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About Peloquin

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. I'm just learning Forever Free by W.A.S.P.
  2. I went to see the always fun Dirt Box Disco the other night. Supported by The Spontanes.
  3. Ramonas Tea Party supported Millie Manders and the Shutup last night in Manchester. Ramonas....I'd never heard them so had a listen on the way up and tbh didn't think that much of them but they were actually pretty good. They are full of energy and looked like they were loving it up there. Happily watch them again. MMatS we're great. The energy they put out is phenomenal, Millie's vocals are so powerful and man can she hold a note. George bounces around like a bass playing power ball with the biggest grin on her face you've ever seen. Great night, great music. Only complaint really was the vocals were lost a bit, just to the point that if you didn't know the weird you couldn't tell what they were. Apart from that.... fantastic time.
  4. In heading to Manchester to see Millie Manders and The Shutup tonight.
  5. Heading out to watch Wednesday 13 playing Murderdolls. Loved old Wednesday 13 stuff but the last 3 albums introduced more keyboards and imo ruined them.
  6. My first AC album was Constrictor. I quite like it. He played Man behind the mask so I was chuffed at that.
  7. I went to see Alice Cooper last night. Never seen him before, not an enormous fan but always wanted to go. The Meffs were on first but we missed them due to traffic, can't say I'm bothered as I've seen them before and tbh I don't understand the attraction of them. Primal Scream were next... just garbage. The singer(dunno or care about his name) acted and sounded like he was off his head, kept introducing the wrong song next and messed up the words a few times. I was glad when they went off but a few others seemed to really enjoy them...I love this about music. Alice came on and owned the place. He was real good, strutting around and ordering people to sing. Hardly any recognition that the audience was there, sorry if reminded me of how The Ramones were, just song after song, no talky bits in between. I didn't know a few of the songs but the sound was so good that I could hear every word. Id go see him again.
  8. I went to see the great TV Smith last night in the tiniest venue I've ever been to.. The Artisan Tap in Newcastle (Stoke on Trent). The set was 1 ½ hours long and was great. A few I didn't know and loads I did. Great night.
  9. Well I took @pedsuggestion and ordered a 9v > pedal lead and there is still a tiny noise, more like a hiss but it's not an intrusive noise so thank you all for the input and help.
  10. Sorry to be a pain with questions but what power supply would people suggest? (Link?) I don't want to spend a lot as all I'm doing is messing about learning in the house. Thank you all again.
  11. Than you folks, I'll get a better power supply then and see how it goes.... The pedal is......
  12. So over plugged it into a socket on the other side of the room and while it's definitely quieter it's still there. If it's something to do with the power supply, could it be the actual plug? I got it for about £10 off amazon.
  13. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it... I went to the Cheshire guitar show on Sunday and on a whim I bought an overdrive pedal for my bass. Now if I plug any of my cables direct from amp to bass it's fine, if I plug the pedal in line I'm getting a quiet but very noticeable high pitched noise while the pedal is off. If I hit the pedal the noise changes and gets a fair bit louder... any ideas how to stop it? I'm very untechnical so words of 1-2 syllables and possibly pics would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  14. Yeah, they were in a packed out Empress. They had a few tech problems and tbh I was a bit disappointed but willing to accept it was the monitor problems. I stuck about 4 songs then gave a seat up for a lady on sticks so figured while I was up and moving I'd head out to try find the wife.
  15. Here's me with some people you MIGHT know. A jam tart to the first one with the names of the 3 who absolutely begged me for a pic 😄😄😄
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