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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. Breakin' rocks in the hot sun.. Type of thing.. .. snoozing not an option unfortunately
  2. You should have launched into a load of dodgy slap bass... 😁
  3. Aye, Once 3 a year whether he needs it or not... Aanyway I suppose I'd better go and pretend to do some form of work.... I leave you in charge Snorks, you have the Con.....
  4. And most importantly , remember you're a Womble...
  5. I always avoid "flags" of ANY kind
  6. I'll see your four.. And I'll raise..
  7. Brilliant 👍....the F ones you don't seem to see that often
  8. Of course if its primarily a "jam" the thing to do is to jump in first, immediately start knocking out some bass lines, naturally the drummer will join in, then the rest have got to follow you.. Sorted
  9. I always liked the bridge one with the great big 7 (F) embossed on it 😁
  10. He's studying to be a contract killer aparrently. One of the new Open University courses
  11. Don't be daft, Snorks is one of my best customers
  12. I know, you take holy orders, become a monk / nun, and then you can go and save them..... 👍
  13. Obviously I can't take any responsibility for what people do with WadShok® products after purchase
  14. I think the story goes it wasn't quite finished, it needed another verse, but as studio time was marching on, they just recorded it anyway and bunged the lil' bass solo in instead.
  15. The little bass Vl solo in that is great...
  16. I think they reckoned it probably gives a funny off clippity clop stop in the rhythm, like a horse 😁 Even if you did it wouldn't come if you called it, ornery creatures..
  17. I'd say you "twatted" your bass would be a fair description
  18. There's always room for another Kazoo Trombone (ist)
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