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Everything posted by Murphy

  1. Just so you know...I am pretty sure my old 78 Stingray mutes...which were missing.....But the bridge is shaped to raise from the body where the inserts go..and had threaded inserts for the thumb screws...without damaging the body.....I would just leave your screwed down, as it looks so authentic,,,,Now I believe there is some way to achieve the hex screw bolts on the bridge sides Anyway....i LOVE what you did,,,and must say I am envious
  2. MMmmmmmmm Malted Milk
  3. I really wanted one until I realized the body was still the downsized version.... Yours looks beautiful.... But I want everything and the bigger body shape also 👍😎
  4. Earl Grey...Bleh!!! A CRIME AGAINST TEA! Now Hobnobs on the other hand....well...That's good dunking! 😂
  5. Of course
  6. Dead or alive..You're coming with me Your Move, Creep
  7. Tort and Flats Precision of course
  8. Well...Now we are back in the giant servers of Talkbass, I would like to take this opportunity to Thank all you wonderful people in Bass Chat for a lovely stay...Toasty crumpets and lashings of hot tea. You have all been so gracious and hospitable. It has been great fun hanging out and getting to know some of you. 👍😎 Cheers
  9. Actually I just started writing a Big Thank you to making us TBers feel so welcome here
  10. You sir , have beat me to it !!
  11. Beautiful playing...So COOOOL I have the same pickups in my AM STD Jazz 5ver and they do sound fantastic.
  12. That was where I got my Prince..Appolonia vibe
  13. I watched this concert a few weeks ago...Austin City Limits...
  14. It probably is just that pickguard having the Pickup hole cut a bit off... Probably fine with original Bridge pickup should be a little longer than neck pickup... Only time they were each the same size was on those early Made In Mexico Jazz basses...Circa 1990s
  15. I am very surprised this is an issue on a modern..relatively...Fender Jazz US.. It would drive me crazy also....No excuse with CNC cutting ...and Quality control...HA!!!
  16. Yes...I watched it too....and it was funny seeing Justin...after first getting into him with Beck...Odelay...Phoenix festival live in 1996.. the SEx pIStoLs headlined and I got to see them the next year in Toronto... Anyway JMJ looked the same as ever and is a contributor on Talkbass also... St Vincent...That is a cool gig for him....she seems like the new Prince to me
  17. It is a tone I enjoy very much on my Precision...and very simple to achieve . ALTHOUGH...I would personally clean up my technique....hahaha 😅
  18. I forgot "to Hoover" is the English term for to Vacuum! Maintenance unplugged the server whilst vacuuming ....Haha.....Just so Americans could understand
  19. Hahaha....Every bass of mine has Tort on right now.....I do love me some Tort....and TI Flats 👍
  20. Hi Phil...Thanks for the lovely read up on your career. It freaked me out...as you have lived the exact mirror of my life!!!.................... If my dreams had come true...lol😅 Wonderful to see someone who has lived the dream and remained so humble. I am very fortunate with the opportunities I have had and experiences I have got to play in...so small in comparison.....But I am grateful Greetings from Toronto
  21. There you go again...putting your mark all over it 😁
  22. TalkBass oYtesmtteirdautSSly hhgpoenat 7s:dos5rme1ceu deAdMt · We are so sorry for the massive outage we are experiencing. The datacenter where we are hosted suffered a catastrophic power outage. A routine load test of a generator caused a fire, fire suppression systems, and the fire department cutting power to the complex. We are awaiting word on whether our servers are affected by water damage and at that time will determine whether to spin up new servers at a different location, and restore from backups. Again we are so sorry for the outage. Rest assured we do have automatic offsite backups and will do all we can to get back online with the shortest disruption possible Paul 264264 125 Comments 5 Shares Like Comment Share 125 Comments Most Relevant  Active Write a comment… Chad Hargis Wow! I wondered what was up. The fire suppression in most datacenters isn't water...it's usually a gas that binds with oxygen to starve the fire and it won't hurt electronics. But a generator fire is very rare. In over 30 years of being in the IT biz I've never heard of that happening. Crazy!! 2 Like · Reply · 3h Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out. Miranda Mbwk Chad Hargis CO2 to be exact. Every well trained fireman knows water should NEVER be used on electrical installations. In fact in the data centers where I worked they all had automatic CO2 installations for protection. 2 Like · Reply · 2h Chad Hargis I'm so old school...I've run out of a room when the Halon went off....holding my breath as I ran! Like · Reply · 2h Miranda Mbwk Indeed halon was also used. I've got 40 years under my belt, and yes some of these data centers had oxygen masks in cupboards for use when the gas went off. What surprises me is that the fire department didn't know this was a datacenter? They usually have access to the city's building registry to avoid this sort of thing. Although some tier-1 or 2 internet access data centers are not publicly known as such, they are within the right authorities and usually have their own sophisticated fire suppression installations. Strange....
  23. Still not fixed...will go see if there are any updates on Facebook
  24. Banned?...But you are one of the best contributors!! Something is very wrong!
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