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    Carthage, NC USA

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  1. My son has a pair of the Aftershokz. He likes them and will wear them all day. Probably not “true” bone conducting but they sit on the boney part of your head just in front of your ears. If he turns them up loud I can still hear a little bleed sitting next to him. I tried them and it is a strange sensation, they are definitely loud enough and you can still hear things around you. Audio quality is decent enough, pretty cool for a novelty, but I am sticking with my AirPods. He loves them though (15 years old).
  2. I would second the vote for GoodNotes. I use it for music notes and for teaching school. Import pdf, images, and write on any of them. Apple Pencil is great if it works with your iPad (not sure what version you are using) but you can use your finger pretty well to make notations in GoodNotes also. It is also easy to rearrange pages.
  3. Is there a way to downgrade the firmware on the pedals? I have updated my MS-60b to v2.1 and get the illegal device error when trying the updater. Is there somewhere to download the v2.0 firmware updater for the MS-60b?
  4. I have all 3, Zoom MS-60b, Zoom B3n, and Boss GT-1b. The Boss gets the most use. Zoom B3n works great if you turn things on and off a lot. Boss for set it and forget it patch style, switching patches as needed. It can do on and offs but programming is cumbersome for that. I like the Boss sounds better though. The MS-60b is fine for 1 or 2 (it will do up to 4) effects or just trying out different things and very pedal board friendly.
  5. My first “real” bass was a pawn shop purchase Peavey Fury. Since my last name is actually Fury, it was like it was made for me. I have much better playing basses now but it will stay in the family.
  6. Currently chasing the tone myself. I am after a clear, just before and stretching into breakup of an old tube sound. Problem is we are on a silent stage. Going to try some tube DIs and see if that gets me any closer.
  7. Recent production Squiers are great. Guy at Church plays one.
  8. Check out the Boss GT-1B as well as the Zoom B3n. Both are gigable. I have both but prefer the Boss.
  9. Greetings. I had to feed my addiction and find another bass forum since TB is down. I play with the worship team at church, CCM, on either a ‘14 Fender P V or my ‘20 American Ultra. Anxiously waiting on my Khan VTDI as we are ampless at church.
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