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Waddo Soqable

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Everything posted by Waddo Soqable

  1. A bit like "Christmas comes but once a year" then..
  2. Duude... Maybe he got all his fingers sliced off in a horrific accident the next day or something..
  3. I'd certainly put roundwound strings on it if it were given to me... bucking the prevailing trend, as always, I don't like flat wound strings.
  4. As an old geezer who doesn't really like or "get" the computer based stuff, I'd say use a stand alone multi track recorder thing, it's the only way I could do owt like that, I tried computer based stuff very briefly and just thought "nah" & gave up with it. I realise this will be a minority view btw 😁
  5. In the 80s there was a "thing" for brass nuts.. As @PaulThePlug says, it's only on open notes it might have any effect anyway, on fretted notes irrelevant.
  6. That'll just go "Duh.." ( there you go, saved you all the bother.. 😁)
  7. Isn't dinosaur "bone" in fact fossilised, ie stone?
  8. Assuming it was "back in the day" .. Did you have to play a load of communist party stuff in there as well ?
  9. That's a steal for the price.. If it were a tenor I'd have it like a shot 👍
  10. Put some benzodiazepenes in their tea... Job done
  11. Obviously they couldn't get it demolished the legit. way...
  12. No one's admitted they're looking at porn / having a barclay's yet then.... 😁
  13. I do hope you're going to get him shltfaced on strong drink, then cable tie him to a lampost, covered in shaving foam...
  14. The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly on the Plain, Julie Andrews
  15. I'd be making myself a tool like the one in the pic but with a longer 90 deg blade, specifically to fit it. As above prob a good idea to ensure the TR does actually work while you have a window to return it if it's fkd 😁
  16. About 17 with a crappy woolworths short scale bass, at the same sort of time I was also playing the saxophone and did some with that too (purchased for 30 quid from a lecturer bloke at college)
  17. The first real proper bass amp I actually owned and paid for was a Peavey Century, prob circa 1979. Sounded great, obviously I encountered many Peavey amps and combos in rehearsal rooms and gigs back in the day. I subsequently got a Mk3 much later in life, which was a brilliant amp. It was acquired for pennies at the time I'm sure. It replaced a Hartke 3500 which was an absolute piece of shlt and I got rid of ASAP , the elderly Peavey was So much better.. if I was looking for an amp nowadays I'd be looking at older Peaveys for sure, tho doubtless they've gone up in price as they'll be punted as "vintage" gear..
  18. Top man 👍 But bear in mind.. "an angel dies every time you play gratuitous slap bass" 😁
  19. For all they know you might be loaded ! Just go for it 👍
  20. Back in the day when we used to go and try stuff all the time, I'd first always pick up a bass ( and occasionally a Git just for a lark) and have a strum on it not plugged in, loads of times you can just go "Nah.." to yourself at that stage, as it immediately doesn't appeal by the feel of it. Obviously if it passes the 'pick it up and twang it a bit' test, you can then ask them to steer you towards an amp and see what it sounds like. Funnily enough despite the fact we always looked like scumbags I don't ever recall being refused to try anything in a music shop. Maybe they didn't want to risk it in case we'd just signed a record deal or something 🤣
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