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Everything posted by JohnH89

  1. For that sort of money I would take a drive down there as you are in South Yorks . You will find they are lovely folks to deal with .
  2. As recommended above . The only case I found that would fit my Burns Bison . Same length as the Bongo . You will have to remove the additional cushion at the bottom which is attached by velcro . Not tried it but the Fender FB1225 was the only other one that may have fitted . The Gator is a fantastic case .
  3. I would seriously check out a Sterling in person . The one I bought brand new was one of the shocking QC fails with a busted truss rod and tuners made of toffee . It was returned to the seller in person . Never again for me .
  4. Bought one of these to use for background music at Xmas street party between sets . Battery lasts 8 hours . Music straight from phone playlist . Straight into spare channel on PA .
  5. Over on the other forum there is a thread that runs to 39 pages over the last two years plus . Many reports of problems . I did get a duff one and I will never buy another . I don't know if I can post a link to 'the other side ' here but if you search for Sterling ray34 sparkle basses over there you will find what I mean .
  6. They had better up their QC . A repeat of the ongoing tuner/truss rod issue could well be the end for them .
  7. I agree about the ports . Have a look here ... https://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?browsemode=category&category=Hardware&masthead=Case_!amp!_Speaker_Parts&subheadnew=Tuning_Ports Not going to break the bank and I have used these on a few builds without any problems .
  8. I'd contact Maruszcyck first to see if they can help .
  9. Aye . He's a good 'un .
  10. 2005 Burns Bison '62 reissue . Love it .
  11. Just as an update . Gator G-PG Pro Go fits the burns bison '62 reissue if you remove the velcro pad at the bottom . Its snug to zip up but it aint gonna move in there . Thanks for all your input .
  12. There is lots of stuff on the action hardware site but you will have to do a bit of research as to connections etc . The Hartke agents for the UK are Hal Leonard Europe Ltd 42 Wigmore Street London W1U 2RY T: +44 (0) 1284 705050 (opt.2) E: [email protected] Web: https://www.halleonardeurope.com/ Got to be worth a call or email
  13. I built one a while ago . I used a system from Nova guitars https://novaguitarparts.com.br/produtos/ Superbly engineered parts . Andre is a gent to deal with and may even be a member on here . I think he is on the other place . The system is now with @rwillett who can probably give you a few pointers .
  14. https://www.actionhardware.co.uk/parts-online/index.php?route=product/category&path=34_84&page=2 Have a look through this suppliers website . They have been a source of hard to find parts for me .
  15. My reissue measures 49in/125cm from headstock tip to strap button . I have managed to get it into a cheap fender fb610 so I am hoping that if my eBay gamble on the Gator G-PG doesn't work , a fender fb1225 will work . It doesn't even fit in my flightcase for a jazz bass .
  16. Cheers for that . If the Gator one doesn't work out I'll look at Mono . What does the 63 Bison measure out of interest ?
  17. I think early one and lucky . Lucky wins everytime . Enjoy your bass mate and play the bejesus out of it . 👍
  18. Best bridge for any Sterling bass is this one . Out of the train window when halfway across . 😁 . Please don't take offence , its a joke but my experiences of them have been less than stellar . I'm sure yours will be great .
  19. Nothing changes much . They have always been a little strange down Coleford/Cinderford way . Its the Forest of Dean by the way . Spell it the wrong way and they would just as likely nail you to a tree and feed you to the wild boar . 😆
  20. Just got rid of my only 5 String , a Sire P5R to allow the purchase of a lovely Burns Bison '62 reissue . Don't miss it one bit . I do have one of mine that is tuned BEAD that I love more than the 5 . The shop that took the 5 from me said that they are hard to shift for him .
  21. Thought I would search the hive mind for some info . Any ideas folks? It is huge and sticks out from a standard gig bag by a couple of inches . All I have come up with so far is possible a Fender FB1225 or the Gator G-PG . I am hoping the latter fits as I have taken a bit of an ebay gamble on one second hand . Specs , when available online are misleading and inaccurate so I was hoping that someone had some real world experience .
  22. Roto 88s on the fretlesses and Jack Casady . TI jazz flats on the Sire P5R and just changed the BB734 from Labella LTFs to Roto 77s tuned BEAD . A lot of difference in feel and tension but they all work with the basses they are on .
  23. Agreed . Return amp and refund postage . No other option IMO .
  24. Not quite got the hang of that after 45years . Best I practice with a few more pints until I've nailed it . I love basschat for all these great ideas . 🍺
  25. Yamaha everytime . You won't go wrong
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