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Everything posted by GreeneKing

  1. I was inspired to get mine out again and give it some exercise. A very useful amp at a very reasonable price. I've actually got two as Thomann were selling them for a really silly couldn't be passed over price, for a week or so many moons ago. Like so much Yamaha stuff it's good, let down by being sold at highly discounted rates, poorly marketed (Big Company) and has low popularity that belies it's quality i.e. if it had another name on it and was more expensive it'd ironically be a lot more popular, imo of course. So Bump
  2. I'll give it a boost with my 14 Up to [size=7] 48[/size]
  3. Probably not much use but you could try to live with a slightly higher action and then you may have a lot less hassle. Can't think of anything else that'd help to be honest.
  4. Bleedin' Essex innit! I dunno, Canvey must be the centre of the Universe
  5. Hiya Nick It's a peculiar story of Northwestern bass folk. I aquired the Bongo from Alan (Homer) and he aquired my Sterling from me, not at the same time though. Last week they changed places.
  6. I'm from Mersea Island! Only get down to see my Mum occasionally nowadays.
  7. I think that'd be right but not narrower methinks
  8. [quote]Has the "Macca" ric really got a narrower neck than the other two, or is that just me.[/quote] I'm 99.9% certain that it hasn't. The neck is unvarnished though and has a zero fret. I would check but it's 10 min work to get them all out from the spare bedroom and 20 min to put them all away again, and I've not long done that The action is very low on the 'Macca' and the neck has just about zero relief like Ric recommend. It's definately a great neck to play. The neck on both the CS and the C64S does seem slimmer but then the newer 4003's are supposed to have the slimmer neck too.
  9. Hiya Steve The one I play the most does vary. Recently it's been my ACG and at the moment its the 4003. I have two basses out at any one time, usually one active and one passive. At the moment my 'brown' Bass Collection is out so that I can work on my slapping My favourite? That's hard, can I have two? The Chris Squire 4001 and my ACG Harlot. The P bass is really 'honky', so much so that it needs to be played quite loud and my neighbours tend to make a lot of banging noises that I take as a hint. I need to get out with them so if anyone is looking for a bassist in or around Cumbria? Peter
  10. Wood and curves? I don't need many excuses to show you my ACG:
  11. Shuker? Nah... ACG
  12. Good news! I was getting tempted just because I know how good they are and it was getting to a silly price. Would have been too heavy for me too.
  13. Absolutely agree. If he's set on this bass and has saved up for it keep it/put it back to original. If it's in good nick AND has original parts it's be worth a fair amount, and he'll have the pleasure of playing the thing too.
  14. Thank you for your appreciative replies A bass for every season, even every month with a couple to spare.
  15. Just got them in in time, this lot have been round to 'sus the joint'. Peter
  16. Hiya Nik My original US Lakky went to Homer. Alan found it too pristine and valuable to gig with which I can understand. I'm not sure where it lies now. My JO5 went to Wales in exchange for the TRB5P.
  17. Look what I found hidden under the bed It's such a beautiful day that I was inspired to take some pictures of my entire brood. Sadly I didn't have the opportunity to pose them properly in the sunshine. One of the tenents has some very dodgy sons with equally dodgy mates and knowing they had just gone out into town I didn't want them returning to this temptation, so I was in a bit of a rush. A standard MapleGlo 4003 Ric with Vintage Tone Control, a 1999 4001 Chris Squire signature and a 4001C64S 'Macca' bass that I've just strung with TI Jazz flats - it sounds superb. A Bass Collection SB320 P/J active, Warwick FNA fretless and a TRB5P Yamaha hidden in shadow. My madified Bob Glaub with Villex pups and Tone Booster, the tone on this thing is HUGE. My Sterling with Nordstrand that I'm glad to have back and a US Jazz deluxe. My 2nd SB320 Bass Collection, for sale and a stunning Yamaha BB5000 The Scousebass, Les Evan's made in Liverpool with U-Retro, my ACG Harlot singlecut and finally my Zoot Chaser custom fretless 5.
  18. I suspect a lot are hidden away in a loft or garage somewhere, their original owner having died, moved on, changed direction in life. I bet if you set up a business locating these instruments (not just basses but all instruments) and did mass leaflet drops around some likely areas you'd liberate some valuable stuff, and of course a load of crap.
  19. Maybe he could sell the bass for a good price and buy a more modern instrument that'll better suit his needs. Peter
  20. I'm not sure but wouldn't 1974 make it a 4001? If the correct tuners are failing there must be a reason? I'd sort out why before devalueing a vintage bass with a different type of tuner. Edited to say Ah, I see that the bass aint original anyway.
  21. I'm aware that my knowledge of electronics isn't what I'd like it to be so I've set myelf some learning targets for 'fun'. I was trained to work with 3 phase generators and suchlike and even that knowledge is pretty rusty. Ultimately I'm hoping to understand amplifiers and such stuff and maybe I'll build myself something useful.
  22. [quote]Voltage = volume[/quote] Seems odd to me? I'm an absolute Amplifier numpty but surely current and therefore power come into the volume equation? Or do you mean Volume is proportional to voltage? That I can handle. I'm getting confused and I'm vaughly (sp?) aware of how complex the maths around this stuff can get
  23. It's rather lovely isn't it. I spent enough on Ric's the past couple of months though.
  24. Something tells me it's probably worth it too.
  25. That is really interesting, being the 2nd Carl Thompson bass I've come across, and both in the same day. It is unusual isn't it. Every time I re-visit your photos it's kinda growing on me. All the best with the sale, someone's going to be very fortunate.
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