Here's a few sound clips taken from the Spector post modification. The blend is centred and for all except the penultimate clip the passive tone is wide open. I'm just playing intervals of major 3rds down the far end.
One basic way to look at the filters is to take the 'meat & gravy' approach. The low pass filter at one extreme lets through just the lowest frequencies and as it's rotated more and progressively higher mids are added to the tone without taking away the lows. This is the 'meat knob'. The top knob enhances the peak at the filter cut off frequency.
The high pass filter when shut down just allows the highest frequencies past and as its rotated progressively lower mids are introduced . The two filters do overlap so you're not missing anything. This is your 'gravy knob'. The top knob on this is a cut and boost that has the added function/beauty of enabling the signal through it to be shut right off.
The passive tone is just that, a pickup tone bleed off to earth.
So here's the tone with both pups, passive tone not cut and high pass midway with cut/boost at the centre detent. So the gravy is set. What I'm doing sample by sample is opening the low pass to alter my most basic 'meat' of the tone. It's not necessary to listen to every sample to get the idea.
[url=""]1st sample[/url]
[url=""]2nd sample[/url]
[url=""]3rd sample[/url]
[url=""]4th sample[/url]
[url=""]5th sample[/url]
[url=""]6th sample[/url]
The next sample shows the passive tone 1st in and then cut:
[url=""]Passive tone being cut[/url]
The final tone just gives an idea of range.
[url=""]Tonal range[/url]
Peter - who realises on listening to the clips that I may have too much 'gravy' in the mix