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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Nah it's Reggae.. no treble, no fret buzz...
  2. And possibly a bit at the end where you hear your name called out in a very shrill and narked voice..
  3. Bet you can't remember how the songs go when you wake up tho...
  4. Or at least play lounging on the sofa in the traditional manner....if you have your feet up on one end you'll be nice and comfy, plus you won't be in her way when the Mrs is running the hoover round on Saturday morning..
  5. Starting to wish I still had a tenor sax !
  6. Get up and play yer lazy sod !!!
  7. Another strong one for ladies night..
  8. Good call, I certainly will ! 👍
  9. Checked out some more Hempress Sativa, have to say she's pretty amazing..!
  10. Nice !...plus she is one lovely lady..& great vid 👍 (we used to do that lighting up aerosol cans thing too !! )
  11. If possible I'd always specify "Do not send by DHL". I've had problems with them more than once, stuff just vanishing seems a common one, I very recently had a GAK order like this... It was a " give me a refund now and you sort it between yourselves please" job... which they did, but would rather have had the item delivered in the first place as you'd expect..
  12. In the modern era , ie 2000 onward, I've always had a single multi pedal for doing gigs, if nothing else it's handy to have a tuner, provided it's 'lighty up' and visible, plus I tended to have a v.small ammount of chorus or reverb just to give the sound a little bit of extra something . I never really went far into the effects that were on these pedals, personally I can't see the point of distortion on bass unless you're a Lemmy tribute act , just imho !
  13. That is a tune ! 👍 what TV show was it from i wonder?
  14. I simply wouldn't want to chance it, especially with the euro nonsense in the background.. There's lots of other places to order from, ok the DV type operators lure you with a few quid off but not worth the grief really. That said I had a problem with GAK recently resulting in a "just give me a chuffin' refund".. outcome. This as I understand it was a prob with DHL ( who've been utter rubbish in the past too) rather than GAK themselves to be fair.
  15. Glad I've seen this thread, I very nearly ordered something from them, and saved their details just in case... I'll give them a miss now, thanks for the "achtung warning" !..
  16. Cool!.. I do like that bit of tenor sax in there ! There's probably a lot of "standards" that'd reggae or ska up brilliantly.. Funnily enough I was messing about sussing out a Beatles song with a mind that it'd be great as a reggae or ska version...
  17. Lord Tamamo's version is the classic.... but I love the film these guys have made and what they've done with it !
  18. If they don't have a bass player I hate 'em already... Just as I do the Doors..
  19. I had an encore Les Paul once, it was quite good, hefty like a LP, even looked quite decent with a cherry sunburst, it wasn't too shoddy at all, suppose it depends which of the usual suspect manufacturers made it.. Pretty certainly MIK I'd think.
  20. Yukkk.. Sounds vile.... You're very dirty men.
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