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Brother Jones

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Everything posted by Brother Jones

  1. I used to own this bass and it's lovely. No issues, solid as a rock, versatile and fast.
  2. I've played quite a few, and have yet to experience a Mex that didn't feel dead and 'lumpy'. A second-hand Jap is almost always a better bet.
  3. Can't believe this is still here. I really, really miss my RV5. Sadowsky + Eden = lovely sounds.
  4. Do stacked pots actually change the sound of the bass much? I always liked the look of them... Oh, and are the maple necks on US Jazzes laquered these days? That one looks unlaquered, which is the one thing that annoys me slightly about my Sadowsky.
  5. [quote name='owen' post='485452' date='May 11 2009, 11:39 PM']We both read the same interview in IM+RW. I know I need to get out more. Perhaps you do as well [/quote] Well...yes I do, but in fact I remember it from the Fingerbone ads in the mid-eighties rather than "IM+RW"... molan if this hangs around much longer and if my Zon goes soon you will be receiving a PM from me.
  6. [quote name='owen' post='484506' date='May 10 2009, 07:18 PM']As Robbie Shakespeare once said about a bass he was using at the time "this bass is many many more wicked".[/quote] A Fingerbone Fastback, I believe. Now there's a bass you don't see very often. Anyhow, this is a very, very tempting Overwater. So tempting in fact that I, no...must...resist....
  7. You need to use it a little differently to the cut/boost pre's most of us are used to. The point is that the passive sound of the bass is so good that the pre just adds a little extra if you need it. I think they started adding the VTC as standard because, coming from cut/boost circuits, some people thought the Sado pre was too 'pushy'.
  8. What a beautiful instrument. Don't see many of these. Surprising that there was never any legal trouble between Ashley and John Diggins.
  9. Bump. I will take offers on this....
  10. Very, very, very nice.
  11. What a beautiful amp. Looks like a design classic. Wish I lived further north.
  12. A few people (me included) used to like the 'third way', especially on Jazzes, which was to have active pups (often EMGs) but without any active output gubbins. Got the best Jazz sounds I ever produced from that set up.
  13. Bump. Absolute have a second-hand one of these up at...£1895 btw...
  14. [quote name='noelk27' post='473568' date='Apr 27 2009, 06:05 PM']I always understood the situation to be that Fender has never had manufacturing facilities in Japan, but licensed to a consortium consisting of Yamano and Kanda Shokai. This consortium appointed FujiGen to manufacture instruments, under a contract which stipulated FujiGen's exclusivity to use the Made in Japan mark. Circa '92, when Dyna were awarded a standalone manufacturing contract the Crafted in Japan mark appeared, the MIJ continuing until circa '96 when Dyna and Tokai took over all manufacturing (although returning in recent years, under a new contract with FujiGen). As for exporting, again, I always understood the situation to be that this was the subject of contractual stipulations, and that FujiGen was allowed to export. Circa '84, after CBS sold Fender, FujiGen instruments were imported in the US and Europe. Dyna was also allowed to export while Tokai was not.[/quote] splutter
  15. Early Spandau, when they were contemporaries of the Sheffield synth bands, weren't too bad and Chant No.1 is evidence of that. I liked the sound of Kemp's Wal (serious GAS for one now...). However, while the line itself works well for the verse of the song, it's one of those ones that stays the same for the entire song. Bit unimaginative. And possible a bit boring to play, even if it is on a Wal....
  16. 'ABC' and 'I want you back' by the Jackson 5. Very similar lines, geat fun to play. Also 'I wish' by Stevie W. PS Never, ever try 'Sir Duke' live because [i]everyone[/i] will fluff the break....
  17. [quote name='muppethenry' post='469188' date='Apr 22 2009, 12:02 AM']+1 I just got a Metro this weekend - its hard to find enough phenomenal adjectives to describe it! Seriously though, i dont know if its just naieve but mine is literally the best bass (sound, feel, build) wise Ive ever touched; blows my Fender Mexico deluxe outta the water. I really cant work out why the guy sold it to me... oh wait... Its cus he had another Sadowsky! I reckon i should be paid to represent and sell them - I'd do it for free![/quote] [cringes]. Ah well. Hope you're enjoying it.
  18. Wow, nice. Is it a bolt-on or a through-neck?
  19. Quick progress report on this. I haven't done anything to the neck or the strings in almost a year, apart from wonder vaguely about trying flats on it. But the older the rounds on it get, the better it seems to sound. I've tweaked the set up just a tiny bit with the 45-105s and now it's perfect. Playing Jazz necks now feels almost weird - like picking up a toy...
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