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Everything posted by Supernaut

  1. Add that to Russian, Chinese, N Korean... just buy Super Brights dude and don't get caught up in social media hype.
  2. You would probably enjoy GHS Pressurewounds light gauge also.
  3. Has been my power supply since 2010 and still going strong. It doesn't get much better than this.
  4. Anyways Nordstand pickups will see you right.
  5. Still give me finger burn after changing the formula.
  6. Sunbeams, Super Brights, Foundations, Pure Blues. All 40-100 gauge.
  7. Amps & Cabs section?
  8. Yes. Have played all three.
  9. Fantastic pedals. Absolutely love mine for the low gain valve thing.
  10. No idea why some bass players on here will attack a woman because she has the audacity to pick up and play a bass.
  11. Don't understand the Spark hate? It's supposed to be neutral sounding?
  12. Hmm Fender's QC is okay at best. Shouldn't have to play multiple basses to find a good one.
  13. Why replace a US neck with a US neck?
  14. See you at the front...
  15. Always thought it was weird to tell your SO you love them because corporate greed told you to.
  16. I'm looking at getting a TC MojoMojo (anyone selling?) and would like to get an idea of how big the gain jump is from the Spark Booster to the Mojo. TLDR: How much more gain does the Mojo have over the Spark Booster?
  17. Update: Polytune 3 > Phat Phuk B > Beta Mk II > Blower Box V2
  18. Let me know when you have Parkinson's how well you can sing.
  19. Alan, Ian and Keith will now approve of your bass playing next time you turn up to gig at the Dog & Duck.
  20. Talk about throwing your toys out the pram! Sell it on here, buy the Spector, use the left over cash to go on a marketing course.
  21. I would go for the VT Bass DI.
  22. The 40th Anniversary Precision I have plays better than most Fender's I've tried. When I bought it, my intention was to buy a CS but this blew them out the water. Great basses.
  23. I can definitely back that statement. Fantastic basses.
  24. Member joined one month ago. Absolutely nothing wrong with Squier bass guitars.
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