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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. How much for the head? I'm way outside Lunnon, but where I work we have a carrier contract so I could arrange collection if that would work? Nice offer of tea, though..
  2. [quote name='Paul_C' post='509112' date='Jun 9 2009, 03:08 PM']It's been known for a guitar lead to catch fire if used as a speaker lead, because it's designed to work with the relatively small signal coming from a bass, not the extra load that comes out of an amp.[/quote] A rather more extreme case, but some neighbours a few years back almost killed their baby by running a fan heater on a fully coiled mains extension!
  3. COULD happen.. I know plenty of folks who have got away with it for years! I really wouldn't advise it, though, and once almost got into an argument when I wouldn't let one lot use one of my Cream cables as a monitor speaker lead rather than them walk to their car. You could melt the cable if you overpower it enough - short your amp output and guess what? Running power signal down a shielded cable also has some other inference which I don't fully understand, but I believe it's also potentially not good for your amp. Alex? If you're in a rush for a speaker cable and no-one has one for sale, you're better off cobbling something up with as-heavy-as-possible 2-core mains cable, daft as it may sound. Dunno if I'd bother to kick off about it, but worth taking their 'advice' with a pinch of salt!
  4. Heh, heh! Give 'em a lick from me!
  5. [quote name='Bassassin' post='506323' date='Jun 5 2009, 01:30 PM']It actually works OK - wonder what happened though? This is basically a Rick crossbred with a Hohner B2A - looks like the Hohner's donated pickups & possibly active circuit, as well as bridge & string retainer. I'd like to think the Rick suffered a disastrous headstock break, rather than somebody just thought this was a great idea! J.[/quote] [attachment=26781:hacksaw.jpg]
  6. On principle, I rather like this! See mine.. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673&hl=ibanez+roadster"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...ibanez+roadster[/url]
  7. I've never had any probs on my Trace (about 16yrs old and still going strong ) but I recently got something similar with my Fender valve combo. Spoke to my local amp repairer who advised as a first try to get to the circuit board and resolder every contact. Did as suggested.. amp back to normal at the mo. Sounds extreme, but he says a common thing, esp. on combos, is vibration pretty much rattling the contacts apart. A good bass amp is going to give plenty of vibration, so quite possibly there you are! Of course, a just-slightly-loose contact will give you an intermittent fault for ages before developing into a definite blow.. could be worth seeking advice from your local friendly amp repairer! Having said this, as the other guys say, the majority of amp probs are down to mucky pots and sockets.. worth keeping those clean as a matter of course.. Servisol Super 10 is one of life's little neccessities!
  8. Try any decent Fender dealer for a badged replacement. Probably to order in but should be available. We have a few single Schaller (often used on Fender) in the shop. Someone on BC may be selling one.
  9. [quote name='grumble' post='508503' date='Jun 8 2009, 08:12 PM']Bugger off ? First thing that came into my head, sorry [/quote] LMFAO, to lapse into the modern vernacular!
  10. Pre-booking needed? Not usually so at Roscoe. Any idea of cost?
  11. It caught my eye as well, as they have it in their Ebay listings. I'm quite sure it'll be a corker, as we had one of these in the shop a couple of years back. Not the same one.. one great thing about spalted beech if you like that sort of thing, which I do(!), is that each one is unique! The intonation set looks a bit iffy.. pretty sure it's this bass [url="http://www.overwaterbasses.com/evolution-series-gallery.htm"]http://www.overwaterbasses.com/evolution-series-gallery.htm[/url] but Overwater set it up properly .... see if they'll take an offer?
  12. Mmmhmmm! A nice list there!
  13. [quote name='BassBalls' post='508456' date='Jun 8 2009, 07:10 PM']Which part you after? Im more keen on the head but i could have it all![/quote] Actually I'm more keen on the cab...
  14. Pea - a brilliant one for showing off solo at parties and shocking the sensitive!
  15. 4 x 8s in series-parallel makes 8 Ohms, 4 x 8s all parallel makes for a 2 Ohm cab. Also, as you'd be splitting the power 4 ways you'd up the power handling capability of the cab.. if they're each 8 Ohms 200 Watts, you get 2 Ohms 800 Watts. I have a Peavey 210TX which was only available as 4 Ohms, but as I wanted 8 Ohm cabs I had to change the speakers to 2 x 16s in parallel with an overall power handling of 400W.. still going strong 15 years later!
  16. [quote name='budget bassist' post='507824' date='Jun 7 2009, 10:47 PM']nice!! sweet top on that If it was me, i'd probably take that neck down to raw wood too, i like how it feels, not a fan of gloss[/quote] I've thought about the neck; not down to raw wood as it gets grubby and moist but I may well refinish to natural so it matches better. With my first Double, it had sticky gloss on the neck, so I French Polished it - worked a treat!
  17. [quote name='aj5string' post='507623' date='Jun 7 2009, 06:10 PM']If only it were lined![/quote] You got a pen and a ruler, doncha? Go line-free.. it hurts far less than you might think!
  18. Some better piccies.. Full frontage: [attachment=26642:front.jpg] A fine rear view: [attachment=26640:back.jpg] Close up of the front; shows a bit of inevitable polishing (half a dozen gigsworth) where I tend to rest my thumb! The original pickups look just the same but without the EMG logo. [attachment=26641:bodyfront.jpg] One of the head.. the silk of the Elite B string was just going over the nut there: [attachment=26643:headshot.jpg] Hmm.. time to paint the skirting boards!
  19. At last some better 'finished' piccies.. The front is stunning. I like this, glad I went there! [attachment=26638:fin.front.jpg] Then the back, too. The ash is beautiful.. almost (but not quite!) wish I could play it the other way round. Spot the white dot of filler where I once experimented with an under-bridge transducer! [attachment=26639:fin.back.jpg] Controls are Vol and Blend. I've also got an EMG BTC (cheers, Aharon!) which I'll mebbe install in here too, but that's in another bass right now. About the same time as this, I've finally got my dream bass.. an Overwater fretless, which is absolutely amazing! Still, taking both on a gig, playing this bass is coming straight back home to my comfort zone. This bass is not moving on!
  20. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='455947' date='Apr 6 2009, 10:56 PM']That looks cool Hugh, I wonder if I should make my Wal 5 headless?[/quote] Count me in! [attachment=26636:hacksaw.jpg]
  21. Personally I'd rather not have a stand than the really cheap ones.. I've seen too many things fall off them! Without a stand you tend to take more care propping the bass up or pop it back in a case. Even a MIM Jazz is best part of half a grand these days! Where in the country are you? K&M.. [attachment=26588:km.memphis10.jpg] Hercules.. [attachment=26591:herculesGS414Bjazz.jpg]
  22. Hi Christian, Welcome! Where in Austria are you? Some good friends of mine have a great band, based in Ried im Innkreis. They were a 3 piece called Sin After Sin (very heavy!) now a 4 piece called Revolve.. more classic rock, still excellent! [url="http://www.myspace.com/revolverockmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/revolverockmusic[/url]
  23. Not cheap (I agree with Chris_, but I use this one myself on a Jazz type with even more pronounced offset. [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/product_info.php/products_id/129"]http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/produ...products_id/129[/url] Post free! I'll try to get a better pic going. We also do the Hercules [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/product_info.php/products_id/698"]http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/produ...products_id/698[/url] Basically with a Jazz you're beter off with the hanging type stands.
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