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Jus Lukin

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Everything posted by Jus Lukin

  1. I'm not 100% on the history, but I think part of the reason there are so many direct copies of Fenders is that they were quite slack with copywrite early on, and by the time they tried to enforce it, too much had already been let slide for them to have a strong case. This has given the impression that EBMM and Rickenbacker are stingy gits for not letting people use their designs, when in fact we have just gotten used to Fender being ripped off with inpunity. EBMMs range is pretty confusing with all the diferent combinations of Musicman/Stingray/Sterling/S.U.B./Ray4, but the (I think) Sterling by Musicman S.U.B. Ray 4 looks like a good lower priced version, with the two band EQ, too.
  2. All good advice. It is worth listening to recordings by the bands you mention, too. There's nothing wrong with taking cues straight from the way those tracks are mixed.
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