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Everything posted by GreeneKing

  1. I know that the concentric stacked pot I fitted to my Bob Glaub had one linear pot and one audio one, fit for purpose
  2. I'd vote for Truoil (check eBay). A lot of the gunstock finishes are easy to apply and dry to a rock hard finish ideal for necks. The 'unofficial' Warmoth forum has some info: [url="http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/"]http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/[/url]
  3. I'm waiting for a 54P body in Korina and a birdseye maple neck/fretboard to be 'shipped. If they're half as good as everyone says they are it's going to have the potential for being a very good bass. I'm planning a Wizard Thumper pu, Hipshot bridge, Hipshot Ultralite machine heads with a drop D (all in black) and the new ACG filter based pre amp with one Low pass filter and one treble control. I'm finishing the body with pure Tung oil, using Truoil for the neck and tinted Nitro Cellulose for the headstock face. I want 'P bass in yer face' mutha f*cker sound with some beautiful wood to differ from the more popular and brash P bass looks. So that's the plan. The execution will be to follow on BC I'm sure
  4. I've just bought a Wireless system (an AKG40 bug) from Mike, top guy. Glad there were no other 'bugs' in the package (spiders are scary) Peter
  5. I assumed that you were asking if the GWB was 35" scale so apols
  6. [quote]Is it the GWB 35?[/quote] Err...... [quote]Scale lenght on the Ibanez is 34" as per the Ibanez website[/quote] I suspect that'll be a no then
  7. WoT I reckon it may. You will need an extra hole for it best provided by doubling up the Vol/tone. Or of course you could just dispense with the tone and see how it goes.
  8. Ref Audio vs Linear I thought that it was Audio for volume and Linear for tone (or was it t'other way around?). No I'm fairly sure I'm right.
  9. [quote]If a poster is out of order then other posters'll let him know soon enough.[/quote] I supose that I occasionally do that anyway, accepting that what I consider inappropriate might be fine for others. I sort of have an 'ouch' meter. I'm aware that replies to posts that make me go 'ouch' seem to be more frequent than they used to be 'back in the good old days'. That's what I mean about not treating others with respect regardless of misguided pricing or youth/inexperience/naievity.
  10. Who benefits from posts that show little or no respect for other foum members??
  11. [quote]but i think i will just start building my collection now.[/quote] Omg Ian, where will it all end I've 17 now, one arriving on Tuesday and some Warmoth bits on order. 20 max?
  12. If 'we' question whether BC is deteriorating or not let's just give this thread as an example.
  13. These are actually being sold by the Flight Case Warehouse under another account. I've got nothing but good things to say about their service, brilliant. These fender fit cases are great value too. [url="http://www.flightcasewarehouse.co.uk/music/typeproducts2.asp?id=3948-3980"]http://www.flightcasewarehouse.co.uk/music...sp?id=3948-3980[/url]
  14. [quote]That's a very cool bass.[/quote] I'm afraid I'd have to disagree. It's a stunningly beautiful bass, very lovely indeed. Nicest SAD I've seen methinks.
  15. You have mail Oh and that's one beautiful looking bass btw
  16. Yes and it was a brilliant deal and a superb bass I sold it to a guy called Colin who deals on eBay as 'Sound me out'. It's interesting to see different opinions in here.
  17. [quote]I never felt the neck dive mentioned above[/quote] The real issue for me was how far the neck extended left away from my body(I'm right handed). I'm actually remembering the detail from over a year ago, maybe two so I could actually be wrong about the neck dive (I'm getting on and my memories not what it used to be ). The difficulty I had was that in fretting that far away from my body, my elbow was almost straight and that effected my wrist. I'm 5' 10" so no shorty either.
  18. This post may be seen as controversial but it's not meant that way, just honest and open. I see Kingbasses moving around and quite often BCers are placing a wanted ad for them. I do wonder if they have actually had a go on one? I had a 5er and basically couldn't play it. I bought it without trying it (I know) and it was brilliantly made etc and a good deal but, the small body meant that the sharp end of the neck was too far away and it had neck dive too, like an Epi Thunderbird on Steroids (the neck being to the left and the imbalence). The guy I sold it to, a more experienced bassist than myself who was 'mad for it' (yes he did try it as I delivered it) sold it on two weeks later for the same reasons I parted with it. Is it just me? Or perhaps we're not meant to share these things for fear of upsetting someone? This isn't meant to diss Status or put people off Kingbasses but just to highlight the fact that I believe you need to try before you buy. I mean they do suit some people and MK himself isn't particularly tall/long armed etc. A great sound, well made and beautiful too but certainly not for me. Peter
  19. Yep, me too. Thanks for the link
  20. I've got a couple of TRBs at the moment and have no problems but, at the risk of being bleedin' cheeky, you are putting each winding on the post UNDER the 1st and not over it aren't you? Peter
  21. Another option if you want a passive bass with an increased signal is Villex Pickups and tone boosters. Microbass II are great too. My Villex modified Bob Glaub competes with all my active basses.
  22. They certainly come up on eBay fairly frequently. Other options are Allparts (UK) or WD Music
  23. I just wondered if mine had gone to another BCer.
  24. I sold one on eBay, did you perchance buy it?
  25. Alan (Skelf) certainly is your man for SIT strings. He wouldn't sell them if he didn't rate them highly.
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