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Posts posted by GreeneKing

  1. This is interesting.

    Mine was set up for 8ohm when I bought it and I've switched down to 4ohm to match my Epifani 2x10" and it is noisy.

    When I get home I'll try it back at 8ohms and report back on the outcome.

    Presumably at 8 ohm into a 4 ohm cab the output will be reduced?

    I'll not be cranking it up either way.

    Peter, who's not an expert on valve amps and doesn't feel in any way diminished by this :)

  2. In relation to wiring it up the small unit has 3 connections. The output wire to the jack socket goes to one and from another on the unit you take a wire to the jack i.e. the output runs through the unit. The third connection (the one I forgot when rebuilding my bass the 2nd time) goes to ground.

    Easy peasy and very effective, the rotary unit has 4 positions the 1st being off or straight through (bypassed).


  3. I'm wondering if I'm asking too much for this bass? It was well over £1k not so many months ago and has seen so very little use all at home.

    I've decided that my collection really must reduce, hell I only live in a small flat and two years of studenthood loom on the not so far horizon. With that in mind and grasping sanity I really must sell this bass so please ignore my GASeous request for a trade.

    I also want to seriously change my collector/player ratio :)

    I will spend time this weekend sorting out an inordinate amount of pedals, pickups and bits etc. and will think very hard on what basses I'm going to offer up to the 'masses'.

    Notts, this may mean the Sterling is up for grabs after all. Nordy fitted too and I have original pup. I'll update this weekend sometime and will probably allow this thread to develop into a 'Garage Sale' so long as the mods don't insist on it being done otherwise.


  4. I'd just like to add that I only completed my Warmoth P bass on Saturday so I'm still getting used to what is the very 1st single pick up ACG pre-amp.

    It suits the P really well. The low pass filter by itself gives everything from dub to clank with a wonderful array of mids thrown into the equation. The threshold boost adds real 'resonance' at the very frequency you're focusing on.

    The high pass filter then provides you with a great amount and selective quality of 'zing' too if that's your thing.

    [quote]It's already perfect - why change it?[/quote]

    I'm sorry but define your perfect? To whom? The whole tone issue is sooooo subjective I know but increasing and enhancing the tonal pallet just has to be worthwhile imo.

  5. As many of you know, I have an inordinate number of basses.

    I've decided that the time has come to par my collection down to saner levels and I've decided to sell my Butterscotch Blonde US Deluxe Jazz 1st.

    It's a 2007 model with a rosewood board and is basically like new. It's hardly been played, like a wife in a harem where's there's too many choces.

    If anyone has a particularly nice 2EQ Ray I might be tempted to trade,

    It's active, with 18V Fender circuitry and comes with Fender case and tags etc.

    I'd rather not post if at all possible and I'm thinking that £850 might be a good price.

    Here's a picture (it's on the RHS), more to follow.

    I'd also consider a trade for a Warwick Thumb NT 4 older model preferred.


  6. Basically you can stack your volume/tone and fit a Villex booster on the output or fit Villex pups with the extra mid control.

    On my Bob Glaub I did both and put the jack into the side of the body.

    Another option is to feed your Thumper through an ACG pre-amp as per my Warmoth.

    Both highly successful in increasing tonal range of a P bass while keeping its essential character.


  7. Thanks for the kind comments.

    The birdseye maple is their standard wood and no it's not at all neck heavy - honestly (I can't get on with even slightly neck heavy basses). The body is very light too.

  8. Well I really enjoyed myself. Nice to meet so many fine people and there were some lovely basses rigs there too. Interesting that I could hear myself talk most of the time.

    The Sadowsky 5 was amazing, and the Roscoe (sp) was another favourite too. To be honest there were so many nice basses and amps. David's Omni 10 was a huge surprise. I must get my Omni 12 finished and bedded in.

    I absolutely fell in love with Russ's Black/maple Stingray 2 EQ, my dream Ray. My offer still stands btw :)

    Many thanks to all involved in the organisation and to Alan of ACG for the lift.

  9. I did assemble it all, not really very difficult. The finishing is the hardest part really.

    A pickguard never entered the equation to be honest. I wanted a rear routed P that was different and I've certainly got that. The neck is quite chunky for a Jazz neck as Warmoth necks traditionally are but I'm fine with that.

  10. Well not peculiar but certainly different.

    I finished off the Warmoth P bass DIY project this morning and I'm more than pleased with the result.

    54 Body in Tung oiled Corina with a birdseye maple jazz neck finished with Truoil.

    The pickup is a Wizard Thumper, tuners Hipshot Ultralites with a D-Tuner and the bridge is a Gotoh.

    The different bit is the 1st single pickup ACG filter pre-amp. There's volume, low and high filter stacks. The filter pre works very well indeed and I will bring the bass along to the NW bash so folk can try it out.

    The 2nd P is my modified Lakland Skyline Bob Glaub with Villex pickup and tone booster. So that's Volume, high tone, mid tone and the 3 boost positions. Different too but a great performer.

  11. [quote]best of all the on-line retailers in my experience. certainly way better than Thoman[/quote]


    Every time I read unqualified and broad brush statements like this I wince.

    I've had a great many dealings with Thomann and they have all been exemplary, basically couldn't have possibly been better. This includes warranty returns of gear. It's not just my good fortune I'm sure.

    I know all companies get it wrong sometimes but my experience and that of many others dispels your statement.

    I've had one dealing with GAK, ordered something online and it wasn't in stock. I'm sure they're great most of the time.

    The impact of sweeping statements on business in a forum such as this can be immense especially for the smaller businesses so I'd ask that we consider our damning statement before blasting them into the internet bass community.

    No I don't work for Thomann.


  12. It's a shame you're not closer Nick. My Bob Glaub with Villex pickups and the Villex tone booster seems to me to possess all the P grit with a real zing when the treble is cranked up. It may do the trick.

    Yeah I know it's not a Fender etc :huh: Villex pickups may help your P.

    All the best with you're quest.

    Talking of significant hearing loss I'd urge all you bikers to wear earplugs at all times. I was a keen motorcyclist for over 35 yrs and if you're not aware of the damage the airstream noise causes to the little hairs in your ears then you should be. High tone deafness abounds in those who rode before the problem was highlighted :) Nowadays there's no excuse.


  13. An update on my Lakland Skyline Bob Glaub with both Villex pickup and the tone booster.

    Being a 'bedroom' (lounge actually) player I've been stretching myself by getting out to my local jam night and having a go.

    I took the BG along tonight and the resident bass player gave it a go with 'Master Blaster'.

    The Bob Glaub was totally awesome, amazing tone. It cut right through the mix and was both strong and very articulate. It had real P bass 'balls' and lots of zing too. Steve, the resident bassist was extremely impressed.

    The fact that the bass was strung with flats (Ernie Balls) was even more amazing.

    So to Tigran and Villex, thank you for making some quite incredible passive bass gear.

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