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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. [quote name='lowdown' post='515862' date='Jun 16 2009, 10:49 PM']Walk Beneath the Raindrops... Was it Will Lee on Bass? Garry[/quote] Liane Carroll does a corkin' version of this song. Roger Carey on bass. Top.
  2. After a bungee-luggage-strap-in-the-eye incident resulting in an extreme detached-retina-eye-operation episode, I won't go near the things these days. The eye consultant at Leeds told me 1) if I'd left my visit to him another couple of days I'd have lost the sight in that eye and 2)He'd ban bungee straps if he could, as they were his most common cause of eye trauma. Ratchet straps are much more secure anyway.
  3. Hi Stewart, Got friends up around Lochailort.. tempting to arrange a visit, but already booked that night. I've texted a couple of folks and given them your mobile. Best of luck, HUGH
  4. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='512676' date='Jun 13 2009, 10:55 AM']Many thanks for this hubrad. I'm getting some very favourable comments re the Evahs ....... think I'm going to have to try them. The Major[/quote] I'm just "ower th'ill" so you're welcome to pop over and try mine if you like. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='512686' date='Jun 13 2009, 11:11 AM']theres a new version called weich which seem to have more of the spiro flavor....they sound like a good bet....not seen them in the uk yet but they are out in the US... cheers Geoff[/quote] How mad is that - made in Germany and shipped half way round the world so available in the States. Prob cheaper there too.
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' post='513391' date='Jun 14 2009, 04:20 PM']Just spotted the 'Meshell's' Celinder for sale in the Gallery for wait for it...... £5000.......Now i know Celinders are expensive but 5 grand??? Even if it was Meshell's.. The bass Gallery seem to really overprice there basses... And why do they think they can charge £150 more for a Sadowsky UV than Guitar Guitar..?? Surely they should be a bit more competitive, especially in today's climate[/quote] You could turn that round and ask why Guitar Guitar routinely discount all these amazing basses before the customer even gets there? It's not like every shop in the land has Celinder, Overwater etc. The Gallery seems to have a good rep among BC members; I'm a couple of hundred miles north of there, so I've no direct experience. Seems to me if they were overpriced this would be reflected in their general reputation.
  6. Take the rest of the day off with nervous exhaustion!
  7. [quote name='51m0n' post='513889' date='Jun 15 2009, 09:56 AM']1st audition in 9 yrs, bound to do something or say something really stupid.[/quote] We're bass players.. it's expected of us. Seriously, though, best of luck tonight. Luck? Luck has nothing to do with it.. knock'em dead! Don't drink 'til afterwards.
  8. [quote name='bubinga5' post='512595' date='Jun 13 2009, 05:28 AM']Beed. just out of interest how good are the LF's..I hear great things..... B..[/quote] I've not used their bass pickups, but if it helps I've used their P90 guitar models.. seriously nice pickups! Sounds like this would be a very nice bass for somebody out there..
  9. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='423552' date='Mar 2 2009, 08:20 PM']The Violin Shop did the initial setup when I bought the bass- I had though they had done some work on the nut but not sure now if its been enough.[/quote] How long ago? If still in warranty period or soon after, It's probably worth talking to them further anyway. [quote]Thanks for the advice Dave but I posted this in the Double Bass section for a reason- no frets or neck relief per se here. [/quote] Actually, there is relief in just the same way as electric bass, just no truss rod. A DB tech can alter the relief by planing the shape into the board - seriously skilled stuff not recommended for home consumption! [quote]Make that 5 files- I have a low B as well. Thanks for the thoughts folks- at this point its academic as my bank account has just been emptied by a mortgage/council tax double whammy so I can't afford any new tools or a pro setup just now, but I will have a root around in the tool box and see what I can find. Cheers Kyle[/quote] Those engineering/jewellers files are just the job for bass. Nice and cheap, see what you can find. Usually those multi-sets are a good source.. [url="http://www.screwfix.com/prods/71313/Hand-Tools/Files-Rasps/Forge-Steel-Needle-File-Set-150mm-10-Pc?cm_re=SEARCHPROMO%2d%5f%2dNEEDLE%20FILES%2d%5f%2d71313"]http://www.screwfix.com/prods/71313/Hand-T...20FILES-_-71313[/url] Take it steady; if you go too far it's much harder to build the slot back up than it is to drop the string, file again and retighten. If you knack up, you can get DB nuts from most decent music or violin shops.. poss a special order item but generally available. I've done my own nut slots on both my first DB and the one I'm on these days, using these tools. Went by feel rather than measurement. Tired arms from all the string winding! Then again, I'm into tweaking gear.. if you're not confident, far better to get a proper fixer-of-these-things to do the job. If you just ask for nut slots, not a full setup, they will do it as long as you understand that's all you're getting for now. Once you can afford it, get the full individual attention.. it's amazing the difference it makes.
  10. You may find that the blend pot is part of the active circuit.. if so you might need a replacement blend pot. Personally I'd go for Vol, Blend and 3 dummies, or else get an active/passive switch in there if it's possible so you have the best of both worlds.
  11. hubrad

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  12. [quote name='subaudio' post='512333' date='Jun 12 2009, 05:51 PM']That's true, most punters think it's a mythical machine fabled to be called a "smoke machine" but it is in fact the bass player making a brew, thats why you always see "smoke" wafting across the stage on the slow numbers.[/quote] :brow:
  13. [quote name='subaudio' post='512319' date='Jun 12 2009, 05:29 PM']well, I dont know about you, but I for one cant play on an empty stomach [/quote] Always have a flask of coffee and a supply of biccies or chocolate stashed behind the amp (that's why we use big amps ) for slack moments between songs. If there's an extended embarrassed pause 'cos nobody knows what to say, brew up.. goes down well with audiences! Those with the fear.. go for it and be honest about your abilities, as a couple of others have said. A major part of fitting into a band is actually relating to the other members. Bull***t will out and then no amount of good playing will save you! Work with them and they'll usually work with you. A great thing about getting through a moment of fear is adrenaline - the wonder drug and quite addictive. Enjoy!
  14. [quote name='ben_eat_pie' post='512000' date='Jun 12 2009, 11:56 AM']UK made too - not a bad amp for the money![/quote] In that 'made in P.R.C.' kinda way! Which is not to detract from the amp, by the way.
  15. I started off on Spiro Weich (came on my current bass when I bought it) which were great plucked but scratchy under the bow. I used and loved Obligato for a few years, then the divils launched Evahs, so I had to try them. Excellent strings, quite high tension and darkish sound. Loud. Great pizz or arco. Supposedly less prone to 'rolling' than Obligato.. I never noticed a problem there, but that's me. I like them both!
  16. I like this.. a bit short and as you say someone should climb down and plug it in, but ho hum! Try this one: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXB9jpYhX1k"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXB9jpYhX1k[/url] for gig bag testing! Filmed upstairs here.
  17. [quote name='escholl' post='511130' date='Jun 11 2009, 01:01 PM']details in my sig/profile. it's not perfect but it is soooo much fun to play. :wub:[/quote] Man! How shiny is that? Here's mine, an erstwhile Ibanez Roadster.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673&hl=ibanez+roadster"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...ibanez+roadster[/url]
  18. [quote name='SlipperySquid' post='510880' date='Jun 11 2009, 09:11 AM']Bloody bass whores!!!! Now look what you've done to the thread What I'd like to know is what makes a jazz bass a jazz bass? I know the basic fender style but what of the more exotic looking basses with dual humbuckers etc? Is it mainly down to neck size/shape? or does it just come down to the overall sound of the thing?[/quote] [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='510560' date='Jun 10 2009, 07:44 PM']Buy it, try it, keep it or move it. So long as it is pre-owned you've got nothing to lose![/quote] This is the best response to your question. Great basses, love the sound and shape, don't actually have one!
  19. I know you said you want passive, and another range may do something similar to this, but EMG soapbars would work well for you inasmuchas one rout shape then gives you access to various different internal formats..P, J, Dual Coils, switchable stuff. Might be worth talking to makers like Wizard or Armstrong to see if they'll do a custom job in that vein.. it would mean you could experiment at will.
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='510939' date='Jun 11 2009, 10:25 AM']I did a course in electronic music technology in the early 80's and saw a few interesting examples of the interesting things that happen when flesh and bone meets high ampage, and as a result have a healthy distrust of all thing electrical.[/quote] I've learnt electrics from the practical side, and I have a healthy respect for electricity; basically it will go any where you let it, so the art is only letting it go where you want it to. [quote name='Beedster' post='510939' date='Jun 11 2009, 10:25 AM']Personally I think it's stupid to the point of being almost criminal that manufacturers are allowed to build high voltage/ampage electrical kit with such poor risk control. I also think too many musos don't study even the basics of electrical safety Chris[/quote] Yup, electricity is 1) Very useful and 2) potentially lethal. I think it's the responsibility of the manufacturers to make a piece of kit as safe as possible, and the resonsiblity of the user (i.e. us lot!) to use it properly. Amps are high voltage equipment; we can't really get away from that one, so we need to be aware of just what we are throwing in the back of the van. Most I think we've all seen way too many dodgy mains sockets in venues (even schools! ) and damaged mains cables beloniging to gigging musos.
  21. Beauty! It takes me back.. although mine was mahogany finish it was the same model. Excellent bass. Just look at mine now! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673&hl=ibanez+roadster"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...ibanez+roadster[/url] Good luck with the sale Claudio.. well worth the asking price!
  22. Not quite the same plug, ironically as we do a 20' cable with one of those, but we do a 12" patch with these ends: [url="http://www.acousticalimited.com/product_info.php?cPath=62_42&products_id=565"]http://www.acousticalimited.com/product_in...products_id=565[/url] at £4.99. I can swing post free for BC, and if you get a few together I'm sure we can sort a discount rate.
  23. Hah! I just bought that same cab! Excellent bit of kit, and a really nice fellow to deal with. Cup of tea, a chat and a bit of a trade.. what more do you need for a pleasant evening out?
  24. Not half bad, those Vintage P-copies. £75? Nice one!
  25. You can use your favourite (if you have one) DB strings on these. I'm on Obligato/Evah Pirazzi.. brill strings but expensive!
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