Such is the nature of these things.... I've just spent 2 lazy Sunday hours researching loopers on the web and I've bought a EHX Stereo Memory Man for a good price
So now I need to sell some pedals to fund the looper and this thread changes from trade to sale.
I've decided to keep the Small Clone for the time being as it is the nicest chorus I've ever heard and it works well with bass (and may work well with the looper).
I've had an offer on the MXR so will pm and update if it doesn't go.
All pedals are in very good condition.
Zoom Ultra Fuzz £60
Exar Bass Distortion £50
Behringer VT999 £40
Look like this:
[b]Please go to next post[/b]
I don't use fx pedals and have a few sitting around doing nothing. I would be interested in a Looper in trade and also any particular recommendations for same.
FX pedals I have are:
EH Small Clone with a couple of scratches. (very simple lush chorus)
Zoom Ultra Fuzz (Unless Toasted wants 1st dibs )
EXAR Bass Distortion
Behringer VT999 Vintage tube monster with PSU
I have boxes and manual for most as well as a Dunlop brick with leads incl EH adapter.
So what have you got looper wise for trade?
I've even got a small SKB pedal board/bag to go with them all.
Great news Steve, glad to see that you went for one of Alan's creations and I'm sure you'll love both the bass and the whole creation experience.
Peter - who speaking to Alan in a couple of weeks about some ideas.
[quote]Bottom end is what bass is all about and when I hear twangy hi-fi bassists, it makes me wonder why they play bass at all.[/quote]
Kinda depends on the material you're playing I suspect?
Me I prefer a barky lower mid tone to a woolly rumble but there are some songs it suits.
Les Claypool would hardly sound good with a dub tone (Although he'd sound a lot better than me)
There's a very nice 91 NT Thumb on here that switches to passive. Pre 93 Warwicks are quite something and it would fit your bill and be much higher quality than your Fender in my biased opiniopn
As a Spector Euro owner myself and as the geezer what fitted the pre-amp I'd just like to echo what's been said and more. The two minor issues mentioned by Alan really are minor and this is truly a VAS.
A what? A Value Added Spector. The bass has retained all the classic Spector balls and has gained depth and versatility. If I was a 5 string player I wouldn't hesitate to jump at it, and yes my 4 now has an ACG02 fitted as well
With good reason, the newest, the ACG is my 'perfect' bass. It fits me like it was made for me and it was. It just seems easier to play than anything else and sounds quite superb.
I can honestly say they are all great basses.
I've finally reached a happy number of basses. Down from 20 to 12.
I thought I'd just take a break from essay writing to photo them all.
First off from L to R
Rickenbacker C64S 4001 Macca bass with reversed headstock and tuners. Next my CS4001 Chris Squire.
Yep bassists that can do no wrong suggest to me bassists that don't upset anyone. That can be done by just doing the minumum.
Me? I'd rather cause some upset, like Les Claypool. I agree that Phil Lynott wasn't a great bass player. A good front man maybe.