Anthrax, right?
I hate those phone tickets, I never have my glasses on to get into the Ticketmaster app, and what are you meant to do if your phone runs run out of battery?
I have never been to Bristol 02 before, was rather bemused by the airport security style scanners, could do without emptying all the shizzle out of my pockets though ...
Sold out gig, wasnt it. Absolutely rammed. I couldn't find my way around or figure out how to get upstairs/downstairs when I first came in, it was so crowded. But as luck would have it, I had a wander in the general flow of direction, got a spot down on the rail AND I caught a pick (yay!)
This handing out the water biz after the show is abit nanny state but I can't knock it. Still went straight to the bar and downed another pint of tap water before I left.
The week before I was at Birmingham 02 for Carcass. No scanners but had to empty out all the pockets for a wand wave on the door. The security guy tried to take my hairbrush off me, said I couldn't go in with it. Following a brief discussion, he conceded with a "Don't hit anybody with it, alright?!" and off I swan into the venue. I was wearing a bullet belt but hey, better watch out for my Tangle Teaser there, folks.
I give up ...