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Vin Venal

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Everything posted by Vin Venal

  1. I'd sell anything if I needed the cash badly enough. My basses are an absolute luxury, and owning three is frankly extravagant, so they'd be among the first things to go. I enjoy owning them while I'm fortunate enough to be able to do so, in the full knowledge that hard times could descend upon me again at any moment.
  2. Whether Sinatra had a hand in it directly or not, I dunno, but its definitely true that Palm Springs was a super Conservative, boring place to grow up for a generation of suburban punk kids in the 80s, with all the clubs and bars catering to that middle aged, middle class, golf and cadillacs demographic which Sinatra kind of epitomises. As often happens, that oppressive environment fostered a really cool, self contained, alternative, DIY scene, and without venues, it was based around generator parties where kids would get high, skate, and listen to music in the desert. And that birthed stoner rock.
  3. Guitar pedals which work well for bass. I feel like there's a tonne of stuff out there marketed for guitar which would work great for bass, but I haven't got the time or money to experiment, so it would be cool if there was a channel doing it.
  4. I think it depends on what kind of sound you like. I like to have access to both a softer, organic overdrive sound, and really hard edged abrasive distortion as well. For the latter, I know you said you don't like darkglass stuff, but have you tried the alpha-omicron? All the way over to the omega side of the dial it is beautifully brutal. At the other end of the budget spectrum, but similarly rough, I get a great sound out of my Proco RAT 2, which I modified by taking the back off and cutting one of the wires with a pair of toenail clippers. Lol. Before I did that it sucked out way too much low end.
  5. I'm not really into slap bass. I think the only slap player I like to listen to is Les Claypool, and he does something pretty different with it. No offence to all the slappers out there, but I sort of think it's the bass equivalent of hair metal shredders on guitar... I literally just bought a Sire Marcus Miller bass though. Lol. I might have to put a sticker on the headstock or summat. 😅
  6. I like some of Bowies music too, but I can't really call myself a fan, because of all the under-age girl stuff. Not that I think he's alone in that. I think it goes for 90% of rock stars from his era, and a significant number today. Its just harder to overlook with people like Bowie cuz it's so well documented.
  7. I dunno if you can call him under rated really. He shows up on every list of the best or most influential bassists, and he's the only reason (in my opinion) why Hofner are still in business and the violin bass is still a top seller, when it would otherwise have been confined to the dustbin of history...
  8. Vin Venal


    I'm Vin, and I'm crap at bass! Live in Bristol, originally from Stoke. Into punk/hardcore/post-punk/post-hardcore and 90s alt rock. Technically been playing 20 years, but for most of that I didn't have a bass, so I don't think it counts. I only picked it up again a year or so ago. Hoping to do a band when it's safe. Never learned to play anyway. Just like making noise. I like short scale basses, cuz my back and my fingers are knackered. My rig consists of a Fender Mustang (PJ), a Portaflex, a Fender Rumble 210 Cab, and a minimalist pedalboard with an emphasis on grindy, nasty grit. Nice to be here, to be here...
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