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Everything posted by cameltoe

  1. Don't get me wrong I love Fender basses, and I will continue playing Precisions til I die, but every new line is just a rehashed old line. For that reason, I'll probably never buy a new one again. I wish they'd be more innovative, and design a modern version of a P and J bass. Y'know, like Leo Fender did when he set up G&L.
  2. The original and best BBOT.
  3. [quote name='highwayone' timestamp='1453445083' post='2959512'] I've been offered a swap on my MIA std Precision but might decline. They look lovely basses but don't seem a lot different to regular MIM''s considering they're nearly doubl the price. [/quote] They are completely different. It's hard to think of what actually is the same other than being made in Mexico. Try it and see if you prefer it though?
  4. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1453450233' post='2959548'] Does the standard 50s (non-Roadworn) have a nitro finish ? If so i'm happy to do my own relicing. [/quote] Only the '50's Lacquer, which I think comes in any colour you want as long as it's black!
  5. I emailed Fender when I bought my RW Precision who confirmed they are USA pickups. Regarding comparison to MIM standards, they are a different beast. They aren't just MIM's with a few hardware upgrades. My 2008 is incredible, my USA standard didn't get close (and got sold) and neither have many basses I've played since. The closest thing I've played to it was a Custom Shop '57 in terms of feel, which I only preferred due to superior fret work (and subsequently had my frets taken down a bit my my luthier.) The weight, feel and resonance was very similar between the two. I have also played a few Classic 50's P basses and although these are very good and on paper look to be very similar spec, they feel very different to a Road Worn. I've heard the later model RW's aren't quite as good (couple comments on BC and Talk Bass), a bit heavier etc, and I did play a 2012 version which I didn't think was as good as mine, but these are just general comments, can't confirm, however if looking again I would try and seek as early a model as possible.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1454197147' post='2967507'] Yeah, if a Fender Road Worn has a ding or blemish next to the input Jack, they all do. You could buy a real vintage bass with natural real age. [/quote] Not for £900 you couldn't. I do think people tend to overthink the whole Relic thing. I bought my Roadworn because it was the best feeling bass in the shop, and I went in to buy the non-relic'ed Classic 50's in Honey Blonde. I didn't like the idea of paying extra to have a new bass beaten up, didn't see the point, and as far as I could tell they were the same spec. Until I played them back to back. I didn't have the extra £300 for the Roadworn but after playing it I had to find it! It just felt so much more alive to me. Ever since then I've found myself naturally preferring a worn bass. They sit more comfy with me, and I don't need to worry about dings. It's not just guitars that are reliced. Check out rat look VW's!! Brand new cars attacked with belt sanders and made to go rusty. Doesn't make sense to me! You either like it or you don't. If it feels good but the fake thing puts you off, that's your call. But ultimately I'd always go for what felt best in my hands.
  7. Yet another wiring kit bought from John, and yet again a top, top quality bit of kit. This time a stack knob jazz wiring loom and grounding kit. Incredible work and as above, in the post and with me the next day! Cheers John!
  8. He went mad so we shot him.
  9. I remember putting a ding into an otherwise mint American Standard Precision and being so annoyed with myself I punched myself in the face. At the 2nd or 3rd gig with my at-the-time-new Road Worn Precision, the singer knocked over my stand and the bass fell face-first onto the floor. I laughed. Half the appeal for me!
  10. Minus hard case Silver Series squier P in p/x?
  11. Wow, hadn't realised this was out. I've had GAS for all-valve since I sold my little bast*rd a few years ago. That was 30w and was only slightly too quiet to gig with. By slightly, I mean if it could have gone to 11, it would have been fine. I think 50w should kick out that crucial extra dB that will allow it as a regular gigging head. Currently still using an OTB 500 since 2009 as I love the valve sound, but I don't want to carry a fridge around to every gig, so this could be the solution. 'kit couple of good reviews and I'm getting finance on this bad boy.
  12. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1453561766' post='2960577'] Depends what you're getting in return. I've fixed loads of my friends electrics for free. The whole payment thing hinges on how much inconvinience you're going through so that someone else can enjoy themselves. Pub gigs? If you enjoy playing, you turn up, people enjoy it, there's a lot of benefit in kind going on where there's little or no real financial cost. Although today, I've had to go to work at last minute notice, tonight I'm playing a gig. I'll earn all night what I earned just driving into work, before I have even had to use my brain. There's no way a pub could pay me my Saturday day rates. However, tonight's gig has meant I'm a bit more stressed doing the job I get paid for. I was concious that I could possibly be there all day and not make the gig! Now if I was doing a wedding gig, there's no way I could have done my day job and would have lost A LOT of money doing it for mates rates. One of the reasons I don't do weddings. Too many close calls. Getting up at 6am, getting stuck at work and then rushing to a gig and getting into bed at 3am. That's not bragging I don't think I'm taking money from professional musicians either. [/quote] The inevitable follow-on question... What do you do for a living, and, are there any jobs going? 😊
  13. Ooooh... Heavy? Light? In between?
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1453429347' post='2959498'] Speaking of money. The other thing that's nice with my band is no on stage talent handles collecting the fee. We have a really nice lady that does most of the marketing stuff, makes sure we back playing after and not taking extended breaks, sells merch. etc.. She pays everyone in cash within a few minutes of load out like clock work. I'm not sure all bar bands are run like this. Blue [/quote] 'Bar Bands' sound like they could be different to 'Pub Bands'.
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1453210616' post='2957410'] Becoming progressively more amused at the number of people advocating various forms of physical aggression or bodily intrusion, despite having been told that the drummer in question was a PT Instructor in the armed forces. We seem to have some very serious keyboard warriors here ... [/quote] To the OP- go for the 'nads. A swift size 9 delivered by surprise should put him right. 👍
  16. What serial number is it? I.e A-series, E-series? These Fugijen Fenders are great, even the Silver Series squiers are seriously well put together bits of kit.
  17. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1453320874' post='2958482'] I will probably be in a minority of one here but I, and I'm sure my two band mates are the same think about the gig before the money. If it's a party it will probably be a good night so we would be happy with £50 each. We've done loads of party's for friends of friends on the cheap. I've spent 15 years playing in boring clubs where I only did it for the money. Nowadays I'd happily play for a low fee as long as I enjoy it and I see people enjoying themselves to our music. Life is short so I want to play as many good gigs as possible. [/quote] Absolutely agree with this, we have done lots of gigs for free in the past for charity, for events where we knew it would be a good gig and I would always put playing a great gig for free, above a highly paid, bad gig. However, my pricing structure still stands for me and my band, based on my experiences. So unless this was going to be the party of the century, with money on the door going to charity and we had a bit of food and drink to sweeten the deal, my 'mate' can jog on if he thinks he's getting us for free! Also, it sounds like with the OP's band, the punter got through to 'that guy' in the band that will play in a dustbin for free if offered. The guy who 'just wants to play'. We've got one in our band. There is definitely a sense of romance and 'doing it for the music' about this attitude, however we've played some terrible, terrible gigs in the past when we've entertained this viewpoint, gigs where we've all agreed we've done ourselves and the band no favours at all, and come home with hardly anything to show for it. Our guy has no family, so doesn't really understand how precious time actually is for the rest of us, especially at a weekend. When your sacrificing that to drive 80 miles to play for £30 each, to an audience of 3 people, who'd rather you weren't there, it can be really demotivating as a musician I find. If I'm going to play music I want to enjoy the experience, not think "that was a load of sh**" If it's going to be sh**, then I better be being paid properly! 😊
  18. I'm with the OP. There are two different rates when in a gigging band, in my opinion. Pub rates, whereby the pub have to make money back by having you perform. Also, they will continue to give you dates, therefore as an ongoing relationship, the prices are lower. The sets are always 2x45 mins, and always from 9-10pm with a 30min break. Here my band usually get £250-£300. Private functions- These are one-off gigs. No opportunity for further gigs. Usually, the expectations are higher, the sets longer, music provided before, during break, and after. Time of performance can vary wildly, and location can be further than we are used to travelling. For these, we charge around £600. Slightly more for weddings, as these are always, always a pain in the backside and we are literally 'doing it for the money'. £400 as mates rates seems about right, and is what we've charged in the past, depending on how good a mate they are of course! I can understand why the customer feels hard done by, but he cannot expect the same price as a pub that may give you 5 gigs in a year. If he doesn't like it, he can always try and book someone else for cheaper? That's usually what we say anytime we get a moan.
  19. I'm in St Austell, if anyone wants an eyeball report!
  20. Is he having a laugh? You can actually see the brush strokes in the red paint. Not that I have any idea why a different colour logo would make any difference in the first place of course.
  21. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1453057839' post='2956036'] For a beat up old Squier, amazing. When you see some of the instruments you can get for that kind of money on here or on eBay second hand, its truly remarkable! [/quote] Collectibility factor! Don't let the Squier badge fool you, these JV's are fantastic instruments, my Squier logo'd P is great, and the 1st issue Fender badged ones are supposedly even better. Does that make them worth £1000? I don't know! Fullerton reissues go for more and are of the same age. Late 70's P's go for more and the ones I've played have been terrible! Ultimately it's still less than a new U.S.A Standard so I guess it depends on what you want. But collectibility (especially as a rarer Fender badged JV) and a reputation as consistently good instruments are what's driving the price up here.
  22. ...and replied.
  23. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1453038614' post='2955787'] 'American Beauty' is maybe an easier entry point, after all. T'would be a shame to miss out because of a one bad video shoot; it's true that there's not a lot of 'live' Dead footage for those not already 'in the fold'. Could be worse; I could have suggested Cap'n Beefheart..! [/quote] You could have, but I have endured Trout Nask Replica on numerous occasions. It does kinda come together after several listens. Moonlight on Vermont is awesome. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1453038614' post='2955787'] I was attending a training session for an IT company in Holland, with a few international colleagues. Yo, from Singapore, was very keen, very enthusiastic. The instructor was explaining that we were to go through the procedure for restoring the Oracle database, which would be 'accidentally' rubbed out using the 'Drop' command..Firstly, though, a backup would have to be made... Too late. Our friend Yo had already 'obeyed' the instructor, and had 'dropped' the db. Nothing left to back up..! It took most of the morning for the local team to restore these training db's from that night's tape (a good exercise for them, of course..!). Our whole time with Yo was spent in exactly this same, 'speed', way. We'd go to a restaurant in the evening; he'd not understand how one could sit and wait for the order to be cooked..! No sooner served than he wanted to know where we would be going next. A pleasant evening spent in relaxing company in one place was foreign to his nature; forever looking for greener grass, unable to enjoy the present minute..! To hear him speak of Singapore, it seemed to be a cultural thing there (I've never been to verify this...), where everything is disposable, rapid, immediate, urgent, and better in the [i]next [/i]few minutes, in a similar fashion to Alice's "Jam yesterday, jam tomorrow, but never jam today". Eternally dissatisfied as a consequence. [/quote] I know people like this. Makes for a very unrelaxed night out! But I have to ask- did Yo appear to be disappearing to the toilet fairly frequently throughout the night? Come back sniffing at all? Excessively moving his lips or jaw? Well, it could be cultural or it could be chemical!
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1453025999' post='2955554'] I listen more, and more closely, to the Grateful Dead, though, in general. Real life-changing music, for me. [/quote] That's a musical blind spot of mine. Where would one start with the Grateful Dead?
  25. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452980535' post='2955353'] I don't have any views on Nirvana, other than I'm not familiar enough with their work to have an opinion one way or the other. I never bad mouthed Nirvana, that's the difference. Blue [/quote] You already replied to this one Blue, on the previous page. Anywaaaay.... I don't think anybody did bad mouth The Beatles did they? Unless I'm missing something. I think mostly it was just expressing whether they liked them or not. Which people are entitled to do.
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