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Everything posted by cameltoe

  1. So it's official, now the guy's been more truthful about his thread, you're deciding to have a go at me instead. I was talking generally about the thread, simply questioning some of the comments made towards a newbie (who may not be as knowledgeable about forums, sales on forums or even bass guitars as some of us) and I did so with respect for all concerned. By doing so however, I've attracted your attention and a couple of times now you've decided to try and have a dig at me, which has now resulted in name calling. If I hadn't made my point intially, you've helped me make it now. If you want to take this argument elsewhere then we can do that.
  2. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='993690' date='Oct 19 2010, 03:53 PM']The original title listing was regarding a Fender custom bass (which to be fair the Fender bit was then retracted in the first line of the post) with a parts valuation in excess of £1000. Once this was brought into question it was claimed that the parts were Warmoth and was backed up with prices amounting to the proposed sum. After further probing this claim along with the valuations were later retracted and amended to lesser amounts. It's easy to fall into the trap of mistakingly believing that Nick was subject to a "lynching" by only reading the edited posts. He's only guilty of the noob error of bumming up his bass too far... and on a less bass-centric forum it no doubt might have escaped without such scrutiny. Getting to the bottom of this may seem harsh to some but it has been done with civility (and mostly within the bounds of the forum T&Cs) and in his favour, the OP has met it head on. The net result is that we have a truer listing (I still have reservations) which will protect the less well heeled BCers from making a purchase that they might not necessary have made had they been in full possession of the facts and we have all been reminded of where to draw the line regarding flowery FS threads. Is that such a bad thing?[/quote] Of course not, I just felt it could have been done with a bit more tact, considering the guy is a newbie and a lot of his mistakes seem to be just genuine errors. If he'd have wanted to pull a fast one I imagine he would have scarpered once people started probing and just chucked it on ebay. If he listed prices totalling a figure that was false, and this has since been uncovered then good work all round. I just felt some had been overly harsh and accusatory. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='994078' date='Oct 19 2010, 08:52 PM']dont get arsey with me, its you that came in with like John Wayne without a clue![/quote] And you continue to prove my point.
  3. [quote name='bumnote' post='981345' date='Oct 8 2010, 10:41 AM']Cant comment really and Im not trying to start an argument although I cant see where it says where it says the other one is made in PRC. Im just quoting from Aug BGM interview with Mark Gooday where he says 'all ashdown valve amps are built from start to finish at the companys valve centre just down the road from head office.We can actually make valve amps here in england at the same price here in england as we can in China. Blah Blah Blah. With the shipping, duty and the way the exchange rate is right now, not to mention having to unpack everything and re test it everything we made the decision not to send any of the valve amps offshore. We will just get them all made here and that makes us very flexible.' In these times its great to see products made in the UK rather than offshore[/quote] The first 100 avaliable (bar the prototype versions) were handbuilt in the UK, with a limited edition number (1-100) and a signed document from Mark Gooday and Dave Green with the limited edition number on the certificate. The freely avaliable versions were due to be factory built in China, at a cheaper cost and hence a cheaper purchase price. I'm not sure if these are even in stock yet over here. [quote name='sk8' post='989937' date='Oct 16 2010, 08:26 AM']Final drop to £300. If it don't go i'll keep it[/quote] Dude what are you doing to me? I'm trying to sell mine too! You're not helping!
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='992801' date='Oct 18 2010, 09:38 PM']I'm not about to applaud or argue with your comments but you should appreciate that the description and OP has been altered and amended numerous times; what you say posted atm is not how it started! Not saying right or wrong but we all live and learn. [/quote] Ok, in that case I'd love to see how it all started out, because at times it seemed like a bit of a lynch mob mentality going on here, and I doubt if the original posters intention was to deliberately defraud anyone! [quote name='munkonthehill' post='992786' date='Oct 18 2010, 09:26 PM']why don't you give it a bash and give us all a review[/quote] Smart.
  5. Trades?
  6. Trades?
  7. Been a bit rough on the guy here, don't you think? I mean, eventually he's given the receipts to prove where the parts came from, although he could have been accurate from the very start and possibly saved himself a lot of trouble, but having sold things on a whim before I understand the half-assed approached to selling..... only once people start asking questions do you start digging receipts and stuff out to find out yourself. Some people are more organised than others I guess. Reading through this thread though I was a bit taken a back by some of the comments, especially here on BC. Seemed more like the Ernie Ball forum at times. Good luck, I hope someone tries the bass and loves it.
  8. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='982138' date='Oct 8 2010, 11:07 PM']After having got used to the fanned frets, I am finding it difficult to return to parallel frets in particular those on my 5 strings basses where a low B on the Dingwall it's like a totally different instrument compared to that of an EBMM 5 string bass.[/quote] How do you find the dingwall GW? I like the idea of them, the fanned frets seem to make sense ergonomically, as your hand wants to curve a bit up and down the neck. I'd love to play one. A precision with fanned frets..... possibly my dream bass!
  9. I normally like relicing but that just looks dirty! Like it's Kevin Webster's bass or something. Bet it's amazing though, hence I want it. Trades??
  10. Hey, I bought these to solve neck-dive on my Road Worn Precision, and had them fitted for a day before the Gotoh Resolites I had given up on finally arrived! These are awesome, high quality extremely lightweight tuners. In the end I plumped for the Gotoh's as they are more standard-fit and also come as reverse-geared. These are factory fitted to new American Deluxe Precisions. I imported these from the US, as at the time I couldn't find anywhere in the UK with them in stock. They are over £100 new from all-parts UK, I think I paid around £80 including shipping and import tax. I'll let them go for £60 &P+P (should only be a couple quid) Bargain!
  11. Any chance one of the tube amps you wanted was my LB?
  12. Yep it is a beaut, I really like it, but having just bought a house I really need to scale back my gear. It sounded awesome in some recordings we did earlier in the year, and I have managed to gig it at places where I would have normally taken my Trace 150w combo. Still here, so....
  13. £90 plus delivery was cheapest I could find these, and they weren't in stock. £100+ for a set from allparts UK. Bump!
  14. I can only find one for sale on google shopping, currently £475 I'm not sure when the Chinese ones are due to arrive. I'm half tempted to hang on to it, if only for the fact the value could go up. Who knows.
  15. Hi, I love this amp to pieces. It sounds amazing, and is a great introduction to the world of valves. I've decided to possibly move it on, as I can only really use it at smaller gigs, where it's coped well, but I'm trying to cut down on the amount of gear I own and settle on a standard set-up I can use for every gig. This is one of the first 100, UK Hand-made Little Bastards, and comes with a hand signed document from Dave Green and Mark Gooday. As you know, the cheaper Chinese factory made versions are not on sale yet, but are priced at £400 on pre-order. The only UK one I can find for sale online is priced at £475 + P&P I've used it for recording and 3 gigs and it really sounds amazing. Classic valve punch. Will break up very easily and give a wonderful valvey grind. It's in very good condition. Tradewise I'm hoping for a direct swap for an interesting P bass (Tokai, Jap Fender or Squier), G&L L-2000 etc, possibly Hoppus P bass. Or I'll add other gear to trade off for a US Precision or MM Stingray. I've got a Classic Vibe Squier 50's P bass I could throw in. I'll also consider a straight swap for an iphone, I really miss mine! I'm in Cornwall if you want to try it out. It's sitting on it's matching cab in the pic, which isn't for sale. pics:
  16. Bought these and fitted them on my Precision for a couple of days before I switched over to more standard looking Gotoh resolites. £70 delivered. Cheers.
  17. I think the Precision's were upgraded in late 2009 with the option of Maple necks, aged mint-greeny pickguards, and a few other bits and bobs. I played one briefly and it felt OK. No one really considers the MIM Standard's to be bad instruments as such, just that the quality can vary a bit. I had an MIM and it was great. I've now got a Sqiuer CV 50's P and I would say the quality on that is better. It feels like they've tried harder, whereas the MIM, although it felt very comfy to play, did seem like the 'Affinity' of the Fender range. The CV's seem to be consistently good. Obviously the body wood is going to be of better quality on the MIM, my CV being Basswood, but this actually makes it lighter, which is a good thing! I'm most concerned about how the neck feels, and the quality of wood, feel and frets are better on the CV compared to my MIM (2006 model) I also have a Road Worn P, (MIM) and it is fantastic. Unbelievable bass, definitely a keeper. Try before you buy, is the answer.
  18. Gotoh, I'm pretty sure, have a set to suit all the Fender sizes. They have all the measurements of their tuners available on their website, if you can accurately measure yours you can identify the correct ones. Plus Gotoh's are awesome.
  19. I just bought some hipshot ultralites from the states, the larger post, 1/2" peg size, and they are noticably smaller than the tuners that have come out. The hipshot collars won't fit tight in the holes at all. I did a bit of research, but TBH the information is so vague it's hard to tell. I think I got a vague whiff of someone on talkbass saying that vintage reverse tuners, the ones I was replacing, are a wee bit bigger than standard, modern sizes. I haven't been able to confirm this, as my other bass, a CV Squier, is currently being set up. I'll either use them on that, or they'll be up for grabs. The Hipshots must be a direct fit for Fenders as Fender now use them on the P and J deluxe. I didn't think there was any difference in size between P and J though. Gotoh do an exact vintage reverse lightweight replacement, which I've just ordered to go in instead. If they're too small I'll do my nut. Thankfully Gotoh actually bother to suppply measured diagrams with their tuners, and they looked correct as far as my measurements went. Why oh why these hardware companies can't just be upfront about whether their products are a direct Fender replacement baffles me.
  20. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='955848' date='Sep 14 2010, 11:18 AM']Oh [i]that's[/i] helpful. But it's not a closeup. Oh, wait, I've got this. There. S.P.[/quote]
  21. [quote name='cocco' post='955862' date='Sep 14 2010, 11:36 AM']90s CIJ is the only way to go I promise. They are ridiculously brilliant![/quote] I'll second that! I played one recently, it was battered, bruised, the roundwounds on it were so old they sounded deader than flatwounds, but it played SOOOOOO well!!!!! Really light, perfectly balanced, ridiculously low action. Wonderful. The Squier CV series is definitely worth looking at though, and TBH I'd investigate that before a MIM Standard. Having said that, there doesn't seem to be a huge difference in the secondhand prices between the two (maybe £50ish), and the new MIM Standards look and feel better than previous versions. There was a really nice MIM Classic 50's Precision in Honey Blonde in the for sale section recently, they are really nice instruments and feel a good step up in quality over MIM Standard (my opinion), if you can handle the vintage neck profile. I'm still gassing for a CV Squier in Fiesta Red (another P to the list....). I have the CV 50's P, and it's awesome.
  22. If I hear about the SUB you bought for £99 again I'm going to cry!
  23. I can understand this. I have a precision, and it's a lovely example, but I still GAS badly for other versions. I'd love an American Standard. I'd love a older (90's) CIJ Precision, ....BUT I'd sell my gran to get this:
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