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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. [quote name='guyl' post='448461' date='Mar 29 2009, 12:05 AM']Clean your ears out - those folkies aren't into sheet music. "it's in D..2,3,4"[/quote] Quite true! Sometimes in G. Listen to loads of stuff for ideas; Danny Thompson has to be the N0.1 destination, but lots of good players around. If you already play jazz you probably have an ear for vibe, so just go with the flow - they'll tell you (as they did me all those years ago ) if you're overplaying. Have fun!
  2. I take it that's [u]with[/u] frets, then? Would love a fretless one; have a bump on me anyway.
  3. [quote name='thebeat' post='448220' date='Mar 28 2009, 05:31 PM']He'd be better saving his listing fees and getting a flight to the US where he could then ram the bass up the original sellers Candy Apple Red arse until his face turns Candy Apple Red.[/quote] lmcarao
  4. Mark, near Sowerby Bridge, 07854970981
  5. His response - or lack thereof - to questions suggests that he doesn't want to sell it.. maybe he's under pressure to move something out of the house. Don't think I'll even be watching that one!
  6. [quote name='Johngh' post='447417' date='Mar 27 2009, 03:45 PM']One thing not to do is forget the pan in on the cooker with the strings in and let it boil dry, like I did once. Missus not happy about ruined pan. Had to buy another, been cheaper to have bought new strings ![/quote] +1
  7. I went through a phase of string boiling a few years back; I tend to let them dry steadily over a radiator or in good airflow. The main reason I got out of regular boiling was that I forgot which set had been done how many times.. breaking 2 strings in one set was enough to put me off. Dunno just how many times they had been boiled though:blink:
  8. Nowt wrong with headless, mon ami! I'm liking the way this is going. Keighley Timber are really handy if you happen to be up there. It looks like North Bradford is the home of headless ingenuity! This is my project: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673[/url] HUGH
  9. I had the 1x15 version yonks back.. my first 'serious' bass amp (looong time ago ) which did me proud for quite some time, especially with an extension 15 fo gigs. I saw this on Ebay and was tempted by nostalgia.. if it's all working fine then it gets my vote!
  10. hubrad

    Shukus ??

    Beaut bass, Dave! Now if you just squeeze another string in there and pop the frets out... My Ibanez is getting a much-deserved spruce-up at the mo. Build diary at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44673&hl=[/url] HUGH
  11. I'm sticking to natural lacquer, so it'll just enrich rather than stain. I'm a sucker for a nice bit of woodgrain. Something like this: [attachment=22741:buchanan...ple_back.jpg] which is Buchanan's standard lacquer on an extremely tasty bit of maple!
  12. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='443162' date='Mar 23 2009, 09:46 PM']it didn't look so bad headless after all[/quote] I still like headless.. balance is superb! [quote]The stories it could tell, eh? [/quote] On gigs involving camping it would even share the tent!
  13. [quote name='Geddys nose' post='443187' date='Mar 23 2009, 10:06 PM']Your not selling the original Ibby preamp and knobs are you?[/quote] I'll have a dig around, but I think they disappeared years ago.
  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='443162' date='Mar 23 2009, 09:46 PM']lol seeing this conjured up conflicting reactions firstly I hated to see any decent instrument being hacked up but [list] [*]it didn't look so bad headless after all [*]its great that a low budget instrument can be reinvented like that - its the equivalent of a former warehouse converted into cheap workspaces and workshops. [*]it may look like a completely new instrument after this work is done [/list] And after all that, I admire your dedication and commitment to this particular tool. The stories it could tell, eh? [/quote] It was this very decency that led to the hacking!! I just couldn't fund anything 'better', and the pieces of wood just sounded so good acoustically. I've since played various basses which are supposed to outrank this, but I suppose because I tweaked it so much myself it still really does the job. Mind you, a fretless Overwater....
  15. [quote name='josh3184' post='443322' date='Mar 24 2009, 12:36 AM']I'd always be worried about taking the facing off a bass, you'll done a bloody good job on that![/quote] Ha! Friends in high places.. see the pic with the power machinery!
  16. I wouldn't expect breaking the shaft to give issues like that, although if it's also bust inside the pot it might. Any wires come loose with the movement of the pots? That's the most common thing. Usually get guitars brought to the shop with loose pots and 'nothing coming out'. Tone pots are usually A type, linear taper.
  17. Nope.. broken spindle, knackered pot! Any figures visible on the body of the pot? Most likely 250 or 500K type A Can be found here if you're not near a Maplin's or such shops: [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/product_info.php/products_id/4374"]http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/produ...roducts_id/4374[/url]
  18. [quote name='BOD2' post='442539' date='Mar 23 2009, 03:17 PM']If he breaks the pots we can share the blame.... [/quote] [attachment=22575:carefulnow.jpg]
  19. Great minds..
  20. If you've never had them off before they're probably just on really tight. Keep pulling, p'raps lever under the knob but [u]lever all around at the same time[/u] not just on one side or something will most likely break, . Also if using some kind of lever, protect the finish on the front of the bass with thick card or somesuch. This has worked for me loads of times.
  21. Well, Friday actually. A St.Pat's Celebration in a church hall. One of the highlights was this, seen backstage.. [attachment=22571:keep_off_the_stage.jpg]
  22. Same here.. there's always a frisson of 'I hope this works'! Dr.Dave has seen this bass in action at gigs in Wakefield. It definitely still worked then.
  23. [quote name='bremen' post='438913' date='Mar 19 2009, 08:43 AM']And discovered broken blades, and crossed town to find that Homebase have never heard of routers, and ran out of glue at 3:59 on a Sunday afternoon and...[/quote] Well, there's a thing. [quote name='uzzell' post='441922' date='Mar 22 2009, 06:57 PM']I want one, but unfortunately i wouldn't know where to begin with such a project. I dont suppose anyone knows of any 1x10 cabs that you can pick up in a shop.[/quote] I got a Euphonic Audio 1 x 10 with concentric horn. Not sure if they still exist, but Overwater do EA gear. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='442458' date='Mar 23 2009, 02:25 PM']Yes I'm O.K. with cream, .[/quote] +1!
  24. ..and that last pic was backstage at a church hall gig last week! Enjoy!
  25. Hi all, Everyone over about 40 is probably familiar with the trusty Ibanez Roadster.. [attachment=22559:normal_Ibby_023.jpg] I got mine second hand, 20-odd years ago, already fretless with an unlined ebony board. Had to get a fretless and this one sounded ok and was in my price range.. under 200 quid with a hard case. As I took up bass to play in a ceilidh band, I soon fancied the idea of being able to play D below the E string, but couldn't cope with detuning one string. With hindsight, why didn't I think of detuning the whole bass? Anyway I tried a cheap 5-stringer, one of those Hohner cricket bat ones, which persuaded me that was the way to go. Ripped the frets out (as opposed to de-fretting it!) but it just didn't have the sound of the Roadster. I reet fancied the Status headless look, but even then you were looking at 1500 pounds, so sadly not on the cards! Out came the drills.. I worked out there was just enough space to fit a 5th string on that board. Only trouble was, with a 2-a-side head, the middle string tuner had to stick straight out the end.. kept snagging on curtains and band members! So, with hope in my heart and more than a flutter in my stomach, I hacksawed the head off. As you do. Used the Hohner hardware at head and tail. 'Job's a good un'! The truss rod cover stayed on board by way of a memento. Over the years, I developed tastes for fancier pickups. Not that the originals (poss. DiMarzio) were bad; poss low budget old school GAS? I had good communications with a pickup maker in Cornwall called David White, now sadly deceased, I believe. He sent various trial pickups for the experiment. Nice chap. New holes routed and drilled in the bass. After a few years I got hold of my first EMG soapbar, and I was hooked! More routing in the bass, and 2 pickups fitted. Reduced the controls down to Volume and Blend, so had a load of holes to cover.. gaffer tape for the switch holes and Wenge for the hardwood-filled spaces around the EMGs. So this was my bass for the last 15 or so years.. [attachment=22560:before_wb.jpg] I've been meaning to give it a tidy up for yonks! Finally got some flamed maple from Neil at [url="http://www.nscustomguitars.co.uk"]http://www.nscustomguitars.co.uk[/url] , then hung around for another couple of years plucking up courage to do the deed. Got into the zone a couple of weeks ago.. we're going in! First, the facing Wenge off.. now I can see the hardwood blocks again. [attachment=22564:faceoff_wb.jpg] Then onto the Nitromors and scrapers etc. [attachment=22567:stripping_wb.jpg] I've found some top abrasive called Abranet.. heartily recommended! It doesn't clog like normal sandpaper, and if you have a vac attachment the dust just gets sucked straight through. Having cleaned the finish off so as not to clog the machinery, it's off to see my local luthier Thomas Buchanan - [url="http://www.folkmandolin.co.uk/"]http://www.folkmandolin.co.uk/[/url] - for a run through his flatbed sander.. [attachment=22561:buchanan.jpg] and back home to glue and clamp.. [attachment=22562:clamped_wb.jpg] After some drying time, a couple of whips around with a router.. [attachment=22563:edgerouted.jpg] [attachment=22566:routedsmooth.jpg] to get the shaping right and the pickup and control holes in place. Now my bass body is back at Buchanan Heights as spraying lacquer around the place is definitely not one of my hobbies! Can't wait to get my trusty Roadster back up and running.. it's done every bass gig with me and has become my comfort zone! More news and pics soon! HUGH
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