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Everything posted by overwater#1

  1. Bump, any offers at all on any gear, or any interest
  2. What sort of figure do you have in mind price wise?
  3. Pm me any offers etc on the above gear for sale. Can meet in Blackpool, or Central Manchester. Best wishes, Matt
  4. Its the AW2816 I thinks.... not got it with me in Manch. Reasonable weight, 8 pointy corners, could do some damage to your enimies!?! World domination... well Its there seriously though! Going to try sell my Trace gear etc too.. If they sell, this be mine!
  5. Rackcase, Rack ears Still For Sale! AH400SMX STILL FOR SALE! 1048 CABINET STILL FOR SALE!
  6. Holy mother... wow! I LOVE my Tri210L, just sublime! Right.. things going up for sale now. I don't have the money for this, so things going up now.. Oh how i'd love this!!!!!!!! Don't fancy a trade for, hmm I have a Yamaha professional recording console + cash your way?
  7. Yep PMed.. i've waited so very long for one to come up for sale!!!!! Problems mentioned in my PM however. Best wishes, Matt
  8. Metro? Blue and Black... Not Nemesis?
  9. Still definitely not interested in splitting? PM with any details, I might be interested again....
  10. No worries at all, let me know if you do split however, or if there's something we could work out. I've heard they're awesome heads!!! Really don't need a 2x12, otherwise I'd be in there now. Aw, thanks for the comments! Definitely, I've just got a new main head to use with her, an ebs td650, lovely hi-fi tone with my accugroove cab! Turn up the bright control, and that Smith sparkle.. Oooh yeah! Had her for probably 6 months, blows me away every time its out of the case. Definitely worth every penny, so very proud, always wanted one!! Hope the sale goes well anyway, phenomenal looking rig together really! I'd love to go for the whole thing. Very best wishes, Matt
  11. If you did split, I could well be interested in the head alone.
  12. Bargain price this! I absolutely love mine, surely one of the very best bass heads around! Awesome piece of kit!!!! Good luck with the sale!!!
  13. As new condition MarkBass LittleMark type Rack Ears. £20 posted Best wishes, Matt
  14. Hi all, I'm selling an as new Shallow 3U rack flightcase, by flightcase warehouse. Custom ordered by me 6 months ago, and spent most of the time on bandstand at work, so no marks from me. I'll take photos and get depth on Saturday, as its in my changing room at work. Think it was 30cm depth on memory, or deep enough to accomodate my LMII. I'll check for definite then however!!! £90 plus postage. Thanks very much! Matt
  15. BUMP! MarkBass now £380. Postage included now on the MarkBass. Any interest, pm me!!
  16. No worries! I think a cash sale on my Markbass is needed really anyway, could do with replenishing after buying EBS head. Oh yes, I can't think of anything better than my AccuGroove cab, its truly awesome. Just a bit larger than you're standard 2x10. Great though! Good luck with the sale, bet its a superb cab!!
  17. Limited edition MarkBass LMII? Who knows, I've always fancied trying one of these cabs, and might need something more compact for Uni, opposed to may rather large Accu Tri210L.
  18. Oh yes, its a cracking amp! Rather special! Thanks for the bump! Time for another
  19. Aw cheers Mert, really appreciate that mate! Thanks very much! Hope you and family are well! Anyone thinking of dealing with our Merton, have no worries.. He's not a bad guy tbh Oh, and.. Er, bump! I've had two offers on the LMII, although I have a strict minimum figure in mind. Anyone interested, please PM! Open to ideas, and willing to do trades on the rackcase... Effects and such. Best wishes! Matt
  20. Korg DTR2000 now withdrawn!! I have it all racked in a 4U, and its perfect! Sounds just incredible!! I'll miss the MarkBass however, its truly a superb amp, and is certainly not inferior to my new EBS. Its a superb, flawless, extremely reliable piece of kit!! Anyone interest, feel free to make me a fair offer on the prices stated, I'm open to negotiation!
  21. Bump!!! Please get in touch any interest at all!! EBS is now here, and is the dogs danglies... Understatement!! Neither Markbass or Trace will be seeing use for the forseeable.
  22. Cheers mate, really appreciate all the help!! Guys, I was so close to buying this, and the process was an absolute pleasure. Gavin is a real gentleman, speaking on the phone a couple times! Have no worries anyone considering this!! Its a great rig, and a great seller!! Hope it goes well bud, best wishes!! Matt
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