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Everything posted by GreeneKing

  1. I suspect that if I do succumb to temptation it'll be Rita doing most of the tempting John
  2. About 22 years ago, at the age of 41, I was walking my beat in Plymouth along College Avenue, past Manson’s Music and I peered into the window. That re-triggered my desire to learn to play a musical instrument. I’d been keen at school, but my parents decided that as they weren’t musical neither was I and that the fiver deposit on the school trombone wasn’t going to happen despite the music teacher pushing for it. I’d been a marching band snare drummer and I’d had a bit of bandsman trombone practice time in my previous 20 odd years in the RN but that was it. Why bass? To be honest it was because I thought it would be easier, oh and different. I bought a headless Hohner Jack from Manson’s and my bass journey commenced. Bands, who’d have them eh? I got involved with some work colleagues and friends in Plymouth and we struck up a regular practice in Saltash Rugby Club. It was pretty dire, I was pretty dire too to be honest and we sort of collapsed after a while. I learnt a lot though and the taste for gigging was firmly instilled in my brain. I also started listening to bass and becoming sort of ‘bass centric’ in my interests and music tastes. In 2004 I moved North to Kendal for a change of career. I had by now acquired a superior case of GAS that would see over 100 basses pass through my hands to date. I think that’s quite an achievement although I’m not sure if it’s one to be proud of. I actually had 27 at one point (yes I was single at the time). I saw an ad in Mad Monks in Kendal for a bassist and headed North to Penrith for an audition. My first ‘proper’ band? Well sort of. Regular practice with 3 local guys who were all older than myself and generally a well-heeled bunch. The band’s music was supposedly a democratic choice but the singer/lead guitarist had a habit of going down the pub, referring to us as ‘his band’ and stating that he wasn’t going to play any of that crap that the bassist suggested. The Rolling Stones were the best band in the world and ‘Dead Flowers’ was their best number….. So, the writing was always on the wall really. The other guys were great, and we actually gigged three times. We opened at a local ‘mini-festival’, did one gig in the local for our supper and one charity gig. I loved it and put up with a lot of aggro in the hope of becoming a regular gigging band, but it wasn’t to be. A shame really. It got bitter and twisted at the end, mainly between the said lead guitard and the rest of us. I then had the experience of getting into a punk band that folded and then re-formed with a new bassist. The lengths some people will go to to avoid telling someone that they have another bassist who’s their mate etc. and fits the band image better. Finally, a really long stretch with a group of guys in Kendal who were actually good, particularly the lead guitarist, but we never made a gig. At the best we sounded really good. All classic rock which became very tiring after a while. I think that some of the guys didn’t really want to or have the bottle to gig but wouldn’t admit it. This all went on with the odd change of personnel for years. Recently I thought, enough is enough. I was completely dis-heartened. I sold my rig, sold some basses and thought I’d retire to a bit of noodling in the bass cupboard. It hasn’t really happened. The basses and practice combo have just sat there gathering dust. And then I bought my wife a ukulele. That’s it, I’m a bit smitten! I’ve succumbed to the Uke syndrome. All that life of bass, buying, selling and swapping at clandestine meeting in motorway services has stopped. A whole era seems to be winding down and coming to an end. I still have 5 basses and my TC 250 Combo. I’ve 2 custom ACGs that I don’t intend parting with, a full Uber top spec bubinga and wenge Finn 5 and my special holly topped headless Salace. I also have Rita, a Musicman Sterling with a Nordstrand that used to be well known in these parts. I’ve owned her twice and she stays. That leaves my pearlescent white Nanyo Bass Collection 5 that I’ve just bought from Mick and fettled with a Glockenkland pre. Finally I’m a umming and ahhing about whether to keep my soft aged Fiesta Red Sandberg 5 string P bass. It’s beautiful. I was never one for relic finished instruments but this just works. It sounds wonderful and weighs 7.5 lbs. But however much I love it I’m not playing it so what’s the point? Hmmm… So a long journey and life always changes. I've met some great people and made life long friends. I just thought I’d share. If anyone is local to me I have a load of bass books and odds and ends sat around. I don’t really want to advertise and post etc. So, statistically not good. 22 years, more than 100 basses and 3 gigs! Well life isn't always as you'd want it to be and if you don't have the right ingredients around you you'll never bake a cake I'm, off to play my Uke Peter
  3. The Mandolin is on the dreaded EvilBay. Someone has viewed and is honouring the auction (unusual in my experience). Here are a couple more photos.
  4. Hiya Pete. I think it may be selling soon. I’ll get back to you if it doesnt
  5. I had a bump once, I don't want another, it hurt!
  6. Bit late to this Russ but now that my gigging days are done my Mono case isn't needed.
  7. Realising that the newer model MD 605 is Electro Acoustic and this earlier model is acoustic only I've reduced the price to reflect this. £650.
  8. Quantitive easing, price drop to £700. This is a great bass.
  9. Here's an early GMR made by Roman Koc in Poland. I believe that it's a Bassforce model. This bass draws heavily on Warwick traditions and carries Warwick hardware and a bubinga body. The pickups are passive MEC's, again just like a Warwick. I'm a huge fan of Warwick Thumbs because of the growl and this GMR has that same sonic base. When it came to me it was passive and it sounded good. It now has the full works John East Uni-Pre and it sounds simply awesome. This has the configureable bass control so it's not boost only like the U-Retro, well not unless you want it to be. The treble has the pull up 'zing' position and there is the sweepable mid control. In addition there is a passive tone control with a pull for passive/active and a passive blend to compliment it. A pdf of the Uni-Pre features can be found on John's site: http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/home.html 3 piece neck, 34" scale and 9.5 Ibs. Fret wear is negligible and it has a brass nut. Balance is very good. It plays and sounds absolutely lovely. Some minor dings to a waxed (Warwick again) finish. I'll be honest, since giving up performing I'm only playing bass about once a week. I have 6 great basses and it's a crying shame that they aren't getting used. UK delivery £25, collection or inspection in the Lake District. No trades please, well not unless you have a high quality tenor/baritone Ukulele or Banjo Ukulele Peter
  10. I bought this new but didn't get on with all that plectrum flexing malarkey. It is pretty much mint and comes with aforesaid evil plectrums, a Neotech strap and it's proper case. A zip has failed on the case but this doesn't affect it's integrity in any way. Peter
  11. £200 UK delivered Xmas special anyone? Peter
  12. The point is, as I already said 'given the nature of this thread', saying 'my bass is great and only cost £275' is hardly contributing anything but negativity. If you want to tell everyone how good your Cort is and you don't want it to relate to an ACG then why post it in here?????
  13. Don't get me wrong, it's fine to prefer this over that. If you had an ACG fretless and a Cort B4Fl and preferred the Cort Alan would be the first to accept that and want to know why. Whatever floats your boat. But, given the nature of this thread, coming into it to contribute with negatives strikes me as a little odd.
  14. ? This is a thread to congratulate someone on their achievement. What is your point? Peter
  15. That is great. It may be possible to use the existing 'blend' into a new pre-amp. Having met John East on several occasions I know it'd be worth showing him the diagram an asking him if it could be done. That way you could keep the existing arrangement of pickups, blend and control and use it to supply the new pre-amp. An interesting project with huge potential. I'm now wishing I had my TRB4 back. My 2nd ever bass that I bought new from Mansons in College Avenue, Plymouth.
  16. When fitting any pre with single coil p’ups it is good practice to shield and connect all the cavities and connect all the earths. This minimises single coil hum. I use conductive paint. My GMR has single coils and It’s quiet. I’ve just fitted a 2EQ Glockenklang into a SGC Nanyo and likewise I had several Mk1 TRBs and the pre is a bit ‘of it’s day’ and can be improved upon imo. Lovely instruments John East’s preamps are very good especially the new Uni version. My GMR Jazz has passive, passive tone and blend and sweepable mids making it very tonally versatile while keeping the original tonal signature. Peter
  17. I've owned a couple of TRB5's and I've fitted several East pre-amps, although not in a TRB5. I've got the new Uni-pre in my GMR Jazz 5 at the moment. My advice would be yes, asap Peter
  18. Yes Thomann are a large company and I have heard some criticism of them over the years but I've always found them to be excellent in terms of prices, offers and customer service.. I recently ordered an Artec SE-2 Preamp from them and then had a rethink and went for a Glockenklang pre instead. I initiated a return for the Artec yesterday and they've told me they'll refund me but to keep it. Peter
  19. It's not a finish, it's the wood grain. Peter
  20. I've had a look and can't see mention of this elsewhere. Alan Cringeon is a valued friend. I've followed his career as a luthier for at least 11 years, from the early days. Many of you will know him and his work, either directly or from various bass resources. I won't go on but I would like to offer my congratulations as a Salace 5 String E-Type has just been awarded the accolade 'Fretless Bass of 2017' by Bass Guitar Magazine. I know how much time, effort and pure craft Alan has devoted to building both basses and guitars over the years and I for one am dead chuffed for him. Peter
  21. It was a pleasure indeed Mick. The ACG wasn't getting used due to my lack of fretless skills so that is a plus. I'm loving what is a great example of a SGC Nanyo J5. Fettling but not because it isn't great.
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