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Vin Venal

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Everything posted by Vin Venal

  1. Used, but not gigged. In good nick. It's that ampeg sound but on your pedal board, and frankly it's an entire rig in one pedal if you need it to be. The SCR overdrive channel is really flexible, I can easily dial in anything from slight tube amp style break up to heavy distortion. Has headphone out and aux in with independent aux volume, so works great as a practice/travel amp too. £100 collected in Bristol. £5 UK shipping. Not looking to ship out of the UK. Cheers. Vyn.
  2. So my thinking after the feedback in this thread is I'd still go 5 string, medium scale like the Ibanez. I need more versatility than having an entire guitar dedicated to one genre of music. And for my own stuff, I can just use B-standard so I still get that open string on-off groove thing going, and the option to move up in register rather than accross the fretboard. I love Electric Wizard and I think they play in B-standard so there is precedent. Lol.
  3. Yeah, you're right, I hadn't really thought about it, but moving up rather than accross is definitely part of the vibe.
  4. Realistically, you can know everything you need to know about stoner rock by listening to Master of Reality. I think its all pretty much just 90s punk kids (like me) reconnecting with 1971 via their old school metal uncles record collection. 😁
  5. Yeah, I mean I agree that Bush suck, but they definitely aren't stoner rock adjacent. I don't think they ever even tuned down. They were just commercialised grunge-pop, like nickleback.
  6. I like simple stuff, where the standout is the tone and feel. Tim Commerford is great for that IMO, and RATM basslines are probably some of the most frequently played in teenagers bedrooms around the world. Just like massive tone, and these pretty simple grooves, which Timmy C keeps totally locked down, allowing Morello to go nuts making helicopter noises or whatever. 🙃
  7. Also, if you do, please show me pictures of your best axe for massive downtuned riffage - that should go without saying. But yeah, the most common tunings are probably drop D, D standard and C standard, and a 5 string has you covered, so why are all these guys and gals messing about with downtuning 4 strings? Is it just the image thing? Too metal? I'm considering getting one of them ibanez mezzo 32" scale 5 strings for playing heavy downtuned stinky poo, since I only play shorter scales these days, and I don't think my 30" mini-jazz can handle C standard. And don't want the faff. I had one of those drop pedals for a bit, which is fun, but doesn't quite feel authentic.
  8. Thanks very much for the pointers! 🙂
  9. Draper 40 watt kit with the stand and the little sponge thingy. 0.6mm lead free solder.
  10. Thanks. That's the backup plan if I literally ruin this loom trying to tack on some pickups. Lol.
  11. My soldering iron arrived today, and I did a practice with a couple of random pieces of copper wire. Wow, I suck at soldering. Lol. Fun though. Any soldering pointers for a noob? I struggled to get the temperature right - seemed a bit all or nothing. Also, steady hands - I do not have them. Pretty pronounced tremor actually.
  12. Are these single coils, or split coils/noiseless/humbuckers? Looking at the Atelier Z website can see the ones they're currently selling are jazz buckers.
  13. I went on a bit of a mad gear buying spree over the last couple of years, finding my tone. Not crazy by the standards of some, but I went through 4 amps, 2 cabs, and 6 basses. I now know what I like, and roughly how to get sounds I enjoy out of it, and most of the gear is gone. Down to one of each. This is partly because my finances aren't what they used to be. I still think gear is really important, but I don't think it needs to be expensive, and you don't need a lot of it. But it does help to know what you want. Now changes I make are small and DIY. Previously if I wanted to change something about my sound I would probably start by buying a new bass. Now I start by turning some knobs, and work upwards from there in terms of investment.
  14. I'm glad I got my Elwood when I did. The prices keep going up. That's no bad thing imo, they're worth the money (although I'd try to get a production model, custom orders seem to really add up fast). I've also found Adrian great to deal with to be honest. I bought my bass from a dealer, and contacted public peace about ordering a different pickguard - got a reply from Adrian himself pretty much straight away and he was really helpful. I personally attribute difficulties others have had mostly to the language barrier. One day, I will come into some money, and order a 32" 5 string.
  15. Thanks. I'm not good at soldering (haven't done it since high school actually) and would prefer to keep the loom as is if possible. Or buy a good pre-wired set up I can just pop the pups on to. I've noticed Dimarzio DP149s specify 500k pots, and I quite like the sound of these, so might look for a used pair to bang in. 🙃
  16. Hi. I'm thinking of changing the pickups in my Maruszczyk Elwood. Probably put in some Aguilar JHCs - they seem to be the humbuckers which sound most like SC jazz pickups to me. Aguilar wiring diagram states 250k pots. Opened up the bass to see if the wiring was all OK prior to ordering. It has 500k pots. How much difference will this make to the sound/output? Apologies if these are stupid questions, I have no experience of tinkering with electronics.
  17. Aha, yeah exactly. I have one of those as well.
  18. I have never owned one. Only ever had a wee noodle on other people's. I don't like thick, wide necks. Also not a massive fan of the sound of P pickups solo normally. These days, I only play short scale basses anyway. So the only P-bass which would potentially be on the radar for me would be a short scale with a jazz style neck, and a J pickup at the bridge. And I already have a player series mustang.
  19. Maybe. But I reckon its easier to be an average bass player than an average guitarist. Thank gods for that too, or I'd have packed up long ago. Lol.
  20. So you think he should play guitar and use effects to generate the lower octave instead? Maybe he can't play guitar? Also, no offense, but bass is easier than guitar. Lol.
  21. You get that he's doing that cuz it's a two-piece, right?
  22. Vin Venal is not my real name. Thinking of changing it though.
  23. I hope Maruszczyk are more than a forum fad. They make really high quality instruments and sell them at really reasonable prices. Darkglass are here to stay I reckon. I think that with an established line that covers pedals, amps and cabs, top drawer bassists on the books as endorsers, and international distribution which puts them in the major high street and online retailers, they are now one of the big names in bass amplification.
  24. Fingering your oilboard.
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