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Jus Lukin

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Everything posted by Jus Lukin

  1. Oh, the hours I'll waste finding ones I don't like! Off/off/off may not turn out to be the most useful, but it's good to have options.
  2. This is a Harley Benton Looper pedal in micro format. It has a max recording time of 10 minutes and unlimited overdubs, all facilitated by a simple system of single taps, double taps, or holds on the single footswitch. The pedal is powered by a standard 9v connector and connects to a computer via included USB cable for updates or saving loops. Original box is included.
  3. Good lord, that's ridiculous! I'm not sure we've mentioned yet that the neck pickup may also be routable to a second output for Ric-O-Sound-esque dual channel stuff too! 😄 Thanks for doing the sums- even if I had arrived at the correct number I wouldn't have trusted that I was accurate! The irony is that there are only six or so main configurations I'm aiming for- the rest are potentially useful, but essentially collateral damge!
  4. Yes, each pickup will have an on/off switch, rather than all going to a selector, so all and any options will be available.
  5. The more I think about it, it ties in nicely. Bass has certainly given my life meaning, and this design was only reached after a long period of considerable pondering. It will probably have the dowdy brown looks of Arthur Dent in his dressing gown, and electronics almost preposterous enough for the bass player from Disaster Area!
  6. It's really not the point of choosing the SimS pickups, but I'm stumped on the total number of pickup options. I've got 9 single pickup options and 27 doubles which gives the 36. I hit my mathematical limit on the triples, though. Writing a list or tapping out the possibilities with my fingertips, the ol' cauliflower wheezes to a halt at 21. The formulae are beyond me as it's a mix of permutation and combination, I think. So 57 is my probably wrong sum. Regardless, although I've never named a bass before, '42' seems quite an apt moniker for this one!
  7. I've never been to a bass bash- it's just over a 400 mile round trip for me, but I might be able to tie it in with a few days away with Mrs Lukin. I'll see how it all pans out in '21!
  8. This is based on the classic valve tremolo found on Fender amps (often mislabelled 'vibrato'!) It really nails the sound and is beautifully hand-built by Pedal Tank in Thailand. Alongside the usual controls for the rate and depth of modulation it also includes a volume adjustment to compensate for the perceived drop in volume tremolo can create. This control is capable of lots of level, so can also be used as a clean boost. The LED also pulsates in brightness in time with the rate setting, for a visual cue for where the effect is currently set. It is very nicely made and is marked as #23 of production, and comes with the original box and sticker.
  9. God, I'm a bit too thick to work it out- I think I got to 36 one or two pickup selections- steam starts coming out of my ears if I try to add in all the three pickup options! I'm still pondering the string spacing- I play Gibson/Epi three-pointers a lot, but also 19mm BBOT. If I had to make snap decision I'd split the difference at 18mm but it's funny- never having spec'ed a bass before, I'm learning how something I never really considered before can suddenly feel like a life or death matter! 😄
  10. And I'm glad to be helping to stock the Behri collection!
  11. Oh Lordy! ****, as the kids say, just got real! I'm just off to post @stewblack's parcel, then onto selling everything else I own! 😄
  12. 😄 My wife is quite the trekkie, she loved that!
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