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Everything posted by cameltoe

  1. If it's from the Am. deluxe it could be the Noiseless pickup? I have one and they are fantastic IMO.
  2. Great price
  3. Meths works much better.
  4. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1451920514' post='2944586'] Probably half inched from a forum member! [/quote] That did go through my mind...
  5. Duck in Plum sauce
  6. This thread will also serve as evidence to Mrs Cameltoe when I walk through the door later today with it under my arm and a hole in the account to explain. 😊
  7. Just popped into my local store to see if there were any unwanted Xmas pressies and this caught my eye- Tech 21 Sansamp RBI preamp QSC 1450 power amp Both in a Penn flightcase for £124.99. Have no idea what they are worth but it seemed cheap so pulled the trigger based on what I could google. Bargain or not?
  8. Amazing project!!! Love it. Of all the things to make a bass from, I'd never think of a second hand, too-knackered-to-use front door.
  9. Update: Well, that didn't go to plan! I left the lacquered body for two weeks, then flattened and polished. It was looking great! I decided to try and induce some weather checking, however this is where it went wrong. I left the body outside for a couple hours in a bin bag, then brought it straight inside and put it in the Rayburn for 5 mins to try and heat it through. What I wasn't expecting, was just how much the body would expand when warm, so much so, that it got stuck in the damn Rayburn and I literally had to rip it out. Gouged two huge scrapes in the body and one smaller one, plus a paint blister at the back of the body! Luckily, one was on the arm contour, and one on the lower cutaway, so with a bit of careful blending I think I can make it look ok, although the relic look is now going to have to be more heavy than I'd planned. A wet towel and an iron has already re-expanded the wood completely, which was scraped about 5-6mm deep! Didn't think it would work that well but it did, now just the paint to worry about.... Will post pics as soon as I can.
  10. If there is no decided dress code, then avoid logos. I personally would also avoid check or patterns and go for solid colours. Try not to pull Blue Steel (I've been guilty of this)!
  11. I will 2nd the EHX bass soul food. Cracking pedal and for the money, a real steal.
  12. Bargain and a cracking project. I would have snapped it up if I didn't have to keep the funds back for my Bravewood! Good work Beedster. Next day or two? Let's hope the seller is more patient than some I've dealt with recently! (I'm sure he is😄) I can already see this bass refin'd in vintage white or blonde, but I think a wet and dry with 1200, 1500, and 2000 then a polish will have it gleaming! Will need an anodized pickguard though!
  13. Damn. Why did you have to link to his website? I've been gassing for an 80's Siennaburst for ages, even though I can't live with 1.75" necks, and that one seems a very good price! I will have to hold firm!
  14. His relicing has really improved as you say. Looks great! Is there some nice lacquer checking going on? I wonder if he's had FMIC sniffing around yet? These are gaining something of a reputation now so I wonder if a 'I do not apply Fender decals' notice will appear on the website soon? Amazing though and hope it plays as well as it looks!
  15. [quote name='richardd' timestamp='1451566323' post='2941570'] This is lovely Andy ,pick ups in the correct position bridge allined correctly all as it should be in a mint Hsc.you get what you pay for guys. [/quote] Not very subtle! 😄
  16. A personal thing, but I always find the pickup placement to be a deal breaker on Stingrays. Too far back to be comfortable playing finger style! The neck-off truss adjust on a fender is a ball ache, but I kind of like it. Feels traditional. None of this new-fangled Allen key nonsense. Also, I love the way chrome covers look on a P Bass. Just incredible. Makes them absolutely impossible to play of course, and hence they are always taken off, but they look cool for photos. If fender can sort that and allow me to still play my bass with them fitted, i'd be grateful.
  17. I second the above, just looks like there is a little too much relief in the neck. Traditional designed necks with a single adjusting truss can be prone to a bit of movement throughout the year and both my Precision basses require at least one, maybe two minor tweaks in a year; one is always around winter time. As above, fret the first and last frets and measure the distance between the top of the 8th fret and bottom of the E-string. A rough guide is credit card width, although I like to see a little less relief here, but it's personal taste. With experience you'll be able to get your desired relief by eye (if the fretwork allows it), but it's nothing to be afraid of. Just don't go mad and aim for a 1/4 of a turn, restring and allow it to settle.
  18. I've never thought of overdrive as being the solution to a poor sound. Used well it can add a nice edge to the sound, but you then have to find a pedal that can give you that audible difference in a band situation! Once in the mix many dirt pedals can disappear. Playing devils advocate just for a second, if you did have a sh** sound I'd say it could be the room, or the EQ setting, and would advise having a listen out front during sound check, if you don't already. It's more likely he's a bit enthusiastic about playing bass and just wanted to say something to you to show off a bit.
  19. Yeah it's not an American Special, they didn't come out until a couple of years ago! I would bet at a Highway 1, especially with the badass. The thin nitro finish was designed to wear very easy so this may explain the refin. I guess the serial no. would put it to bed?
  20. Brill! Love it. Reminds me of my old MIJ P bass I refinished in Surf Green, I went for a similar level of relic'ing. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/221439-project-surf-worn-almost-there/page__fromsearch__1
  21. Progress…. The painting has gone well, the solid coat and lacquer have been applied! [url=https://flic.kr/p/BuSy9A][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/BuSy9A]image[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/124725063@N07/]William Chesterfield[/url], on Flickr I've left it a week before doing any flattening. Managed to get the minor runs out, but the paint still seemed a bit soft to be fully flattened. Worked up to 1200 grit, but still putting too many scratches in for my liking. I will wait another week, before having another try with 1200, and working up to 1500 and 2000. Finish is looking fairly good though! Have had one small burn-through, on an area I was planning to relic anyway so didn't feel the need to recoat. I'm going to go for a lightly relic'ed look, I'm keen to get some quality lacquer checking or crazing going on, but only minor wear. Here's a pic of the body mocked up, as she will look: [url=https://flic.kr/p/C5wQ7Z][/url] I think it looks quite tasty! Next step is to finish flattening and polishing, then a good dose of in-and-out the freezer to let the lacquer check, and then some artistic low-key relic'ing. A stack-knob wiring loom from Kiogon at the end of January and she'll be ready to bolt together!
  22. I am reading this, but I'm on the toilet. A well deserved 5 minute break between starter and main course, and a quick check of BC just to make sure no-one has listed an Xmas bargain pre-cbs fender as an unwanted gift. Merry Christmas!
  23. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1449308136' post='2922370'] Squier Silver Series precision basses were the last of the MIJ Squiers from the early 90s, generally exceptionally good, and had a 40mm wide neck. [/quote] Mine is great- bought from BC back in May. They are fantastic basses. 40mm, slim neck that feels so comfy I've specced the same width on my Bravewood build. Otherwise, Nate Mendel precision, or as others have said, have fun bolting one together!
  24. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1450889270' post='2936774'] I'm in touch with a couple of guys on here who are interested. There's 2 guys on FB who say they will get back to me on 31st (pay day). Must admit cameltoe, your comments have got me thinking about a Mighty Mite jazz neck, and some lollipops [/quote] That sounds like a plan! These really are special basses. Mine is an early one as well, and the thing just seems 'alive'. Very light too.
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