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Everything posted by overwater#1

  1. Hey all, I've been meaning to get round to sorting this feedback out for a while, as it certainly is very well deserved for my good friend Chris!! A few weeks back, Chris sold me his Overwater Progress 7 bass, which I have to say was a great experience! Chris has become even more of a true friend through buying this bass, as i've known him for a while, and I owe him a great deal more than just the cheque I sent! Not only did he do a great deal for me on the bass, and help me with the payment after Bradford and Bingley were being the usual pain in the arse, but it was also a very personal sale, which I really enjoyed, and Chris went out of his way to help me any way he could! I am, as people can probably tell, absolutely 110% made up with the instrument, and its certainly an instrument that I will NEVER sell also! Anyway, the point of this thread is to recommend Chris, and give him some decent feedback! I hope you guys can tell, that Chris is the most genuine, helpful, and kindest guy on this forum, he's a personal friend now, and I can whole-heartedly recommend him for anyone to communicate with or do a transaction with on this forum! Thank you Chris, speak to you soon buddy Best wishes, Matt
  2. [quote name='carlosfandango' post='416274' date='Feb 21 2009, 06:17 PM']the V-type combo is VERY tempting though!....must not be tempted.....[/quote] You know you want to!!! I'm so reluctant to though, as I love it! But something like this would suit me so much more right now! Ahwell.. I've got my lotto ticket
  3. Ahh wow! Now thats the kinda combo i'm after!! You wouldn't be interested in a trade for some Trace Elliot gear plus cash your way at all, this would certainly be properly ideal for the gigs i'm doing! I would probably even swap my v-type combo for this plus cash your way? This would suit more what i'm doing at the moment. Ahwell, I'll keep in saving if not
  4. I might be very interested, although am not coming down to London till after summer unfortunately...
  5. I'll let you know how I get on this weekend with the Euromillionss!
  6. How does £200 sound?
  7. Where are you based?
  8. I am pretty much at the point of regretting putting this thread on here, as I really do love my Trace Elliot gear, and couldn't bear to part with any, especially the 4x8 combo, which I will probably never sell! It's just tempting with seeing all these small lightweight enclosures and heads that are about, and to be honest, I could do with some more low end depth, with using ERBs. I might still be tempted at doing a deal of some sort if something tempting comes along, and I will be PMing you now mr TraceBass!
  9. Hmmm thats really wierd.. I was just thinking about this cab downstairs, and ways I could try and afford it.. and then when I come to the laptop ...'sale pending'!? How strange Ahwell! Glad its gone, good stuff
  10. You don't happen to be selling the Trace Elliot cab in the picture do you?
  11. Actually, I did used to spend a lot of time doing that kinda thing.. my Dad is a trained joiner/carpenter. Hmmm actually, Im gonna weigh all that up to build one! How much cash does it cost all told? Where abouts are you based? Coach and Horses? Freckleton? Are you local Cheers! Matt
  12. I'd love an Acme Low B-2! They sound like great cabs!! I've never seen them in the UK though? I'd trade some gear for one or two of them, without doubt! If I could get a pair of smaller, possibly lighter cabs, with a larger frequency response than the Trace Elliots, then I'd be tempted to use them with my AH400SMX head, which to be honest id great!
  13. I'll probably close this thread shortly, as I really dont know if this is the right thing to do... I love my Trace Elliot gear!! I figured theres no harm in putting a thread on here anyway, and see what kind of interest it generates, although the way things are going lately with bass gear, I dont think its going to go anywhere... Anyway, just a feeler... I have a Trace Elliot AH400SMX, 1048 4x10 cab and 1153 1x15 cab full stack. Also I have my beloved V-type 4x8 combo which if a tempting trade comes up, I may part with it, although i'd rather I didnt part with it, or any of this gear! As I am a Trace Elliot nut through and through!!! Pretty much all my gigs nowadays don't require a rig of such size, I play with professional big bands, smaller jazz ensembles i.e 7 piece bands, a high rate soul band, and lots of theatre work in pit orchestras. I've never actually gigged the whole Trace stack in an environment where its been neccesary, as large rock kinda gigs aren't my scene. With these kinda gigs, I really need a smaller gig. I'm not all that bothered about weight.. a lightweight rig is just a bonus. Something more than perfect for my needs is the David Eden rig that Crez is selling, i.e I could use the combo for pit work. I really want a rig, combo or separates, although head prefferably, that inludes a 2x10 enclosure, as thats my ideal cab!! I'm looking to trade my gear/some of, or something, for a smaller rig like described above. Something David Eden, MarkBass, Aguilar, Epifani, whatever.. something smaller, but still powerful, and ideal for my use. If anyone fancies a trade, or might be able to look at a deal in some way, let me know. I'd probably have to look at meeting up at my place, but its all negotiable. Just a feeler like I say, if anyone fancies offering something. If not, I'm perfectly happy with the Trace rigs for now, but sometime in the future I'm going to have to look at this move. Thanks very much guys!! Best wishes, Matt
  14. Whens plans for the next NW Bass Bash?? I'll defintely be there, was speaking to Chris Carter bout organising another one, i'm keen to push this as I wasn't around for the last one having a gig on the same day. Mr Hiscocks, any details? If I can organise anything or help, must get another one on this summer or soonish!! Oh btw Ped, Chris C loves the Overwater 7...!! Took it along to a rehearsal he was at, beastly bass I love his Vigier, thats soo nice!! Anywayy....talk on msn sometime Chris, lets get the next one rolling!!
  15. [quote name='Trace_n_bass' post='408041' date='Feb 12 2009, 09:21 PM']7 strings? We bass players are simple folk. If guitarists knew we could play 7 strings all hell would break loose! Burn it quick! [/quote] Who said I could play it? It looks good though!! It belonged to the same gentleman that owned this rig, hence why it might sound good together again.. Hmm. Anyone fancy buying my Trace gear so I can get this?
  16. Ahh something tells me this might sound rather nice with my 7 string?? I'm actually considering looking at a different kinda rig altogether, more like this as oppose to the Trace Elliot gear now. Do you fancy swapping this heavy rig, for my ultra lightweight Trace Elliot rigs? I think this summer, I might look at a change... Something with 10"s and a horn, smaller and more versatile like this. Oh yes, while i'm here.. bump Might aswell say something useful!!
  17. Absolutely phenomenal head this! I love mine to bits, just heavy! Around £400 is a great price, I paid pretty much that for mine. Bump
  18. Heyy, I see you like real equipment! Overwater and Epifani.. does it get much better?? Great stuff! Jealous
  19. Hmm you wouldn't fancy a trade at all? Just curious...
  20. Ahh thats a shame, I'd love to have seen the Alembic in the flesh! I'm on half term holiday next week from college, so might be able to meet up sometime then Shaun? I should be around most of the week. Taking the 7 up to Carlisle on Tues for a service. Not sure if it'l be your cup of tea compared to your 4 stringers though... I'm playing at the North Euston on 22nd with Sounds 18 if you're around too. Few other gigs, some not worth mentioning... Give me a call sometime! Thanks for the comms on the bass too!!
  21. Hey! Is this still available? PM me if it is, I might be interested in trades or cash... Must talk!! I'm just outside Blackpool, so can come over and meet you, or vice versa? Thanks very much!! Best wishes, Matt
  22. Hmm, Berlin combo looks great! I'll PM you, although I doubt you'll be interested..I'm not sure if I should do it anyways Cheers!
  23. Fantastic! Cheers! Thanks for the comms on the bass, I love it! I'll send you a PM nearer then if the case is still around, not sure if it'll suit what i'm after, although looks fantastic! Nevertheless, I could always bring a bass along and meet up. I'm actually going to see my friend Ben van Dijk play a bass trombone recital there, and do a trombone choir. Have to see how the day pans out, no doubt i'll be around if my mums there, she'll spend all day in the shops!
  24. Hmm.. I'm in central Manchester on the 22nd, going to the RNCM. Do you reckon it might fit a 7 string bass in it!? Fancy a slimmer case than my huge no name rectangular fibreglass case. I'l have to confirm interest though....
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