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Jus Lukin

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Everything posted by Jus Lukin

  1. Just made a quick and easy sale to Jimmy- good communication, seamless!
  2. Looking great, Andy! I've had some rather irritating things to deal with the last couple of weeks, so it's nice to add some positive adrenaline to the fight-or-flight stuff! Neck-carving- I'll get the tape measure out this afternoon!
  3. We prefer criminally insane, if you don't mind. And I thought you lot were PC...
  4. Let's see if this works... (It doesn't, but I was able to download it as individual pictures!)
  5. They're actually the SIMS Super-Quads, the coil arrangement is animated here... https://www.sims.guitars/pickups/super-quad (which I think is exactly as @Maude described). Regarding the switching, further options might be possible- I'm sure Mr Sims could let you know! @Sims
  6. That is a good point- adding an 'off' option to the coil switching would suit me very well! As Andy says, not a lot of use to normal folks though! 😄 That's even more of a personal thing, really. I've never particularly got on with passive pickup blending, and usually set my pickup heights so that the volumes are already as balanced as possible. Add to that the fact that I can be a bit of an absent minded knob twiddler on the bass, it's just easier to have switchable sounds and the one master volume. If it wasn't occasionally useful to be able to play at a reduced volume, I'd just have a master on/off, as that is mostly how I use the volume knob!
  7. I only just got this, three days later! 😄
  8. Nice analogy. It's like a seige- only backwards!
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