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  1. geddy was a huge entwistle fan from the get go so the two go hand in hand in my mind..
  2. good old mother nature tends to have that effect..
  3. i was seriously into rush in the 70s ..even caught a couple of their early hammy odeon shows then after moving pictures came out which was amazing they went all genesis 80s meltdown on me ...about then i jumped ship into the cure bunnymen etc etc...
  4. i sometimes pm current adds of similar basses that have sold recently just to try and bring a degree of sanity into the negotiation ... it rarely has the desired effect.
  5. well yes but my point was that at least countries that have a domestic environment that engages in charity on an individual personal level would suggest that any charitable acts carried out by their country would in some way garner brownie points for their next election ... so unlike china it's not always just pure unadulterated leverage.
  6. china has one of the worst track records domestically when it comes to charity, any foreign policy engaging in charity is just pure leverage rather than playing to a domestic audience.
  7. what a swizz ..they were free when i saw them at the henge..
  8. it's going to be game to see which one collapses first ..ozzy just has to sing but bill has to drum, and it's not easy drumming.
  9. me too ..i can't deal with just one string tuned down and bead was not giving me the highs and anything below d was not discernible which by trial and error brought me naturally to drop d standard ... this half way house sort of prevented me from wandering over to the dark side of 5 stringers.
  10. drop d standard on 4 is the sweet spot ..
  11. status graphite double neck...
  12. throughout all of their lowpoints and god knows there have been many... you cannot take it away from either of them, their legacy was already cemented in the 70s ...even we cant dance or their final gig cannot erase.
  13. whos underrating? ..since i can recall the sun has shone out of
  14. would you trade for a boiler?
  15. ..im a bit confused, is this a shortscale?
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