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Waddo Soqable

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Posts posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. 10 minutes ago, BillyBass said:

    Best gig: The Damned at the Electric Ballroom, Camden Town, December 22nd 1979.. cracking gig, Lemmy came on to help out with 'Ballroom Blitz' towards the end

    Worst: Adam and the Antz at Cleopatras in Huddersfield on the 'Antz Invasion tour', would have been April 1980.  Fights constantly breaking out throughout the gig, the local skinheads versus us.


    The Damned always did a v.good one on the occasions I've seen them, this would've been in the "Roxy" era when Capt S. was still on bass..

    • Like 1
  2. I made a stand for a guitar, so you could walk up to it, with a bass still round your neck, play a bit, then walk away and continue with bass ( it was some jolly 'modern' combo I was involved with at the time)

    The guitar was held in a kind of G clamp, suitably padded with rubber to protect it, to a point. This was atop a mad (max?) looking stand I'd welded together..The guitar was an SG so had nice flat surfaces front and back to clamp on to....

  3. 12 minutes ago, Lozz196 said:


    And given the “I want it all now, but most of all I want more than those I know” mantra where everyone has to have better than everyone else, and be able to show it off I’d doubt many would choose this anyway. 

    Indeed....I actually can't imagine any of the young from nowadays even existing in "our" world back then !

    .....remember if you wanted to phone your mate? ..you had to walk down the road, find a phone box, dial the number, and ( when the pips went) put 10p in.. always assuming your mate's mum had a phone at home ! :)

    ....if I could, I'd jump right back there in a heartbeat...

    • Like 1
  4. What Marvin says above resonates with me.. In the punk /post punk era most of the people in bands that I knew, including myself, were on the dole, and living in squats..I seem to recall a sum of £13.75 a week as the basic of the time ( a packet of fags was prob circa 20p tho, so it's all relative ! )  My dear old mum would occasionally bung me a few quid at a pinch too... but how cool would it have been to have had wealthy indulgent parents, the nearest to that I knew of was a mate who's dad gave him a couple of hundred ( a tidy sum then) so he and his band could do a "proper" 8 track demo !

    • Like 1
  5. As regards low tuning, I had the jack version, which is as far as i can see identical apart from having a guitar shape body.. I used this in a band down tuned, with my lowest string down to C, these were normal strings not bottom 4 of a 5 string set, and worked absolutely fine like that, for me anyhow.

    Assuming it's the same bass apart from body shape, which to me looks to be the case, it will be an excellent instrument, with a great range of sounds, I also regretted selling my Hohner headless.

  6. It has surprised me in the past how clueless guitarists can be , one guy I played with years ago was brilliant on guitar, could play pretty much anything straight off, but when he tried to put some bass on the same stuff , it was like a little kid having a go, completely incoherent would be the best word !

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    I’ve still got a pair, they go with my flares 😁

    We need to see the pics of you in those man !

    Course to go with it you need the massive 'fro.. with the comb stuck in it !! Those were the days :)

    • Haha 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, PaulThePlug said:

    Simple... Zoom B1on > Sennheiser HD206Zoom_Sen.thumb.jpg.59ae023d7e4cd1373c1331b97751e70a.jpg

    Really Simple... EHX Headphone Amp > Sennheiser HD206EHX_Sen.thumb.jpg.63aad4679310cf67961938cf05434996.jpg

    I've just been doing exactly the same Paul,  but with the B1 four from your good self ! 👍

    Trouble is I'll have forgotten all the cool little bass lines I was messing about with by tomorrow.. ;)

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