For a fair while know I've owned an absolutely gorgeous mint Warwick FNA Jazzman fretless:
Now I consider myself pretty good at setting up normal basses, neck relief, action, intonation etc. but I've always struggled with fretless basses for some reason. Oh I can get it to play fine with good action but the Mwaaaah factor is elusive across all the strings except the D in a small range of the neck. You can see btw that the intonation has probably never been set on this bass
I presently have the FNA set up with a very small amount of neck relief and a fairly low action. I've tried raising and lowering the action as well as subtly altering the relief and it's not sounding like I desire. I've tried all combinations and I don't think the strings are 'choking' along the board.
I've TI Jazz flats on it and I'm about to try rounds (ebony board) unless anyone can offer a better idea or three.
Otherwise - Does anyone have a FNA Fretted neck they want to trade?