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Waddo Soqable

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Posts posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. 1 minute ago, drTStingray said:

    Don’t you just love the Basschat threads take a life of their own - this one seems to have become a repository for posting every low ball Stingray price on the net worldwide.

    On the Bass Direct Sub what do ‘the experts’ here think is the correct rating of condition? And if @Waddo Soqable likes the bass why send it back because of the neck points - I would ask for a reduction - maybe £50. 

    But it’s all not relevant to this thread title anyway?? I am coming away with the impression that there are a number of market trader-esque of used car salesman/ buyers on the forum which will make me think twice about selling anything here!! 

    Well I certainly wasn't wanting to do Arthur Daley buy them and "flip" em type deals :)I simply wanted a bass of that type, that was within my limited budget, the suggestion of that ad was a good one and thanks for making it 👍   ...I'd much rather keep the bass and If the Bass Direct guy would bounce me £50 back that'd be absolutely fine and fair play, they've said they wrongly described it, their fault etc so I think the above would be reasonable. At last message however they don't seem to be interested in a fair compromise.

    • Like 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, peteb said:


    How about a 1989 Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 2eq for £850 on Facebook Marketplace?



    That looks a v.nice deal, unfortunately a bit above the contents of my wallet at the mo :(  I presume you have to be on facebok to see and reply to these, I don't do fb but as mentioned a few pages ago might be worth starting one just for that purpose !

    Is the marketplace open to all or is it very specific groups only tge ads go out to, ie basses by certain makes etc ?  Excuse my ignorance but fb is something I've always avoided !

  3. 7 minutes ago, ProfJames said:

    They have done the minimum according to the sale of goods act.  If they think that is reasonable then that is their prerogative, not really the actions I would expect from a transaction of a company that I want to deal with.  Not personal, offered the minimum and all from their lack of detail.............

    As you say they've fulfilled their "obligations"  but not addressed the "goodwill" or good customer relations element which I'd have thought would be important, obviously not. Maybe they're "big" enough not to be bothered, a bit like ebay !

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  4. Just now, peteb said:


    Basically they have offered to collect and refund, as well as apologising for the mistake in rating the bass as being in 9/10 condition. I don't see what else they can do seeing as they don't actually own the bass and can't go against the owner's instructions. 

    Yes i do take your point of course, tho I have no idea if it's a commission sale or it's their own stock, you'd think if it were on commission they'd have added something like "sorry as it's a commission sale we can't do anything". That would've clarified the situation but wasn't mentioned. I will hopefully get another email from them tomorrow anyway

  5. 8 minutes ago, tegs07 said:

    This one is very tidy:


    I would replace the pick guard though.

    Yes I'm not struck on the "tread plate" pickguards either...That one appears to be "collection only"  from the midlands so isn't really do able for me !

    Tbh if they were dead common on evilbay I'd tell them to go poke this one and they could have it back... But if they're not that easy to acquire I'd be better to hang on to it and live with/sort out, the neck finish issues.  Also on the keeping it side, I like the all black finish too, I'm not overly keen on the other colours they seem to come in !

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, PaulThePlug said:

    I'd be starting with a return at full refund...

    See if they would like to get the issues addressed...

    Or them to start the ball rolling re-assessing the value.

    I'd be getting em to arrange to collect it... otherwise they are less likely to be forthcoming..

    I shall await their reply to my last email, they would've gone home by now and I won't get anything til tomorrow for sure !

  7. 4 minutes ago, Machines said:

    They've had more than this thread about similar issues and I know they moderately often rush ads online and reuse previous  descriptions without proper edits. 

    The owner knows how he's doing business and I've definitely had disagreements with him over things in the past, but I'll keep going there as overall, they have the best stuff out there. And it's just down the road 🤣

    If they're near you then it's not too tragic, and makes sense..if I was local and popped in, I'd have had a look at it in person and likely been able to strike a deal with a few quid off, bearing in mind the few issues with it. Dealing face to face is always best !

  8. 6 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    Yeah, that’s a good idea mentioning BC, ultimately it’s what you’re happy with , as tegs says, the neck is an easy fix , but they should compensate you something for being misleading 

    Indeed !.. In fact  I've just pinged them another mail saying I'm not happy at all...oh and btw we've been discussing this on BC for the last hour and the comments are not overly favourable to your firm !

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, tegs07 said:

    The neck is definitely fixable-  one good thing about the budget black finish is that the repairs won’t show once retouched.

    Very true, as I mentioned I would be having a go at polishing the back of the neck as first port of call, the side dot markers would be easy enough to smooth down and polish flat too, so not insurmountable, of course one can get necks re finished properly too, at a price !

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    That’s a shame Waddo, especially when you trust them and your looking forward to getting it, it’s definitely not acceptable, I would want a considerable discount or they can come and get it 

    Yes you're right there, but I have to decide throw it back or accept it as is !  I'll ping an email back and say I'm very much not happy, and BTW were discussing you on BC right now, and not very favourably !

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, tegs07 said:

    Yep - I was looking for one of these for a while and as they mid 80’s and “cheap” they have frequently been gigged.

    I wasn't overly keen on the red finish with that one either.. Knowing me it would've ended up with a "blow over" of matt black or something.. Then of course I'd have been toying with putting a pre amp in, so would've been a bit of a project !

    • Haha 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, ProfJames said:

    Their reputation has diminshed for me.  That is a mercenaty way out to offer a full rend - it is correct, and they are right...but.  This forum is importnat to all retailers..........I am sorely disappointed as the cost of returns, packaging, damage to reputation, bad press must be worth something!!!  Short term gain and a long term pain.  What do they base their 9/10 rating against?  This has upset me as this is not a personal service, their offer purely covers them and has no respect for the individual.   I will not buy from them again................the business of any business is to get customers and to keep them............shame on BD

    Indeed Prof, first and last time.. I wouldn't buy from them again either.

    • Like 2
  13. As Tegs says, technically they've offered  a return for refund, so they're covered in that respect as regards sale of goods law.

    They reckon it was priced correctly for that instrument and only the 9/10 rating was a "mistake" as in the cut and paste above , they reckon a 9/10 one to be £800 !

    Personally I think it's a $hitty way to proceed, they should certainly make some gesture of recompense, but clearly have no intention of doing so, it's a case of send it back ( which i don't want to do now) or "put up with it"



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