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Everything posted by cameltoe

  1. He's obviously had a look at Bravewood relics and thought he'd have a go. Totally realistic, especially with the as-new condition neck and hardware.
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1457879496' post='3002576'] My dad has been in the motor trade for 40 years. The very first thing he does when buying any new vehicle, and something I've heard him tell others dozens on times, is check when/if the cam belt has been changed. If there's nothing to say it has been, then change it straight away. It's a relatively minor and cheap thing that can save you msmy hundreds of pounds. [/quote] Needless to say, I've followed this rule ever since.
  3. Like above, I think this would be a hard thing to conceal for a month and the seller probably had no knowledge. How many times have you had a vehicle break down with a major fault? How many times were you aware this was going to happen 4 weeks in advance? I bought a car a few years back, and within 2 weeks the cambelt snapped costing me over £1000 to repair the top end of the engine. Absolutely no way the seller could have known this would happen. If you're confident he did know, you'd have to prove it had been concealed somehow for the sale. Hoping it gets sorted.
  4. [quote name='Pestie' timestamp='1457530705' post='2999400'] Hello Everyone Has anybody had one of these MIM Jazz's? I have been looking at one elsewhere but don't know what they are like. Any views or suggestions will be gratefully received. It's part of my ongoing search for a Jazz that I can get on with. Cheers Mike (Pestie) [/quote] Pestie, What didn't you like about the Road Worn? The Classic 50's/ 60's series are a premium Mexican range, but will differ slightly from the RW in that they will have a Poly finish and be unrelic'ed. Anecdotally, I've heard the RW series use different woods, which would back up my experience of lighter, more resonant woods. I'm pretty sure the RW might have had deeper contours too, however I've only compared the P basses, and this was a few years back. What I'm trying to get at, is whether you'll find what you are looking for in a Classic 60's that you didn't find in the RW.
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1457483126' post='2999058'] Yeah, you know it's a quality gig when someones shoe goes sailing pass your head. True story 😃 Blue [/quote] We had a bit of crowd surfing at a beer festival a few years ago. One young lad fell face-first onto a floor monitor and knocked himself clean out. Crowd carried on dancing around him!
  6. I bet you look good on the dance floor- Artic Monkeys. What happened to that Hard-Fi band from a few years back? They seemed to make a few pub fight songs. It's basically any post 90's upbeat rock song, without the benefit of self-awareness, that seems to do it.
  7. [quote name='briansbrew' timestamp='1455059326' post='2975626'] Hi There What does the BJ stand for by the way Thanks [/quote] Reminds me of a question I asked a teacher in secondary school!
  8. If you try and download it again, it will usually tell you you've paid for this app previously and download it for free. It has for me before with other apps anyway!
  9. [quote name='doomed' timestamp='1456511149' post='2989913'] I had a 'I ought to have a fender' phase a while ago, the upshot being a trip to Bristol and a good look round pmt, virtually every mexican jazz they had on display had a pocket gap big enough to slip a pick in either side, leading me to think they're very hit and miss. The usa models were no better built than my old Tokai, I left with a smile on my face and my money still in my pocket 😊. (The phase has passed) [/quote] Go MIJ for craftsmanship. I've always felt (from my experience) the USA's use the better quality materials whereas the MIJ's use cheaper components but put them together far better. Post 2012 USA's are supposedly much improved but I've never played one!!
  10. Nonsense the lot of you! It'll polish out. Bit of T-cut and elbow grease she'll be as good as new.
  11. This looks great and a good price to boot.
  12. These are great basses, made in the Fuji-gen factory, where Fender Japan began. Allegedly they were intended to be well made instruments to win back some of the budget market for Fender. I've had a Silver Series Jazz, which had the best sounding pickups I ever heard on a Jazz; due to being ceramic they are really bassy. Very well put together bass. Traded that and bought a Silver Series Precision from here last year, which is even better again. I can't fault it. It's light, resonant, good workmanship and it has the perfect neck width for me at 40mm. I did change the pickup in this and add a KiOgon wiring loom though, but this is a mod you'd make to many Fender basses. I can't ever see myself selling it as it's worth far more than I'd ever get for it, unless these basses do a 'JV' and suddenly rocket up in value. Having said that, there have been a few ambitious souls on eBay trying to get north of £500 for a silver series.
  13. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1456060921' post='2984954'] These are really great basses, they retail at over £1000 now and the necks feel amazing. [/quote] I think they always did retail over £1000. I did see the P Bass version at slightly under that for a while around 5 years ago. Anyway, the Road Worn series are incredible and I'm a huge fan. Custom Shop on the cheap. GLWTS
  14. In halfords you can buy a set of sanding pads in grey, green and red of various grits. In the body work aisle IIRC. These work great for jobs such as this. Use the finest one and run over the back of the neck. If you want it to go back to gloss in the future, a high-grade wet 'n dry and a polish will bring the shine back. I had to do this to my '83 JV, if it makes you feel better. 😊
  15. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1455860463' post='2983002'] I've done my 20 years on a four string and am now really enjoying 6ers! [/quote] After 20 on a 4-string, you need 30 on a 5. No cheating!
  16. Skank raises a very important point here: What has happened to white dog sh1t?
  17. Stephen bought a couple of pre-amp valves off me. Communication was great and a no-nonsense deal throughout. Happy days. 😊
  18. Yep as others have said that's a highway one. Never played one, but I understand they were a bit of a Mexican/USA hybrid and at £600 second hand that's a bit steep in my opinion considering the new price when they came out. As a poster above mentioned, you would expect to pay £600 for an Am Std, so good of the seller to return you the cash. Saw one in my local music shop before Xmas last year for £350 second hand.
  19. Cue Blue going apeshit.... Talk about click-bait 😄
  20. Replacement neck too.
  21. Who was the famous bassist who when asked about playing a 5-string, said something along the lines of 'you shouldn't play a 5-string until you've mastered a 4-string' how long does that take? 'About 30 years'. Just wondering how old you'd have to be to play this beast.
  22. Check in the neck pocket and under the pickups. Is the colour the same? It should be a poly finish, which would be very thick. If it had been refinished, it would be in a thinner coat which should be easier to spot. Try giving it a good going over with t-cut or autoglym and see if it's just a case of needing a bit of TLC?
  23. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1455638412' post='2980968'] We usually start slow songs slowly, then bring them up to the tempo of the rest of the set by the end of the song [/quote] Drummers, eh!
  24. [quote name='Pestie' timestamp='1455614405' post='2980607'] I've got one of these and they are excellent! [/quote] Me too, and me too!
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