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Everything posted by jim_bass

  1. cheers guys. Will go with the dowel approach as I have some left over from old ikea furniture!
  2. If you think it sound muddy (deep, lacking definition?), I'd start by playing with the mid / treble controls and make sure the ultra bass setting is off(?) But another thing is what bass did he play through it compared to yours as that could have a massive difference on your sound, especially if it was an active bass with lots of tone control on the bass.
  3. Does anyone else have this problem... I fit strap locks to all my basses (and guitars) after dropping a few whilst playing. Problem is that on both of my current basses the screw keeps coming loose. I tighten it up every time I play, but after an hour it is loose again. I'm now paranoid that the screw is going to come out. I'm thinking of either using wood glue to glue the screw in or trying to find a bigger screw (but I've done that already and it still comes loose).
  4. [quote]I hope TC resolve your issues. I myself am not a fan of those trolley type setups, but they do work out for some players. I bought the normal cabs then bought a standard fold-up trolley off Amazon.[/quote] Slightly OT, but which folding trolley did you buy off amazon. I'd like to get one to carry my cab, but some of them look really flimsy. How much did you pay?
  5. I have a mac mini and use logic express 9 and garageband on it fine. The only time I've have a problem with lag was running the sample content (Lilly Allen - The fear song) off the bonus DVD. But it has about 48 tracks each with ~8 inserts per channel! For everything else it's perfect. I have put 4gb of ram in it and a fast hard drive though. Not bad for under £500 Don't waste money on a G5, which wont run the new intel only software, when you can get a budget mac that is just as capable. Now a quad core Mac Pro, that's another story.....
  6. BUMP. Still got this bass...anyone interested? Someone make me an offer please!
  7. If you want something compact - I like the look of the soundcraft gigrac 1000. You get 2 x 500W power amps - reasonable spec and if you need to expand it you can pull it out of the case and put it into a larger rack case. [url="http://www.gigrac.com/gigfacts/gigrac1000.htm"]http://www.gigrac.com/gigfacts/gigrac1000.htm[/url]
  8. Do you have all effects on at the same time or do you turn them on/off for different sections. If you only ever really have one on at a time then it makes little difference, but if you run them all at the same time the order will effect the sound. I'd always put the Preamp/DI at the end so the effects run into your DI. Can't imaging using your muff / booster at the same time though, (but then I'm fairy simple when it comes to effects). If I was running a whole song with the muff on, but then wanted to use the booster for a solo, then I'd go Bass --> Muff --> Booster --> Pre/DI. So that you are boosting you muff tone. If you did it the other way around it would boost your signal into the muff and as Al Heeley says, I think it would clip the pedal (and thus change the sound of your bass).
  9. I use Sennheiser HD 201's. They were cheap. I think 20-25 quid in a sale somewhere. They do the job nicely and are comfy to wear. Great for home use.
  10. Can I run my Ashdown Klystron 500 amp head without a cab or will it damage the amp? I was just wondering if I could use the DI and effects that are built into the head to record into logic via my usb audio interface without annoying the lady in the flat below me! I don't know if the output level of the DI is dependent of the main output volume level of the amp? Would it need to be turned up to get a a suitable level through the DI?
  11. Hi there from Louth. Not too far from you. [quote name='discreet' post='749752' date='Feb 18 2010, 02:40 PM']Hey Charlie![/quote] Why do all they 'hey charlie's' remind me of a scene from the italian job (the proper one!) - Just close your eyes and image it being said by girls with a variety of accents!
  12. Another BUMP. Price drop to £80?
  13. My favourite youtube bass relate quote goes along the lines of this... "Good try, but 'proper' bass players don't use a pick, you should really learn to play with your finger 'cos it's better" Particularly, when the song is something by blink 182 or some other song where the original bassist plays with a pick. And they never complain that the original song was played like that because 'it's their favourite band ever that can plan all the songs and Mark Hoppus is like the favourite bass player ever.' Great stuff
  14. FWIW. I rarely clean my bass. Except for a duster thats lived in my bass case for the best part of 15 years to wipe the neck when I remember - which isn't very often. Having said that, it still looks pretty tidy, just the odd dint from when I bash necks with our guitarist! On the other hand, my (mountain) bike takes a battering when I ride it. Lives covered in mud and I never remember to clean it. So I end up with a rusty chain, which sucks. But when it does get cleaned - it gets really cleaned. Like every bolt has to be removed. I strip it down and almost fully rebuild it. Do I need to do it. Not really, but it's fun - I like to know how things work and that why I do it. I guess the same satisfaction comes from stripping a bass (or guitar) apart and meticulously cleaning each individual component. Totally anal, but surprisingly satisfying.
  15. I have an old Apple Powerbook G4 that I am looking to sell. I'm after about £100 for it. I think it's a G4 400. Probably 512mb ram at a guess. It fairly worn around the edges, but still works. Come with charge case etc. PM me if you are interested, or want photos etc.
  16. How clean is the signal for recording. I find that my m-audio one seems a bit quiet for recording bass and hisses a bit cos I have to turn the gain right up in GarageBand. Do you have much control over the line level inputs?
  17. My cv jazz is amazing. Bought on here and can't put it down. Maybe I will end up getting rid of my other bass after all as it not getting any use - the cv juts feels so good.
  18. Bump. This is still available. Price drop to £90. Any takers?
  19. This cover is still sitting in my loft. If anyone wants it, they can have it for the price of postage and/or a beer
  20. Mark bass have just brought out a new gig bag at NAMM 2010. It's on their website, but I've no idea how much it will cost and when you'll be able to get one!
  21. So I had to learn a new song for church and thought I'd have a go at recording the bass on my computer. This is my new Squier CV Jazz --> M-Audio Fast Track USB --> Garageband. All of the settings in garageband were left flat (except pushing the channel volume up) so this is the sound of the bass unaltered. The song is 'I know who I am' by Israel Houghton. I mixed the bass deliberately loud so that I could hear the bass line for practising. There are definitely some bum notes and timing issues in there as this morning was the first time I'd listened to the song, but overall I'm quite please with the way it recorded. [attachment=41421:I_know_W..._quality.mp3] (Didn't know how to post it, so I just attached the file!?!)
  22. I have an Ashdown head and with my bass (Yamaha RBX374 - active), I need to push the input gain up to almost max to get anywhere near the red! Does the active/passive switch on the input pad the gain? Is it like a 20db cut like in a DI box or something? Anyone know how these work? What happens if you use an active bass, but leave it set to passive? Can it damage it?
  23. [quote name='iamapirate' post='719201' date='Jan 20 2010, 04:20 PM']iTunes for the win! It solves all musical problems.... don't question me on that.[/quote] +1 for itunes - easy peasy and free.
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