14. No, silly πŸ˜‚ It said several complimentary things about my... attributes Of the bass variety, obviously
  15. Cheers. I picked an easy one. And waited until everyone was drunk πŸ‘
  16. An amusing ZZTop joke... they're ain't many!
  17. Flipping heck Wad! You were cool!
  18. I have a feeling that one cancels the other out πŸ˜‚
  19. I know, right! (Couldn't have done it without you, Justin!)
  20. Well, I wasn't wrong when I said that other bassist didn't mind stepping down for one at my party ... He kindly packed my gear away for me at the end of the night and I've just come to put my bass back on its stand now I'm back home and found a note from him inside my case πŸ˜‚ Nothing ventured!!
  21. Fifty and fabulous, darling! I tell everyone I'm 26 the rest of the time.
  22. Haha I doubt it, I might need to learn to play bass first!
  23. Bugger. Massive video there. Sorry folks.
  24. It was my 50th birthday party last night so I surprised my guests by playing bass with the band we hired. Their bassist didn't mind stepping down for one, which was just as well because I made him film it. This is the first time I've played bass in public, with just a quick run through during soundcheck prior to the party starting. The guy making most of the noise is my twin brother. Also his party. Obviously. 😁 20 may.mp4
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