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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. We've got loads in black in the shop! HUGH
  2. [quote name='simon1964' post='407790' date='Feb 12 2009, 05:14 PM']But you'll get much better value buying used.[/quote] Quite so.. if you don't mind the occasional dent and scratch (chances are you'll put enough on there yourself) you can get stacks more bass per pound.
  3. Also consider Cruzer (until recently Cruiser) by Crafter.. excellent basses for the money! The place I work in has these, including [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/product_info.php/cPath/258_259_262/products_id/4380"]http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/produ...roducts_id/4380[/url] of which there's one slightly ex-demo at the mo so even more worth seeing; just out at Cleckheaton, 1 mile from Jn26 of M62. HUGH
  4. Even without a voltage switch still a corking amp. BUMP!
  5. P.S. definitely an octaver. Try it - it's a very satisfying sound to make!
  6. I read an interview yonks back in which he said that, for studio work, he would turn up for a session with just his bass and a Boss OC-2. Anything else was up to the studio or songwriter.
  7. I've just looked at mine again, switch deffo there. Marked with the red X in pic: [attachment=20037:traceback.jpg] HUGH
  8. [quote name='Mr.T' post='405168' date='Feb 10 2009, 10:53 AM']No switch on mine.... I guess it could still be converted to 120v though?[/quote] 'spose.. you'd need a new transformer fitting. One could approach Trace.. when I was having problems getting a good balanced DI signal from mine, they said 'Ah, that's because the XLR on the back isn't actually balanced' but then supplied - at a small but reasonable cost - a suitable signal transformer. They'd be the perfect people to ask re a suitable mains transformer for 110V. They might even do a switchable one.
  9. [quote name='Mr.T' post='404045' date='Feb 9 2009, 09:30 AM']I can't find a 120/240v switch on mine?[/quote] It's small and doesn't stick out so you don't change by accident(!) As you look at the back panel, it's a little (about 1/2 x 1/4") slider with a display of the selected voltage, Just in to the right from the mains socket.
  10. [quote name='molan' post='403609' date='Feb 8 2009, 06:28 PM']I know someone in the States who was looking for a Trace head but not sure if these have switchable voltage to work at 110v?[/quote] Mine has a 240/120V switch on the back.
  11. The shop where I work (1 mile from M62) sells acoustic basses.. I'd go along with the lack of acoustic power in general. Double basses are big for a reason. We do have an ex-demo half decent Crafter [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/product_info.php/products_id/4385"]http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/produ...roducts_id/4385[/url] which is one of the better ones I've played, being slightly larger in the body and having Rosewood back and sides. Before I got into double, I had a similar one - from the same place but before I worked there - slightly bigger again. It was ok for acoustic sessions with a pick, a bit of a pain with fingers as you had to play flat out all the time. Having put that Crafter on the website, I then found that we have two the same. Folk festivals, huh! HUGH
  12. [quote name='YouMa' post='402335' date='Feb 6 2009, 08:16 PM']Fender are a cultural icon,they are expensive for what they are. But so are harley davidsons.[/quote] Fenders don't leak oil.
  13. A great head.. I've had mine since about 1990 (mists of time..) and still haven't bettered it in my budget. Trogged it round UK and mainland Europe with a variety of cabs, mostly 2x10s. Mr T.. keep the head unless you really need to get rid! I can use mine with a 1x10 for small gigs or practices, bump up the cabs for more volume. Versatility on a stick! Even a self-professed Trace-hater likes the sound of mine! If it must move on, SOMEBODY GRAB THIS HEAD! HUGH
  14. Even if you're playing The Wild Rover for the thirtieth time this month (been there, even managed to work past loathing to enjoy it again) just remember you're still doing what alot of folks never get past dreaming about. Alternatively go back to a more conventional way of earning the supermarket bill (if you stack shelves they'll give you staff discount) and only ever play what you want. If you're a dep, you have to play what the band play, either from charts if that's your [u]and[/u] their bag, or your ear has to develop pretty fast. If you're a member of this band, it sounds like time for one of those 'band discussions'. Best of luck!
  15. I rarely get high volume feedback problems.. if the band want to be that loud they can have electric bass and be grateful!
  16. [quote name='dood' post='401804' date='Feb 6 2009, 09:58 AM']Tuning to Low F# would require getting your nut recut if you go for a heavier string. You may need to deal with the bridge height as well, as *most* very heavy gauge strings have a taper core.. and finally the intonation will need to be checked as well. You *may* need to get your neck relief checked over as well, if the string tension is affecting the neck at all. If you chose the right gauge of string for your scale length, you might not need to worry too much. With regard to those supplying F# strings, I get mine from Warwick. They do a massive 175 gauge string for that tuning. You will also be very happy to hear that Rotosound have just started doing a 175 gauge string as well. Last year, under endorsement, I asked them if they would make sets of 175's up for me.. and they said no, they didnt have the machines to do it.. Now whether or not they have gotten new machines or farm the wrok out, I don't know.. but I am tempted to give those strings a go and see how good they are! It's nice to see that more companies are addressing the need for heavier gauges and lower tunings.. it does make sourcing strings easier for the average Joe on the street! The Bass Centre have been looking after me for quite some time now and have been great, as were Rotosound.[/quote] +1 to recut, etc. 175 on a bass guitar? I can't imagine how that would look, let alone sound. I'll get me mum and dad's poker! HUGH
  17. Heh heh! I found this while doing 'work'.. [url="http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=13044"]http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=13044[/url] I want a t-shirt! HUGH
  18. What strings are you on at the mo? More tension, i.e. heavier strings, will apply more pull on the neck and may well work. Otherwise I'd guess you're off to the repairman for a fingerboard re-glue or steaming or somesuch. I'd go for the strings! The other good thing with heavier strings is that they flap less, so you can actually get a much slinkier action using them. HUGH
  19. More of a jazz bass but looking very Ib. Need an Ibanez specialist! HUGH
  20. Another possibility is to get an unlined fretless (yes, I know, just lose the fear!) and shift the bridge. As an experiment I did that with a de-fretted - hence lined - Squier Jazz last year, and it worked well. You just had to keep your eyes shut to play it. Overwater do 35" and 36".. obviously not budget basses, but you can really tell the difference for the increase in length. Ask them.. they have their own forum on here. HUGH
  21. Eyup, We've dealt a fair bit with Picato.. had quite a few custom sets from them, including bass strings as low as 0.020" I'm using their flatwounds at the mo, including a 5-string double ball set they started to make as a custom for me Could be worth a try. HUGH
  22. Hi there, The shop where I work does La Bella Super Steps: [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/product_info.php/products_id/4361"]http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/produ...roducts_id/4361[/url] in which even the G is tapered. HUGH
  23. [quote name='Russ' post='400313' date='Feb 4 2009, 07:10 PM']You can now get *your* bass for less than the price of a US Fender.[/quote] This is actually a really good point, Russ. Now we've lost the advantageous USD rate and the Euro and Yen have gone the same way and worse, this is a really good time to be looking at British made gear. A hiscox case, just as a basic example, is now only about 2 quid more than its Chinese 'equivalent. I know which one I can tap dance (well..) on in front of a customer. Obviously I don't advise tap dancing on a bespoke bass guitar, but it could provide your band with that elusive Unique Selling Point:D HUGH
  24. [quote name='TheRev' post='399829' date='Feb 4 2009, 11:55 AM']Welcome to the club mate! You'll never look back plus you'll be inundated with offers of gigs. There is something that is just so satisfying about playing upright bass - I can't quite put my finger on it. It's just so much more involved - all your effort and concentration goes into making each note sound just right.[/quote] Nice one Jez, I second all the above, and have you started to notice that when you walk in carrying such an instrument folks actually seem pleased to see you? HUGH
  25. [quote name='Steve_K' post='866' date='May 17 2007, 08:47 PM']Oh cool, good idea My Custom Status S2 Specs: S2 Classic Through Neck Headless 5 String, EADGC Board 302 Walnut/Utile back, "MooWood" front (Spalted Siberian Ash, we believe) Black Hardware [/quote] Gorgeous.. would love a go on such a one! HUGH
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