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Waddo Soqable

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Waddo Soqable last won the day on September 30 2023

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  1. Nice easy fx pedal transaction with Gareth, top man..👍
  2. A very swift and satisfactory FX pedal transaction, cheers Dave 👍
  3. Just had a great old Zoom pedal from Jo, literally for pennies, nevertheless this was promptly send and most excellently packaged to survive a bomb blast ! Top man 👍 many thanks indeed...
  4. Your experiment has established that it doesn't have any adverse effects at all, so I'd take the win and leave it alone as you've achieved what you set out to perfectly by the sounds of it..
  5. Likely a bit of a grey area, this is 30" scale and envisaged as a Bass Vl, but tuned as above on thinner strings, many of these things kind of "meet in the middle" somewhere.. I liked a long scale 4 string tuned up too btw, though don't have one set up like that now. Conversely I've also got a big bodied acoustic guitar that I've made into a 4 string (narrowed the neck down etc) and tuned down with B being the lowest note, I'd kind of thought of that as a sort of "tenor guitar" but it's likely a bit low tuned for that, plus it's got a full length neck unlike many tenors that are somewhat shorter.
  6. I have messed with this kind of thing and it's quite interesting, the nearest I've got going at the moment is one of the Bass Vl 's I have, it's tuned to what you'd call A standard, the same relative pitches as a guitar but down A to A so about half way. Works well imho. Wheter this counts or you're just talking 4 bangers?
  7. Conversely sometimes I've put it down for a bit, and after a break, distinctly got the impression I was better when I picked it up again.. Funny old game innit
  8. I've actually done PF through P2G (and directly for smaller items as I recall) in the past, but certainly seems far better value going direct, good call 👍
  9. I've done parcelforce a couple of times recently, delivered on time with no probs ... did you book that online directly with Parcelforce btw?
  10. Agreed, this merchant sounds like a chancer looking for a bit of easy extra dosh, if you're serious about teaching, you have all the right equipment ready and waiting, including a few different basses for students / potential students to try if needs be. "bring yer own amp".....? a clown imho🤔
  11. I've always used open strings when it's suited what I'm doing, why ever not?
  12. I'm not "technical" at all, but I can play as well as I need to for what I do (or have done).. and guess I've always been fairly good at coming up with riffs /grooves/ ideas to build songs or pieces on, or suss out a suitable part for other people's material. I pretty much never "practice" as such but find I can generally put the thing down for some time and then pick it straight up again with no loss. I could never play in an outfit that required reading the dots or similar, then again I wouldn't really want to anyway 😁 I'd say the important part is to provide just what the piece of music requires, no more, no less.
  13. The resemblance is uncanny isn't it 😂
  14. It's likely a bit of a lottery but I've had a few things from them that were fairly good, including a 6 string active bass that was imho excellent.
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