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Jus Lukin

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Everything posted by Jus Lukin

  1. I dunno, doesn't look as if it's been thumbed that much!
  2. Didn't you tell me the Blonde had already gone back in July, Subfeeder?
  3. Oh wow! Ain't that somthin'?! I guess I'm a fan of walnut, either the wood itself or a stain, and Fenders look great to me with (well, without) that 1970's stripped finish. This is like a really classy version of that. Stunning!
  4. There is something incongruous about the feeback. Perhaps there is some magic going on which we're all missing until we've experienced it for ourselves, but given the shocking visual state of the work, I'm inclinded not to consider it entirely trustworthy. I do wonder how he'd fare against the trade descriptions act, actually. Perhaps it falls in to 'Red Bull gives you wiiings' territory. It's so patently untrue it is clearly humourous hyperbole- no-one would believe that the drink will cause them to sprout fully functioning wings, even though the advert directly states as such. However, I think the fact that he skirts the line of truth and outright lies so closely is also cause to be suspicious. Maybe we should all purchase something from him, and learn just how wrong everything we know has been all this time? Something a little incongrous here, too. You are absolutely correct that all accusations and arguments need to be made from a point of pragmatism and rooted in factual assertions, any assumption or ad hominen attacks aren't really valid here. I appreciate that you are trying to make sure that this thread doesn't descend into a witch hunt or plain old bullying- that's a good thing. That said, you can see as well as anyone that these items are hack-jobs being sold as something they are not, and would advise a friend to steer well clear of being ripped off by him. His transparency as a charlatan and spin doctor make any defense of him and his 'facts' look shaky. Hundreds of satisfied customers of instruments looking objectively worse than a standard budget factory instrument, and costing multiple times more just doesn't add up. Has a whiff of fish and rodents to me.
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