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Everything posted by saxobass

  1. I`m keen Pete and have cash waiting. I`ve sent you a separate message.
  2. Hi. If this is still for sale, have you investigated ways and costs of shipping it down south?
  3. Love my solid tonewood bass, but the weight is getting important as I progress through life`s journey. Wondering about a `lammy`, particularly for those awkward jazz gigs where you have to climb three stories on a circular staircase and play on a shoebox. Any comments? I know the ideal would be an old German `blonde` (or a young one, but I`d probably be keener than her these days....and there`s probably a law...there always is!), or a nice Kay etc. etc. But where do you get one, or even a worthwhile new ply bass in this country?
  4. Sounds as though mixing strings might be the answer for someone who, say, mainly plays jazz (and therefore probably needs a good clear, penetrating pizzicato sound and a fast smooth action) but also wants a decent bowed sound. Any suggestions out there? Or do we have to set up two basses?????
  5. [quote name='guyl' post='472886' date='Apr 26 2009, 07:45 PM']Randomly met a man from D'addario today. I took the opportunity of telling him that although I'm a big fan of his company's electric bass strings, my experience of the upright Hybrid Helicores had been poor, being that they died so quickly. He told me that he knew of historic "problems" and had heard many similar tales. D'addario have been working hard to fix the issues and promise that the radically different design appearing in the next "version/upgrade" will be a massive improvement. He understood that experimenting with £100+ strings is an expensive hobby but urged me to wait 12-18 months and give them another try! Might just be marketing talk, but wanted to pass on the info ....[/quote] Tried them recently on an oldish Reghin bass.....lovely sound, especially low arco, but the mediums were very stiff and hard on the fingers. Anyone tried the Hybrid `lights`?
  6. I am truly transmobugrelated by all this. Loved the Seth Lakeman stuff. Been standing cool on the west coast of jazz for years and didn`t realise (or had forgotten) what else was out there. Thank you, thank you and keep it coming. Incidentally, glad to hear the KISS principle being lauded (`Keep It Simple, Stupid`). Usually required never to play one note when sixty three can be achieved, and I`m so p***** o** with that!
  7. Wow....great response. Thanks everyone. Yes, I`ve played mostly modern jazz for a long time, although mostly on baritone sax over reecent years, so I suppose I`ve got some sort of an ear! Really want to broaden out before I`m too ***** old, and I really fancy some of that John Martyn stuff, so I`ll give it a go. P.S......do they go in for any of that wicker man stuff?.....just in case they don`t like me I mean....lot of volatility in a bass!
  8. Hi all. I have mostly played double bass in jazz groups, large and small, but have recently been asked to perform with folk musicians. Any guidance available? Perhaps there is a book to be read, or a source of any kind! I don`t really know where to start.
  9. Good to hear that they set up well. Let`s face it, you can take a couple of thousand into a shop and buy a bass that will almost certainly need setting up to suit you, so this shouldn`t be an issue.. As long as once set up they stay up and running and last the course, then they are good value. I`ve now bought a forty year old Reghin solid tone-wood bass, spent the last two days setting it up with an adjustable bridge and the right kind of action for modern jazz, and I`m over the moon. :)
  10. This is probably a stupid question. I am returning to bass playing after many years as a sax player, want to do it properly this time, and read somewhere on this forum that the Vance books were the way to go. I realise that the method is based on a different set of positions from the Simandl, but book one doesn`t really explain this except to say that it is based on the work of Francois Rabbath, whose book doesn`t seem to be available! Where can I get the five basic Rabbath positions explained to me? Confused?......so I should probably explain that, as was often pointed out to me, I always used my third finger and shouldn`t. I`ve probably got a lot of other bad habits too and want to really sort it this time.
  11. [quote name='saxobass' post='409680' date='Feb 14 2009, 08:20 PM']Samuel Shen basses seem to be a big thing stateside. However there are very few here and I`m wondering what they are like as I am considering one. Any info. very welcome.[/quote] Hi. Sorry about the delay. Yes there is one on eBay at the moment. It`s in S. Wales with a `buy it now` price of £1200, plus an `offer` option. Have just got myself a 1970`s Reghin bass, so I won`t be bidding.
  12. Samuel Shen basses seem to be a big thing stateside. However there are very few here and I`m wondering what they are like as I am considering one. Any info. very welcome.
  13. [quote name='simon1964' post='406922' date='Feb 11 2009, 08:30 PM']I got one a couple of years ago. They're adequate, for the money. But i did buy a new bridge and pay for a decent set up. Still good value though, even building that into the price.[/quote] Thanks Simon. Was that the `De Luxe` or the `Archer`?
  14. Just been looking (webwise) at the `de luxe` and `Archer` basses on the Gear4music site. Seem reasonable looking, and they are certainly well priced, and I think they have sold a fair number. Does anyone have first hand info? The Archer is supposedly handmade, which is great providing the `hand` knows what it`s doing! Is there a catch?
  15. Has anyone any experience of the solid top basses at around £650 being offered on eBay by a German dealership called Gedo Online? They look pretty good and are almost certainly Chinese....not that that`s a problem if the goods deliver. Must be someone out there with one. I`m currently a bassless person and don`t like it at all, but as a SLOP (sad little old pensioner) have to be careful with the folding stuff! I`m wondering that if they are reasonably well built and I fit them with a set of Spirocores, a decent bridge and a good set up, whether they might be o.k. Very reluctant to commit without hearing from others, though.
  16. [quote name='bassace' post='405138' date='Feb 10 2009, 10:31 AM']You got some right old replies from Talkbass, didn't you! I don't know anything about the 400 either so I'm not really qualified. However, to steer things a bit on track can I offer the following:- Ken Smith on Talkbass refered to the old Hawkes basses which were fine instruments and highly prized. You can find one in the £20k region if you're lucky. Boosey and Hawkes who were/are principally music publishers and retailers used to/still do market 'student' standard instruments that they would buy in from various sources. My first bass which I bought brand new in the late fifties was a B&H made in Czechoslovakia and cost me £45 brand new. I had a lot of fun with it and became quite a reasonable player. It was laminate, of course, although we used to call it plywood in those days. When, after a 15 year layoff, I got a bass it was a B&H Czech lami again, new from Footes in Golden Square, London for £615. It was quite good, although a bit quiet on the G string. Why don't you give Footes a ring, I'm sure they will be helpful and give you some info on the Boosey basses. Their number is 0207 4371811. Hope this helps and if I've been talking bollocks no doubt some of the BC cognoscenti will correct me.[/quote] Thanks guys....actually all quite helpful. I actually meant Excelsior versus 400, and am wondering whether they simply changed the name rather than the design when they went from Czech manufacture to Chinese??? I had an Excelsior which I set up to play like a dream, but having gone back to bari sax some years ago ( too many bassists in the area etc...) I gave it to my son for his 50th birthday. Twenty minutes after he loaded it into his car and left for London I had a phone call asking me to play bass. Is that sod`s law or something? Anyway I really miss having a bass, want to get another and am surveying the market. I`ve been offered a B&H 400 for £400! I`m also wondering about the `Fitness` bass (solid wood and Chinese) offered by JPB Music/Violins down in Somerset who are offering a healthy discount. Would also consider one of the Zeller or Reghin tonewood Czech models. Any advice appreciated.
  17. [quote name='jakesbass' post='403972' date='Feb 9 2009, 01:16 AM']This bass was sold in the summer, I transported it from seller to buyer (lucky coincidence of gigs) there is a bass of a similar nature around the corner from me I will let the seller know you are looking. Jake[/quote] Cheers Jake....much obliged. ....Paul (Saxobass)
  18. Hi all. Can anyone tell me the difference between the B&H 400 and B&H Aristocrat basses???? Used to have an Aristocrat (set it up well and really liked it)and gifted it to son. Want another and have been offered one which I am told is a `400`. Is there a difference? Cheers.
  19. [quote name='saxobass' post='404076' date='Feb 9 2009, 10:07 AM']Hi again chaps....more info. on the Selmer: the label says `Aristocrat by Selmer. Handmade copy of Antonius Stradivarius. Model No. AR 233. Serial No. AO 126.` I am told it is 10 years old and was then priced at £1200. I really would appreciate any help regarding current value, how good it might be and who actually might have made it. Cheers.[/quote] Looked at it today....didn`t think much of it to be honest! Search on!!!
  20. [quote name='BassBus' post='403791' date='Feb 8 2009, 09:14 PM']Thanks for that. Good to see it side by side with a 3/4. It must be so much easier to cart around. Nice looking instrument.[/quote] Hi again chaps....more info. on the Selmer: the label says `Aristocrat by Selmer. Handmade copy of Antonius Stradivarius. Model No. AR 233. Serial No. AO 126.` I am told it is 10 years old and was then priced at £1200. I really would appreciate any help regarding current value, how good it might be and who actually might have made it. Cheers.
  21. [quote name='Tallboy' post='252154' date='Jul 31 2008, 03:35 PM']Price reduced to £750.[/quote] Hi.....think I`d be happy to buy this instrument. Any ideas about transporting it down to South Devon? Please e-mail me to chat. Saxobass= [email protected]
  22. [quote name='steviedee' post='402464' date='Feb 6 2009, 10:37 PM']I have a double bass labeled as Selmer, I reckon they imported basses and badged them as Selmer, the one I have is Czech made it's a half size and is really quite beautiful.[/quote] Thanks Stevie. I wonder if it`s the same? I know this one is `blonde` in colour and hope to see it on Monday. Will report back then.
  23. Hi all. I have just been offered a Selmer Aristocrat double bass, about 10 years old. This is the American company, who didn`t manufacture stringed instruments. Does anyone know how good this bass might be, and who would have made it for them? I recall being told a long time ago that Kay made basses for Selmer, but don`t know for sure. It would be used for modern jazz and some orchestral work, and I think it is laminated.
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