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Everything posted by overwater#1

  1. No way, still got the Wishbass!?! Tempted actually.. Just I'm pretty set on another rig which is being held for me. Hmm.. BUMP anywho...
  2. Didn't have any problems/damage etc? Sounds great, i'll check em out. It was pricey when Merton shipped it to me!! Thanks mate!
  3. I have set on what I am after now, that I am saving up for, hence the sale of this fantastic, awesome combo. So if anyone is interested... I promise pictures soon. Can't believe how busy things are at the minute! Best wishes, Matt
  4. Bugger.. i'd have both if pay day was nearer, and my combo sold faster!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm third in line if you both decide to back out!
  5. That's exactly the one, apart from this one has uprated 8" speakers, which I believe play better than the originals. Would look into shipping, should be ok. Unless you fancy meeting halfway, at say.. Manchester, or somewhere? Great combo!! Don't wanna see it go..... Best wishes, Matt
  6. Hey Ste! Hows things mate? Sounds a sweet rig, thats the kinda thing i'm aiming for now... Keeping the heavy AH400SMX rig. After MarkBass really, or any other ideas.. Will meet up sometime!! I'm doing some shows soon in Lytham, few jobs... need to organise a NW bass bash in fact!! Got your number Pics soon, held back as thought I had a deal with a friend. Open to offers, and trades.
  7. ..its got properly fitted locking castors.... could remove the speakers to make lighter?
  8. Hey Mark, you'll get a PM from me tomorrow..just tried to PM you, but i'm not allowed to send any until tomorrow?!?! Book arrived this morning anyway, postman woke me up, worth it though! Thanks very much mate, really appreciate it! Looks a top book!!
  9. Vtype straight swap for the LMII?
  10. Would any of my Trace gear tempt, plus cash your way?
  11. Hi there mate, I'll take the Entwistle book. PM me some paypal details. Cheers! Matt
  12. Ahh, thats the exact combo i'm after! Been waiting for one of these to come up.. Does anyone fancy buying my Trace Elliot V-Type? As soon as thats gone, if this is still here, I can send you some cash... This is spot on what i'm after!!! Unless you fancy some cash plus my VType?
  13. [quote name='chrisgriffiths' post='601728' date='Sep 17 2009, 09:05 PM']Would prefer not to go down the combo route at the moment tbh. Is the AH400SMX one of the old neon light heads? Always liked my 7 band 300SMC. Cheers Chris[/quote] Yeah thats the one!
  14. Trace V-Type? My 4x8 combo, or the AH400SMX head? Rather not lose the head, its awesome, but its there if you fancy? 4x10 and 1x15 cabs... Money negotiable... Unless youre on about V8 heads and w.e...
  15. Who can I paypal some moolah too? I'll take it?
  16. Back to the top, pics soon I promise! Used this last night, wow! Half tempted to keep.. Still for sale mind
  17. If someone wants my Tracey VType, this is mine....
  18. Hey Shaun, Great to hear from you mate! Hope you're well! Yeah, let me know if you've any gigs, or if you're free one day. I'm staying at home for another year before college, working full time at Somerfield in Poulton, not bad, easy beer tokens... haha! Concentrating on my bass trombone work really, busy playing! Fancy another VType? You know it's tempting! I still have the Wal btw... call round sometime, or we'll meet up! I'll pm more, and my number!
  19. Hey Mert, Hope you're well mate! Gutted to be looking at seeing this go, just been using it, cracking bit of kit! Might have second thoughts... It isn't 'that' heavy I don't think... Not horrendous, it ain't light however! Proper locking castors are fitted, courtesy of Mr Merton, and work a treat! I finish work a bit earlier tomorrow, probs due to starting earlier, so I will get some pictures on! It's in pretty much mint condition, very tidy! All specs are there then really, anything else, PM me! Any interesting trades, i'm open to any ideas! Ideally I want a Markbass head, and a lightweight, top quality cab, favourably a 2x10. Or combo. Anything Schroeder, Epi, Berg, Accu, Tech.. Even just trade p/ex for the cab, I can go buy an LMIII. Whatever. Or a nice 2x10 combo, part ex for a Metro, that Mesa 2x10 looks nice as an opt. I know in my head what i'm after, just open to ideas... Or on the other hand, someone can buy it! Any interest, PM with no hesitation, I don't bite..... [quote name='Merton' post='593800' date='Sep 9 2009, 01:00 PM']A fine fine combo, this. Needs a forklift to move it, mind... Plus Matt is a fine person to deal with [size=1](for those who don't know, I sold him this combo about a year ago...)[/size] EDIT: a few more specs to help Matt out: 280W RMS into 4 ohms, Bipolar Bear power board 2 valve preamp with passive "Fender" tone stack like the LH500/LH1000 sports, though the TE version has a couple of extras (deep switch and mid shift) 4x8" Celestion speakers (8 ohm load) About 3 tonnes (Kidding. IIRC it's 6.5 stone) Green [/quote]
  20. Sorry mate, like I said at the top.. I'll be back on tomorrow after work with more info and pictures for you. Cheers, Matt Puts out about 300W, four 8" speakers. Standard Trace VType pre-amp, very user friendly, easy to use! Excellent condition! Its on the right of my profile pic... More soon. Matt
  21. Hey, no worries! Cheers mate
  22. Hey guys, I'm gutted to even consider parting with this awesome piece of kit, but unfortunately, needs must. I'll update this thread tomorrow evening with pictures, full details and specification. Its a phenomenal piece of kit, totally reliable. Great sound, and I have used with my 1x15 cab, to give the most awesome sound! Really full and punchy! On its own, its a great amp, cuts through well, and surprisingly full and warm sound, very very good!!! I have now bought an AccuGroove cab to go with my MarkBass head, so am sorted with regards to a main rig now. I have a spare rig, so this is only going to get occasional use and playing at home etc. I am not really bothered about selling, it's great, and I love having it, but if someone really fancies it... I could do with another bass more than owning this amp. I'd trade or do a deal with a bass. Looking for any quality fretless basses, vintage Fenders (could add some cash), or ERBs, or something interesting and high quality. Particularly looking for a Jazz bass at the moment, something I could really do with. Or a fretless bass of any kind..!!!! Can do money your way! Still for sale!! Based near Blackpool... welcome to call round and try!! More details below... Cheers! Best wishes, Matt
  23. Bummer.. thats a shame! Ahwell..
  24. Ahh its good to be back on the forum... Guys I'll reply to pms and such soonish, not been on due to been very busy, and also trying to eliminate gas for more basses.. I'm in full time employment for a year now, so if this is around when I next get paid, I think I'd be very tempted for that price! Looks a great thing tbh, gassing for a ERB fretless!! Two weeks? Hope its still knocking around! Best wishes! Matt
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